Damian McEvoy

Damian McEvoy Task completed 5 days ahead of schedule - truly unbridled enthusiasm from The Candidates!

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Ravi Choudhary

Ravi Choudhary After Perry Sarb scoring 102 in his game and leaving 15V with an average of 100.87, that meant that for Jase, Matthew and Richard to win this task for Triple A+, they would have to score 330 points between themselves, averaging 110 points per player.

Despite scoring 296 points (103 + 92 + 101 for Jase, Matthew and Richard respectively), winning this task for Triple A+ was impossible, as the combined metamaxes for their games add up to 327 points (110 + 109 + 108 for Jase, Matthew and Richard respectively).

For Triple A+ to win this task, they would need Perry to score less than 69 points.

Perry got 71 points after spotting Bezoar in Round 11 and ensured victory for 15V.

Perry Sarb

Perry Sarb I love your wee reports Ravi please keep them up

Ravi Choudhary

Ravi Choudhary Thank you PS and FWIW getting the target of 96 in Round 14 of your game made it impossible for Triple A+ to win this task.

Martin Thomas

Martin Thomas Ben had the lowest score in the Boardroom.

Therefore, thank you for playing but

👉 Ben, you're fired!

Ben Bazzard

Ben Bazzard A horrifically low score! Back to the day job with my dreams of working alongside Martin helping him to run his empire in shatters.
Good luck team and thanks Martin for a fun tournament :)

Tourney round: The Apprentice: Task 5 (Goatdown Jnr 15)

<< Task 4 (Nice LA) | Task 6 (Octorock LA) >>

Notes from the organizer: Your fifth task will be a Goatdown Junior 15 against Prune.

The team-leader and two lowest scorers from the losing team will be invited to the Boardroom. Anyone tied for a lowest score will also be invited.

Good Luck!

The spreadsheet is at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IBD8UU-EavPloDosHEFoxkPQ1jRaV4c0sc0fGq-Gdw4/edit?usp=sharing

Ran from: 16 – 19 March 2025. Format: Goatdown Jnr. 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Martin Thomas.

Fixtures: 32. Completed: 32.

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