Tourney round: Fudgeathon: Numbers: Group B

<< Numbers: Group A | Numbers: Group C >>

Notes from the organizer: As I expected, the numbers one was the most popular. I've got six Instant Numbers Attacks for you: each round is guaranteed to be possible here, but you have no time to solve it. You must show your working this instant, boy.

Winning a game is 2 points, a draw is 1 point, a loss by 10 gets you half a point.
Tiebreakers are: game points; games played; point difference; points scored.

The groups are a little bit bigger here, so finishing in the top 5 will bag you a knockout place. The best eight players will start in the Upper Bracket, with a safety net if they lose a game, and the other seven will start in the Lower Bracket, with a more perilous way to the final.

Got a points system in place as well: you'll earn 1–5 Fudge Points™ from each tournament (L/N/C) depending on your position in the groups, and extra FPs will be available depending on your KO performance too. The players with the most FPs will join the three tourney winners in the Fudge Finals in May.


That's us I think — jee ell jee ell!!

Runs from: 17 February – 31 March 2025. Format: Instant Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Perry Sarb.

Fixtures: 21. Completed: 14.

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