Trevor Potts

Trevor Potts Games are now live for our test subjects.
Trevor vs Dave
Fiona vs Colin

We each have 6x9R games to play against Prune. Your aim is to reach 491 cumulative points in this round.

Once you have played your 6 games I will add one 9R game at a time until either you reach 491 or your opponent beats you to the checkout. If your cumulative score goves over 491, you have bust and your score reverts to where it was up to before you exceeded 491.

Once you reach 491 I will add Conundrum games in the doubles round for you to attempt checkout.

I've attempted to set up a mostly automated Google Sheets to track and add scores:

Good luck all and thanks for volunteering to test the tourney!

Trevor Potts

Trevor Potts oh shit I should specify, although it's unlikely to be relevant until 7th games are added:

If you are able to get to 491 before the conundrum in one of your 9R, you can check out on the conundrum on that game! So no need to use the doubles round if that's the case. That is just there to avoid people having to waste 9Rs to get to the con.

So if you're on a cumulative total of 491 during a 9R, please go for the conundrum!

Trevor Potts

Trevor Potts The victor is determined by the following criteria:

1 - Fewest 'darts' (games) before checking out wins
2 - If this is a tie, fewest in-game rounds to reach 491 wins.
3 - if still tied, fastest 'checkout' (final con solve)
4 - if still tied, fastest conundrum solve across the match
5 - if still tied, fastest aggregate conundrum solve time across the match (with unsolved cons counting as 30.0s)
6 - if still tied, most maxes scored across the match wins.
7 - if still tied, a 'nearest bull' tie-break match (H2H Conundrum x5) will be arranged to decide he match,

Trevor Potts

Trevor Potts Result in Game A: Dave beats Trevor. Both players hit 501 in 8 darts (games), but Dave managed to reach 491 in the fewest rounds (69 to Trevor's 72). Dave wins on criterion 2.

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall Something tells me there may have been a bit of testing / friendly match-fixing going on there :)

Trevor Potts

Trevor Potts It may look like that but nope. I very deliberately left myself 7 points to get on the last numbers in dart 7. And then got intrigued by a tricky round and forgot I wasn't meant to actually solve it 🤦 bust! Good luck in the final.

Trevor Potts

Trevor Potts Result in Game B: Fiona beats Colin. Again both players hit 501 in 8 darts but Fiona reached 491 in 64 rounds to Colin's 70. Fiona wins on criterion 2.

Your final will be Fiona vs Dave. Same rules as before. Good luck both!

Trevor Potts

Trevor Potts Apologies for the incorrect notes on your game Fiona!

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall Hey Trevor - Mr Brockwell just suggested in chat that maybe Master format could work quite well for this (LNC x 5). It gives increased conundrum double-out opportunities per game and also makes getting onto 491 (onto the double) a bit more of a challenge. Worth thinking about.

Fiona T

Fiona T Very close - the battle for "no glory" is on :D

Trevor Potts

Trevor Potts Thanks for the suggestion Dave! I'll do some testing. From what I've seen so far my priority with any format changes would be to increase the variability of number of darts required to reach 491.

I had considered mocktorun and do a round count but that would involve a lot of dumped rounds and be a ballache for me to count.

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall Yes, variability I think would increase with Masters I think as there'd be a chance to reach 491 and check out every three rounds.

Fiona T

Fiona T poop

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Trevor Potts

Trevor Potts Unlucky Fiona. But thanks for being a good guinea pig and giving me an excuse to use the doubles round.

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall Unless I miscalculated, I think I nailed it in R8.

Fiona T

Fiona T Get that bullseye application in!

Trevor Potts

Trevor Potts Correct! Dave is our test tourney champion, beating Fiona in the final by finishing on his 8th dart while Fiona still had 10 remaining after 8 darts.

Congrats Dave and thanks very much to you, Fiona, and Colin for testing the format. I'll play some Masters tonight to get a feel for the format and make a decision of Masters or 9R before launching the real tourney sign-up page.

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall Pleasure Trevor. Looking forward to it whichever way you decide to go.

Tourney round: testing WDC tourney idea: test round

test doubles round >>

Notes from the organizer: this is a test round only for pre-registered volunteers. see for details.

the game: you will be given an initial six 9R games to play vs Prune. Your goal is to score EXACTLY 501 points, finishing with a conundrum. After you have played 6 games you will be given an additional game until you have 'checked out'.

First player to 'check out' wins. A link to a spreadsheet will be provided to check progress once we have 2 or more players.

This is just a test round to check if the idea works. No glory for the winner but please still play properly so the test is an accurate reflection of how the real thing might work.

Ran from: 21 – 23 October 2024. Format: 9 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Trevor Potts.

Fixtures: 48. Completed: 48.

Results and fixtures

NotesPlayer 1Player 2Status
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneTrevor Potts0 – 62
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneTrevor Potts0 – 72
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneTrevor Potts0 – 71
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneTrevor Potts0 – 72
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneTrevor Potts0 – 94
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneTrevor Potts0 – 65
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 81
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 61
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 66
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 60
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 55
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 61
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneFiona T0 – 80
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneFiona T0 – 68
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneFiona T0 – 59
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneFiona T0 – 85
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneFiona T0 – 67
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneFiona T0 – 53
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneColin Thompson0 – 58
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneColin Thompson0 – 63
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneColin Thompson0 – 62
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneColin Thompson0 – 68
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneColin Thompson0 – 75
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneColin Thompson0 – 60
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneTrevor Potts0 – 68
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneTrevor Potts0 – 65
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneColin Thompson0 – 62
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneColin Thompson0 – 53
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 66
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game AApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 51
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneFiona T0 – 77
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneFiona T0 – 12
Deadline 30/10/24 - Game CApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 58
Deadline 30/10/24 - Game CApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 68
Deadline 30/10/24 - Game CApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 69
Deadline 30/10/24 - Game CApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 69
Deadline 30/10/24 - Game CApterous PruneDave Kempshall10 – 48
Deadline 30/10/24 - Game CApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 61
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneFiona T0 – 68
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneFiona T0 – 78
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneFiona T0 – 66
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneFiona T0 – 59
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneFiona T0 – 64
Deadline 29/10/24 - Game BApterous PruneFiona T0 – 57
Deadline 30/10/24 - Game CApterous PruneFiona T0 – 66
Deadline 30/10/24 - Game CApterous PruneFiona T0 – 33
Deadline 30/10/24 - Game CApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 69
Deadline 30/10/24 - Game CApterous PruneDave Kempshall0 – 59

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

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