Andy SC To opt-in for all four Grand Slam tournaments nice this comment. Anybody that nices the comment will be assumed to wanting to enter all four Grand Slams. | |
Andy SC t seems that I can't see everybody that has niced the comment. If you could either leave a comment or send me an aptomail stating that you wish to opt-in to all four Grand Slam tournaments. I do have the names of all the ones that have niced the comment already. | |
Andy SC Actually ignore the above comment. Found a way that I can see the names of everybody that has niced the first comment. | |
Stephen Elsley Hi Andy, before I sign up, can you just confirm please if all 5 games have to be played all in one go? Thanks | |
Andy SC @Stephen - Firstly, it could be 3, 4 or 5 games that you have to play against your opponent. As for playing it in one go, that would ultimately up to the two players to agree. Some might prefer to get it all done in one go, whereas others might prefer not to. Generally as long as it's played and completed within the deadline I would be happy. |
Notes from the organizer: I've decided to go with the option of running the Grand Slam tournaments.
Each Grand Slam will be run to the same format - Standard 15 Best-of-5 straight knockout with two weeks to play each game from when they become available. To make things more interesting, each Grand Slam draw will be completely random.
I'll be keeping an overall tournament standings like the ATP rankings from last year and then do some sort of finals based on the results from the four grand slam tournaments.
Each Grand Slam tournament will be run one after another. So if you want to opt-in to all four grand slam tournaments please nice the comment in the comments section to save you having to enter each tournament separately.
If you have any questions please ask.
Runs from: 11 – 24 January 2025. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: Best-of-5. Approved.
Fixtures: 0. Completed: 0.
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