Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams No two-letter pencils have been awarded, even for Omelette. Surprising.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison so presume that's bayfield down there with the world's longest ever pencil?

Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson Who got the only Greek pencil?

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Anglo of course :)

Matt Hamer

Matt Hamer Oddly enough Charlie, I tried a few games of Jr Goatdown specifically to get a 2-ltr pencil, but could never get a suitably unfriendly selection of letters to manage it.

By the way, I'm not sure the lengths of those pencils in Greek and Russian and German is correct - I think the "Umlauted/non-English characters counting as two characters" effect is in force here. For instance, Anglo's Greek pencil was for a 7-ltr word, not a 14-ltr word.

Matt Hamer

Matt Hamer And yes Matt, that's me with the 22- and 20-ltr pencils in Dutch. I'm fairly sure the 19-ltr pencil in ODE is also mine (for DISINTERESTEDNESSES), so I have 3 of the longest 4 pencils awarded (at time of writing). Pleased with that...

Matt Hamer

Matt Hamer I stand corrected - Lloyd actually has the pencil for DISINTERESTEDNESSES. I don't think pencils for v long words were working properly when I declared the same word as a max 3 months earlier that Lloyd (see Incidentally, for those curious, there may have been a reent development on the subject of 2-ltr pencils...

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Well spotted by the Human Umlaut, now fixed.

Marc Meakin

Marc Meakin Wonder what comination of letters could produce an OED 2?

Lloyd Pet

Lloyd Pet I have the longest English Pencil with unostentatiousnesses rock and roll!

Ian Volante

Ian Volante I'm not sure there is one Marc, even playing goat. Would have to be ridiculously bad consonants and UU probably.

Kieran Child

Kieran Child UUUUXKWQ (select Q)

Ian Volante

Ian Volante I'm not sure there is one Marc, even playing goat. Would have to be ridiculously bad consonants and UU probably.

Kieran Child

Kieran Child UUUUXKWQ (select Q)

Marc Meakin

Marc Meakin xu

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams There have been five ODE games with a 2 as a max, all five were Omelette and all five times the max was XU. Oddly enough. Here's one for your amusement:

Marc Meakin

Marc Meakin unwaxed should have been allowed. in that game.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard XU all wrapped up thanks to Unlimited Jnr. XI and QI were alternative pencils.

Matt Hamer

Matt Hamer It's a ridiculous "word", but this table now needs to be extended to 26-letter pencils...

Matt Hamer

Matt Hamer The first 21-letter English language pencil:

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Is there a Hebrew variant coming? Because there's a column in the table...

Joe Denniss

Joe Denniss I don't believe an English word longer than 21 letters is possible unless Charlie creates "Ultra Unlimited" with 12 letters in the selections.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard It is in Aegilops and maybe Omelette too. E.g. PCCCC in Aegilops would give the darrenic max PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS. Obviously that selection wouldn't come out, but somehow it must be possible for a word of more than 21 letters to be pencilled in.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Who knows what the future may bring :D

Marc Meakin

Marc Meakin nasty aegilops maybe.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Aegilops yielding a 45-letter max:

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Table needs to be extended again:

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard 67332/136981 English (ODE) words have been pencilled. Almost half-way done.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams More than that, if you count all the words which are valid in ODE but were pencilled in another dictionary.

Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson And yet the silver pencil still hasn't arrived...

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams :) I think I'll bring the silver pencil out when the number awarded drops below 10 a day.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Matt stretches the length column to 58:

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Very close between Portuguese and German. Even closer between Spanish and Dutch. Also, it looks like in the year from 19/09/2010 (see comment above) there will still have been around 10,000 English (ODE) words pencilled.

Ian Volante

Ian Volante Sometimes a 1 an be a max. Pretty rarely!

Chris Hare

Chris Hare One-letter Russian pencil:

Mark D

Mark D 12,985 ODE sixes have now been pencilled. Particularly impressive given than there's only 12,766 valid ones.

Show all comments
Matt Hamer

Matt Hamer Mark: Could this page be including pencils which have subsequently been made available for pencilling again, e.g. due to players having cheated?

Mark D

Mark D Sure. And pencilled words now no longer valid. I just liked it as an achievement :)

Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson Most likely two people pencilled the same word at the same time and it was credited as two pencils.

Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness So am I right in thinking there's only one unpencilled 3?!

Pretty sure I pencilled one not that long ago...

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns 14 according to - I guess because some are in multiple languages

Major places

See also: list of all Statland pages.

Statland: Pencils by language and length

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