Dan Southwell

Dan Southwell It's been fun! I fear the end is nigh... :(

Sarah Binns

Sarah Binns Wow I didn't know I was still in this

Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford maybe not!

Matthew Brockwell

Matthew Brockwell Trevor and Sean failed to play, and the shiny 2p I tossed eliminated Sean!

Dan Southwell

Dan Southwell Blimey!

Tourney round: Hunger Games: Round 12 - Octorock

<< Round 11 - Goatdown | Round 13 - Hyper >>

Notes from the organizer: This time conundrums are 8 letters, and there is not the filtering that is in place in normal, so you may get quite obscure words!

Link to standings:

Ran from: 5 – 9 December 2024. Format: Octorock Conundrum Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Brockwell.

Fixtures: 8. Completed: 7.

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