Sarah  M

Sarah M i'm so sorry again but i'm so bad at number and i thought i had to use all the numbers. i promise i won't enter anymore tournament again :(

Ravi Choudhary

Ravi Choudhary Sarah, don't be too hard on yourself - we all make mistakes from time to time. I know - I made plenty on here myself!

So keep on entering tournaments - I'm sure you'll be enjoying them more and more from now on.

Sarah  M

Sarah M people are already annoyed i'm still in this and then i do really badly like this :(

Ravi Choudhary

Ravi Choudhary I'm really surprised about that - best to ignore them.

Sarah  M

Sarah M :(

Fiona T

Fiona T I'm not the only one bewildered by where Sarah has got this impression from. Unless she's had private messages, literally the only thing I can see is that I put a sad face when Fi was fired. Being (superficially) sad that someone I like is fired is an entirely standalone thing and not intended to pass any opinion on the teammates (including myself!) who were not fired!

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall I have asked this question in a previous round Fiona but no light was shed. Sarah - unless someone has made a private comment saying as such (which I find hard to believe anyone would) then I think you’re somehow getting the wrong impression. If it was Fiona’s unhappy face at Fi being fired, then you’re definitely reading something from nothing there because, as Fiona has said, that had nothing to do with you.

I fail to see a reason why anyone would be annoyed by you (or anyone specifically) still being in the tournament. The reality is the same as every tournament, we will all have some good rounds, then some bad rounds… and then Tom C wins (Tom, that was just a joke and in no way me expressing annoyance at you still being the tournament :)).

Damian McEvoy

Damian McEvoy (Because I don't want to be on Death Row for 5 more days.....) Andrew! Richard! Steven! Where *are* you? Let's be having you!

David Holmes

David Holmes I think it would take some pretty remarkable results to shift the averages enough to save 15V at this late stage. Though stats guru Ravi can probably confirm.

Ravi Choudhary

Ravi Choudhary Thank you, David. This is how it stands:

If the players on Triple A+, who have already played, scored an extra 78 points (except Dave, Matthew and Tom), then the averages of Triple A+ and 15V would match if Richard, Steven and Andrew don’t play (2244/15 = 149.6).

So for Triple A+, one of Richard or Steven must play first of the three left, and that player not only has to overcome that 78 pt deficit, but then make more points beyond that. The extra amount would provide a buffer for their teammate against Andrew.

I.e. Whatever Andrew scores, Steven and Richard combined must match his score and add more than 78 pts for Triple A+ to win – less than 78 pts, 15V wins.

For averages tied, I defer to Lord Thomas.

Sarah  M

Sarah M Fiona and David, yes it was the unhappy face that I took to be that everyone was unhappy that the other Fiona was taken out of the tourney and i was still in it. I just don't feel very liked on here. The last couple of times I have played there have been players seeking a game but yet my challenges get ignored and when I try to get involved in public chat i'm ignored and then i do really badly in this round so i felt bad i was still in the competition.

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall Ok, sorry you feel that Sarah, but for certain you've read too much into Fiona's comment. In terms of challenges, I can say for one that I spend so much time with Seeking accidentally turned on that if it's ever been me then please don't think I've not accepted intentionally. it's quite prevalent I think for people to have Seeking still switched on when they have actually been distracted by the doorbell, or work or family stuff, so again, I wouldn't pay too much attention to that either. In terms of chat, I would assume that again, this isn't intentional either. For your own enjoyment of the site I would recommend trying not to read too much into any of these things. They happen and will often have the most simple and innocent explanation. If you assume the worst with this stuff, then you will feel downbeat for no reason, so try and assume the best instead if you can as it's almost definitely always the case I would expect.

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Sarah  M

Sarah M thank you Dave for your comment

Ravi Choudhary

Ravi Choudhary This is the situation as it stands:

After Richard scored 161, Steven has an 83 point advantage over Andrew.

It means if Steven were to score more than 117 points, Triple A+ wins the task, regardless of how Andrew performs
(max game = 200 = 117+83).

For 15V to win, Andrew would need to score more than Steven by at least 84 points, provided Steven scores less than 117 points.

If neither player plays, Triple A+ will be the victors as they have the higher average.

Ravi Choudhary

Ravi Choudhary With Andrew scoring less than 83 points in his game, Triple A+ win the task without Steven needing to play.

Martin Thomas

Martin Thomas Andrew had the lowest score in the Boardroom.

Therefore, thank you for playing but

👉 Andrew, you're fired!

Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith Thank you for the opportunity, Lord Thomas

Tourney round: The Apprentice: Task 7 (Aegilops NA)

<< Task 6 (Octorock LA) | Task 8 (Speed 15) >>

Notes from the organizer: Your seventh task will be an Aegilops Numbers Attack against Prune.

Rules are the same as the normal game, but the large numbers can be any value from 11 to 99. Scoring is Stepdown-style, i.e. 10 points for a perfect solution, 9 for one away and so on.

The team-leader and two lowest scorers from the losing team will be invited to the Boardroom. Anyone tied for a lowest score will also be invited.

Good Luck!

The spreadsheet is at

Ran from: 23 – 27 March 2025. Format: Aegilops Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Martin Thomas.

Fixtures: 30. Completed: 30.

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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