Games from 2025-02-03

Games played: 773. Players: 159 (not including bots).

Contestant 1ScoreContestant 2Format
Florence C-L8 - 7The GuardianCustom Normal English
Mr DogTD 10Ian WrayCustom Dogfight English
Apterous Prune0 - 30Anthony EndsorBullet Conundrum Attack Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 152Tom CapplemanLetters Attack Normal English
The Guardian8 - 7Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Kieran Bray56 - 59Ned Telling9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Waldorf54 - 125Judith Young15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Caesar110 - 90Ben SNice Conundrum Attack Nice English
Ian Wray104 - 101Anthony Endsor15 Rounder Normal English
Florence C-L6 - 8The GuardianCustom Normal English
The Guardian95 - 92Chris HareCustom Octorock English
James Sinclair [C]42 - 33Ross AllattCustom Normal English
Tom Cappleman172 - 0Apterous PruneLetters Attack Normal English
Robert Ryan63 - 58Marian Maccormack15 Rounder Normal English
Joseph Henry65 - 115Fiona T15 Rounder Normal English
Joaquin Sporleder125 - 0Apterous PruneGoat Attack Goatdown English
The Guardian8 - 3Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Kieran Bray54 - 46Ben S9 Rounder Normal English
Judith Young86 - 66Apterous Waldorf15 Rounder Normal English
Ned Telling106 - 52Perry Sarb15 Rounder Normal English
Florence C-L6 - 8The GuardianCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 144Tom CapplemanLetters Attack Normal English
The DuellistDuelIan WrayCustom Beanstalk English
The Guardian8 - 4Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Sarah Binns17 - 73Anthony Endsor9 Rounder Normal English
Sherpa Shilty70 - 70Ben SConundrum Attack Normal English
Florence C-L6 - 7The GuardianCustom Normal English
Steve Redfern [C]24 - 117Tim JamesCustom Normal English
Elwin Carlos118 - 59Joseph Henry15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 117Brett Davids15 Rounder Normal English
Marian Maccormack62 - 99Robert Ryan15 Rounder Normal English
The Guardian65 - 120Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Joel Salkin [C]38 - 58Mike LeeCustom Normal English
The DuellistDuelAndrew SmithCustom Beanstalk English
Brian Huang62 - 92Ned Telling15 Rounder Normal English
Toby Byfield55 - 49Anthony Endsor9 Rounder Normal English
Lawrence Pearse [C]38 - 68Mike LeeCustom Normal English
Apterous Waldorf47 - 100Judith Young15 Rounder Normal English
James Kennedy [C]62 - 117Tim JamesCustom Normal English
Sid CC54 - 63Darren Godfrey9 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelEuan CrabbCustom Beanstalk English
Florence C-L42 - 42The GuardianCustom Normal English
Perry Sarb88 - 63Ben S15 Rounder Normal English
Damo Banks53 - 81Anan Nathan15 Rounder Normal English
Gym Lad20 - 6Brett DavidsCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 160Mike LeeInstant Numbers Attack Instant English
The Guardian54 - 28Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Ashwin Abinashi [C]56 - 95Samuel LouisCustom Normal English
Ciaran M106 - 104Gerry Tynan15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelFraser AllattCustom Beanstalk English
The Guardian72 - 82Ravi ChoudharyCustom Hyper English
The DuellistDuelKeith WilliamsCustom Beanstalk English
Florence C-L14 - 14The GuardianCustom Normal English
Stanley Ward [C]17 - 55Tim JamesCustom Normal English
Anthony Endsor108 - 77Darren Godfrey15 Rounder Normal English
Anan Nathan77 - 86Samuel Louis15 Rounder Normal English
Joseph Henry23 - 91Damo Banks15 Rounder Normal English
Judith Young96 - 82Apterous Waldorf15 Rounder Normal English
Sid CC48 - 37Matt Gould9 Rounder Normal English
Colin Thompson80 - 30Apterous PruneSpeed Conundrum Attack Normal English
Melvin Hetherington [C]29 - 65Tim JamesCustom Normal English
Chris Hare102 - 94The GuardianCustom Normal CSW
The Guardian13 - 10Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 891Gerry TynanMocktorun Normal English
Perry Sarb80 - 94Ciaran M15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelJim GoloboyCustom Beanstalk English
Colin Thompson66 - 115Apterous Prime15 Rounder Normal English
Chris Hare135 - 0Apterous PruneNice Letters Attack Nice English
Apterous Waldorf47 - 102Judith Young15 Rounder Normal English
Sid CC47 - 73Ned Telling9 Rounder Normal English
Samuel Louis61 - 83Matt Gould15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune10 - 85Robin M15 Rounder Normal English
Darren Godfrey108 - 106Anthony Endsor15 Rounder Normal English
Brian Huang87 - 65Anan Nathan15 Rounder Normal English
Florence C-L9 - 14The GuardianCustom Normal English
Joseph Henry45 - 65Ben Wallers15 Rounder Normal English
Ravi Choudhary63 - 81The GuardianCustom Hyper English
Apterous Prune0 - 143Chris HareNice Letters Attack Nice English
Robin M114 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Judith Young90 - 35Apterous Waldorf15 Rounder Normal English
Perry Sarb52 - 0Apterous Prune9 Rounder Normal English
The Guardian13 - 8Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Sherpa Shilty0 - 180Tim DownConundrum Attack Normal English
The Guardian49 - 35Jon StammersCustom Junior English
Ciaran M92 - 82Ian Linton15 Rounder +TB Normal English
Anthony Endsor70 - 103Darren Godfrey15 Rounder Normal English
Steven Harding98 - 108Mark Jeary-Fairbairn15 Rounder Normal English
Chris Hare134 - 0Apterous PruneNice Letters Attack Nice English
Joseph Henry64 - 79Annie Gallagher15 Rounder Normal English
Sherpa Shilty10 - 170Tim DownConundrum Attack Normal English
Perry Sarb48 - 56Toby Byfield9 Rounder Normal English
Florence C-L10 - 13The GuardianCustom Normal English
Sherpa Shilty180 - 10Anan NathanConundrum Attack Normal English
The Guardian80 - 44Ravi ChoudharyCustom Hyper English
Tim Davies [C]78 - 70Jan LarssonCustom Normal English
Ned Telling94 - 93Matt Gould15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 134Chris HareNice Letters Attack Nice English
Jon Stammers65 - 37The GuardianCustom Junior English
Steven Baldock47 - 55Edan Robertson9 Rounder Normal English
The Guardian13 - 12Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Mr DogTD 5Samuel LouisCustom Dogfight English
David Stanford [C]45 - 100Ross AllattCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 102Judith Young15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelJonny DCustom Beanstalk English
Sherpa Shilty10 - 180Tim DownConundrum Attack Normal English
Sarah M76 - 89Samuel Louis15 Rounder Normal English
Ian Linton99 - 104Fiona T15 Rounder Normal English
Florence C-L11 - 14The GuardianCustom Normal English
Ciaran M42 - 41Gav Grace9 Rounder Normal English
Adam Nicholas Jones190 - 0Apterous PruneNice Numbers Attack Nice English
Apterous Rex578 - 570Jack WorsleyCustom Goatdown English
Apterous Prune0 - 167Tim DownNumbers Attack Normal English
Darren Godfrey83 - 96Anthony Endsor15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Plum33 - 27Philip AstonBerserk 9 Normal English
Toni M114 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Toni M109 - 86Graham Wheldon15 Rounder Normal English
Mark Jeary-Fairbairn99 - 91Steven Harding15 Rounder Normal English
Jon Stammers75 - 85Nick Martin15 Rounder Normal English
Johnmorga Morgan92 - 78J LawganNumbers Attack Normal English
Edan Robertson90 - 80Ben Wallers15 Rounder +TB Normal English
Toby Byfield62 - 61Matt Gould9 Rounder Normal English
Tim Reypert [C]75 - 87Ross AllattClassic 15 Normal English
Gav Grace56 - 105Ned Telling15 Rounder Normal English
Jason Turner102 - 70Ian Linton15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelCiaran MCustom Beanstalk English
Jack Worsley219 - 227Apterous RexGoat Attack Goatdown English
Sarah M45 - 105Ben Bazzard15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 200Adam Nicholas JonesJunior Numbers Attack Junior English
The DuellistDuelTim DownCustom Beanstalk English
Ravi Choudhary24 - 59The GuardianCustom Hyper English
Anthony Endsor93 - 81Darren Godfrey15 Rounder Normal English
Dylan Taylor164 - 188Apterous RexNumbers Attack Normal English
Dave Kempshall108 - 91Matt Gould15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Rex16 - 8Jack WorsleyCustom Goatdown English
Jack Worsley51 - 57Apterous RexCustom Goatdown English
Apterous Rex253 - 245Jack WorsleyCustom Goatdown English
Tal Lessner150 - 7Apterous PlumBullet Hyper Numbers Attack Hyper English
Steven Harding37 - 79Samuel Louis9 Rounder Normal English
Elizabeth Beer187 - 0Apterous PruneNumbers Attack Normal English
Adam Nicholas Jones190 - 0Apterous PruneJunior Numbers Attack Junior English
Graham Wheldon100 - 84Toni M15 Rounder Normal English
Jack Worsley120 - 138Apterous RexCustom Goatdown English
Sherpa Shilty0 - 130Ravi ChoudharyConundrum Attack Normal English
Ned Telling115 - 53Gav Grace15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prime87 - 140Rahul SureshCustom Hyper Nasty English
Apterous Rex58 - 50Jack WorsleyCustom Goatdown English
Grant Watson [C]69 - 95Jason TurnerClassic 15 Normal English
Jack Worsley156 - 174Apterous RexCustom Goatdown English
Elwin Carlos108 - 97Ben Bazzard15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 93Nick Martin15 Rounder Normal English
Steven Harding35 - 74Toby Byfield9 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelAnthony EndsorCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Rex582 - 575Jack WorsleyCustom Goatdown English
Apterous Prune0 - 178Elizabeth BeerNumbers Attack Normal English
Apterous Rex190 - 174Dylan TaylorGoat Attack Goatdown English
J Lawgan60 - 132Johnmorga MorganNumbers Attack Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 110Robin M15 Rounder Normal English
Graham Wheldon86 - 97Sarah M15 Rounder Normal English
Ben H62 - 23Steven Harding9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Plum59 - 102Matt OC15 Rounder Normal English
The Guardian13 - 8Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Apterous Waldorf72 - 67Captain Jack15 Rounder Normal English
Sherpa Shilty100 - 60Elwin CarlosConundrum Attack Normal English
Dylan Taylor188 - 204Apterous RexGoat Attack Goatdown English
The DuellistDuelRay WildingCustom Beanstalk English
Jack Worsley0 - 8Apterous RexCustom Goatdown English
The DuellistDuelPhil Lloyd-BushellCustom Beanstalk English
Elizabeth Beer178 - 0Apterous PruneNumbers Attack Normal English
The DuellistDuelIan VolanteCustom Beanstalk English
Ned Telling117 - 59Anan Nathan15 Rounder Normal English
Dan Spinks68 - 98Ben Bazzard15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 78Dave KempshallInstant 15 Instant English
Matt OC99 - 73Apterous Plum15 Rounder Normal English
Steven Harding75 - 15The GuardianCustom Junior English
The DuellistDuelPhil HannanCustom Beanstalk English
Sarah M73 - 42Sarah Binns15 Rounder Normal English
Florence C-L7 - 13The GuardianCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune70 - 100Nick WConundrum Attack Normal English
Ben Wallers75 - 98Trevor MacEoin15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune10 - 170Daniel FaceNice Conundrum Attack Nice English
The DuellistDuelSteven HardingCustom Beanstalk English
The Guardian13 - 11Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 178Elizabeth BeerNumbers Attack Normal English
Nick W160 - 10Apterous PruneConundrum Attack Normal English
Apterous Plum98 - 79Matt OC15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelColin ThompsonCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Prune0 - 105Ned Telling15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune30 - 150Nick WConundrum Attack Normal English
Florence C-L6 - 12The GuardianCustom Normal English
Sherpa Shilty30 - 60Dan SpinksConundrum Attack Normal English
Ned Telling123 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Matt OC110 - 66Apterous Plum15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 130Sarah MNice Conundrum Attack Nice English
Sarah Binns84 - 93Ben Wallers15 Rounder Normal English
Martin May [C]93 - 96Toni MClassic 15 Normal English
Trevor MacEoin101 - 87Sarah M15 Rounder Normal English
Nick W110 - 40Apterous PruneConundrum Attack Normal English
Elizabeth Beer161 - 0Apterous PruneNumbers Attack Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 94Ned Telling15 Rounder Normal English
The Guardian14 - 4Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Dan Spinks34 - 52Matty Artell9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune20 - 160Nick WConundrum Attack Normal English
Shai Jm0 - 28The GuardianCustom Normal English
Dave Kempshall71 - 0Apterous PruneInstant 15 Instant English
The Guardian14 - 17Shai JmCustom Normal English
Nick W130 - 50Apterous PruneConundrum Attack Normal English
Samuel Louis108 - 55Ben Wallers15 Rounder Normal English
Matt Gould72 - 98Ben Bazzard15 Rounder Normal English
Sarah M90 - 85Mark Jeary-Fairbairn15 Rounder Normal English
Florence C-L6 - 12The GuardianCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 182Elizabeth BeerNumbers Attack Normal English
Kevin Nelson101 - 89Fiona T15 Rounder Normal English
The Guardian14 - 7Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Kane Oliver156 - 0Apterous PruneNumbers Attack Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 96Dave KempshallInstant 15 Instant English
Samuel Louis84 - 93John George15 Rounder Normal English
Elizabeth Beer171 - 0Apterous PruneNumbers Attack Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 107Ben BazzardSpeed 15 Normal English
Ben Wallers45 - 103Mark Jeary-Fairbairn15 Rounder Normal English
Jason Turner9 - 9Matt GouldChampions League Normal English
Sarah M69 - 97Adam Blundred15 Rounder Normal English
Ben Bazzard97 - 0Apterous PruneSpeed 15 Normal English
The DuellistDuelJason TurnerCustom Beanstalk English
Ben Bazzard118 - 81Samuel Louis15 Rounder Normal English
Phil Hannan98 - 106Fiona T15 Rounder Normal English
John George49 - 36Steven Baldock9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 122Toni M15 Rounder Normal English
James Walters97 - 112Ben Bazzard15 Rounder Normal English
Fiona T29 - 23Ian LintonInstant 9 Instant English
Ben Wallers53 - 71Steven Baldock15 Rounder Normal English
Alex Williamson53 - 69Jack Worsley9 Rounder Normal English
Liam O56 - 56Perry Sarb9 Rounder Normal English
Anan Nathan71 - 88Kevin Nelson15 Rounder Normal English
Ian Linton105 - 95Fiona T15 Rounder Normal English
Tom Cappleman55 - 42Alex Williamson9 Rounder Normal English
Sherpa Shilty50 - 110Matty ArtellConundrum Attack Normal English
John George61 - 118Ben Bazzard15 Rounder Normal English
Liam O49 - 75Thomas Carey9 Rounder Normal English
Perry Sarb65 - 33Apterous CaesarSpeed 9 Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 128Anglo ItalianItalian Letters Attack Normal Italian
Sherpa Shilty50 - 80Matty ArtellConundrum Attack Normal English
Chris Betteridge [C]37 - 115Fiona TCustom Normal English
Thomas Carey90 - 111Tom Cappleman15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prime119 - 103Liam O15 Rounder Normal English
Matt Gould106 - 79Samuel Louis15 Rounder Normal English
Perry Sarb90 - 77Anan Nathan15 Rounder Normal English
Richard Hayward82 - 95Apterous Plum15 Rounder Normal English
Alex Williamson32 - 62Thomas Carey9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune10 - 112Kane Oliver15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 52Martin ThomasGreek 9 Normal Greek
Apterous Rex325 - 317Jack WorsleyCustom Goatdown English
Dave Kempshall96 - 0Apterous PruneInstant 15 Instant English
Ian Linton107 - 67Ben Bazzard15 Rounder Normal English
Anglo Italian149 - 0Apterous PruneItalian Letters Attack Normal Italian
Tom Cappleman131 - 95Thomas Carey15 Rounder Normal English
Sherpa Shilty0 - 130Matty ArtellConundrum Attack Normal English
Kane Oliver105 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Nude38 - 61Florian Gray15 Rounder Normal English
Martin Thomas29 - 0Apterous PruneGreek 9 Normal Greek
Jack Worsley48 - 55Apterous RexCustom Goatdown English
Apterous Prune20 - 50Damian McEvoySpeed Conundrum Attack Normal English
Apterous Rex160 - 152Jack WorsleyCustom Goatdown English
Perry Sarb99 - 59Richard Decker15 Rounder Normal English
Jack Worsley316 - 324Apterous RexCustom Goatdown English
Dave Dunford112 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Darren Godfrey51 - 68Thomas Carey9 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelDamian McEvoyCustom Beanstalk English
Trevor Potts120 - 74Thomas Carey15 Rounder Normal English
Philip Aston136 - 60Samuel Louis15 Rounder Normal English
Nick W76 - 108Apterous Prime15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 36Martin ThomasGreek 9 Normal Greek
Apterous Prune0 - 129Anglo ItalianItalian Letters Attack Normal Italian
Peter Etherington [C]62 - 90Richard HaywardCustom Normal English
Robin M126 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 116Kane Oliver15 Rounder Normal English
Darren Godfrey86 - 50Tom B9 Rounder Normal English
Martin Thomas39 - 0Apterous PruneGreek 9 Normal Greek
Ben Bazzard91 - 64John George15 Rounder Normal English
Elliott Mellor [C]96 - 69Samuel LouisCustom Normal English
Mr DogTD 6Alan O'SullivanCustom Dogfight English
Florian Gray40 - 62Apterous Nude15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelHerbert PlankCustom Beanstalk English
Kane Oliver130 - 10Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Richard Decker27 - 73Trevor Potts9 Rounder Normal English
Mr DogTD 11Ravi ChoudharyCustom Dogfight English
Mr DogTD 3Alan O'SullivanCustom Dogfight English
Perry Sarb111 - 96Tom B15 Rounder Normal English
Mr DogTD 7Alan O'SullivanCustom Dogfight English
The DuellistDuelJon StammersCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Prune10 - 100Alan O'Sullivan15 Rounder Normal English
Florence C-L10 - 12The GuardianCustom Normal English
Apterous Nude59 - 77Jon Stammers15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 100Kane Oliver15 Rounder Normal English
Matt OC98 - 8Apterous PruneInstant 15 Instant English
The Guardian14 - 9Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 93Florian Gray15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 95Matt OCSpeed 15 Normal English
The DuellistDuelAlan O'SullivanCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Prune0 - 48Perry SarbJunior 9 Rounder Junior English
Matt OC117 - 0Apterous PruneSpeed 15 Normal English
Kane Oliver91 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Perry Sarb58 - 10Apterous PruneJunior 9 Rounder Junior English
The DuellistDuelSuzy TurnerCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelGerry TynanCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Prune0 - 113Kane Oliver15 Rounder Normal English
Sid CC50 - 10Apterous Prune9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 102Perry SarbDeepdown Letters Attack Deepdown English
David O'Donnell [C]105 - 82Richard HaywardClassic 15 Normal English
The DuellistDuelSamuel AllanCustom Beanstalk English
Gerry Tynan47 - 0Apterous PruneJunior 9 Rounder Junior English
Trevor MacEoin71 - 82Anan Nathan15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 92Ben BazzardSpeed 15 Normal English
Alex R61 - 100Apterous Caesar15 Rounder Normal English
Kane Oliver109 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 53Sid CC9 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelCharlie HarrisonCustom Beanstalk English
Florence C-L11 - 12The GuardianCustom Normal English
Apterous Caesar82 - 41Alex R15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 79Gerry TynanJunior 9 Rounder Junior English
Derek Pollard [C]91 - 69Richard HaywardClassic 15 Normal English
Perry Sarb110 - 10Apterous PruneConundrum Attack Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 114Kane Oliver15 Rounder Normal English
Sid CC72 - 0Apterous Prune9 Rounder Normal English
The Guardian12 - 8Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Anan Nathan63 - 82John Carpenter15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 106Dave Dunford15 Rounder Normal English
Florence C-L8 - 13The GuardianCustom Normal English
Kane Oliver104 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelRahul SureshCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Rex43 - 26Perry Sarb5-rounder Normal English
Ian Linton30 - 40Patrick Thompson9 Rounder Normal English
Zohaib Rehan90 - 80Apterous PruneHyper Nasty Conundrum Attack Hyper Nasty English
Graham Wheldon94 - 72Richard Barnett15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune40 - 100Perry SarbConundrum Attack Normal English
Apterous Prime123 - 76Robin M15 Rounder Normal English
Dave Dunford90 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
The Guardian13 - 8Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Andy Platt [C]113 - 73Ian LintonCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 108Kane Oliver15 Rounder Normal English
Patrick Thompson71 - 41Angus W9 Rounder Normal English
Florence C-L11 - 12The GuardianCustom Normal English
Graham Wheldon84 - 70Michael Nicholson15 Rounder Normal English
The Guardian12 - 8Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Kane Oliver113 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Anan Nathan81 - 27Herks S15 Rounder Normal English
Sharon Gretton62 - 40The GuardianCustom Normal English
Angus W100 - 88Richard Barnett15 Rounder Normal English
Patrick Thompson83 - 30Florence C-L9 Rounder Normal English
Luke S11 - 8Dave KempshallChampions League Normal English
The DuellistDuelGeorge ArmstrongCustom Beanstalk English
Mr DogTD 3Clem FandangoCustom Dogfight English
Patrick Thompson45 - 44Nick W9 Rounder Normal English
Mr DogTD 7Clem FandangoCustom Dogfight English
Anan Nathan56 - 75Trevor MacEoin15 Rounder Normal English
Chris Hare200 - 0Apterous PruneJunior Numbers Attack Junior English
Mr DogTD 7Clem FandangoCustom Dogfight English
Apterous Prune0 - 109Kane Oliver15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune10 - 108Luke S15 Rounder Normal English
Mr DogTD 4Colin ThompsonCustom Dogfight English
Richard Barnett50 - 58Patrick Thompson9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prime123 - 59Nick W15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 155Clem FandangoNumbers Attack Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 200Chris HareNice Numbers Attack Nice English
Apterous Prune0 - 135Robin MOctorock Numbers Attack Octorock English
Heather Styles [C]82 - 81Richard HaywardClassic 15 Normal English
Nick W95 - 101Apterous Prime15 Rounder Normal English
Dan Byrom92 - 54Angus W9 Rounder Normal English
Kane Oliver102 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Chris Hare200 - 0Apterous PruneJunior Conundrum Attack Junior English
Trevor MacEoin150 - 10Apterous PruneNice Conundrum Attack Nice English
Sherpa Shilty10 - 130Clem FandangoConundrum Attack Normal English
Joseph Henry51 - 97Richard Barnett15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 190Chris HareJunior Conundrum Attack Junior English
Nick Martin110 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Tom B54 - 66Dan Byrom9 Rounder Normal English
Chris Hare200 - 0Apterous PruneNice Conundrum Attack Nice English
Sherpa Shilty30 - 140Clem FandangoConundrum Attack Normal English
Apterous Prune10 - 100Kane Oliver15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 94Dave KempshallInstant 15 Instant English
Apterous Prune0 - 200Chris HareConundrum Attack Normal English
Apterous Plum56 - 82Matt OC15 Rounder Normal English
Sherpa Shilty10 - 120Clem FandangoConundrum Attack Normal English
Steven Briers [C]79 - 72Andy ChristleyClassic 15 Normal English
Dave Kempshall84 - 0Apterous PruneInstant 15 Instant English
Apterous Prune20 - 80Matt OCAegilops Conundrum Attack Aegilops English
Kane Oliver110 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelBrendan WhitehurstCustom Beanstalk English
Sherpa Shilty20 - 150Clem FandangoConundrum Attack Normal English
Tom B44 - 43Angus W9 Rounder Normal English
Fred Reynolds [C]67 - 98Jan LarssonClassic 15 Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 101Dave KempshallInstant 15 Instant English
Apterous Prune0 - 88Jon ElmerSpoilage Numbers Attack Spoilage English
Matt OC99 - 86Apterous Plum15 Rounder Normal English
Sherpa Shilty0 - 110Clem FandangoConundrum Attack Normal English
Dave Kempshall99 - 0Apterous PruneInstant 15 Instant English
Apterous Prune80 - 90Zohaib RehanHyper Nasty Conundrum Attack Hyper Nasty English
Apterous Prune0 - 111Kane Oliver15 Rounder Normal English
Richard Decker67 - 95Kevin Nelson15 Rounder Normal English
Suzy Turner [C]108 - 88Jan LarssonCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 88Dave KempshallInstant 15 Instant English
Apterous Plum64 - 102Matt OC15 Rounder Normal English
Sherpa Shilty40 - 140Clem FandangoConundrum Attack Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 166Nick WNumbers Attack Normal English
Sherpa Shilty30 - 110Clem FandangoConundrum Attack Normal English
Matt OC97 - 75Apterous Plum15 Rounder Normal English
John George77 - 79Michael Nicholson15 Rounder Normal English
Sherpa Shilty30 - 150Clem FandangoConundrum Attack Normal English
Zohaib Rehan110 - 50Apterous PruneHyper Nasty Conundrum Attack Hyper Nasty English
Sherpa Shilty10 - 60Richard DeckerConundrum Attack Normal English
Apterous Nude62 - 70Adrian Fletcher15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune30 - 170Hazel DruryConundrum Attack Normal English
Dave Kempshall92 - 0Apterous PruneInstant 15 Instant English
Apterous Plum91 - 83Matt OC15 Rounder Normal English
Nick W178 - 0Apterous PruneNumbers Attack Normal English
Tal Lessner170 - 0Apterous PruneHypertouch Numbers Attack Hypertouch English
Matt Fife62 - 98Philip Aston15 Rounder Normal English
Sherpa Shilty80 - 80Elwin CarlosConundrum Attack Normal English
Anglo Italian123 - 0Apterous PruneItalian Letters Attack Normal Italian
Anglo Italian137 - 0Apterous PruneItalian Letters Attack Normal Italian
Hazel Drury170 - 30Apterous PruneConundrum Attack Normal English
Trevor MacEoin102 - 71Karl Prizeman15 Rounder Normal English
Hazel Drury70 - 33Matty Artell9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 178Nick WNumbers Attack Normal English
Adrian Fletcher85 - 26Apterous Nude15 Rounder Normal English
Jon Elmer53 - 0Apterous PruneSpoilage Numbers Attack Spoilage English
Dave C76 - 105Matt Fife15 Rounder Normal English
Alex Williamson99 - 10Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 117Matty ArtellAegilops Letters Attack Aegilops English
John George100 - 20Apterous PruneConundrum Attack Normal English
The DuellistDuelStephen RCustom Beanstalk English
Brett Davids91 - 88Adrian Fletcher15 Rounder Normal English
Karl Prizeman83 - 80Trevor MacEoin15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelAlex WilliamsonCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelJohn GeorgeCustom Beanstalk English
Dave C106 - 0Apterous PruneNumbers Attack Normal English
The DuellistDuelChris HareCustom Beanstalk English
Gav Grace61 - 93Apterous Plum15 Rounder Normal English
Brett Davids55 - 55Adrian Fletcher9 Rounder Normal English
Gav Grace20 - 61John George9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Caesar103 - 43Anan Nathan15 Rounder Normal English
Trevor MacEoin106 - 61Karl Prizeman15 Rounder Normal English
Brett Davids108 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 60Jon ElmerSpoilage Numbers Attack Spoilage English
Apterous Prune0 - 117Zohaib RehanInstant Letters Attack Instant English
Dave C90 - 100Brian Huang15 Rounder Normal English
Roger Peak133 - 0Apterous PruneJunior Letters Attack Junior English
Apterous Plum99 - 61Gav Grace15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelAndy LowinCustom Beanstalk English
Sherpa Shilty130 - 60Elwin CarlosConundrum Attack Normal English
Matt OC135 - 73Apterous Plum15 Rounder Normal English
Luke S116 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelBrian HuangCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelRoger PeakCustom Beanstalk English
Jon Elmer56 - 0Apterous PruneSpoilage Numbers Attack Spoilage English
Toni M106 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Sam Hughes46 - 25Apterous Nude9 Rounder Normal English
Gabriel Thallon73 - 0Apterous Prune9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 88Dave KempshallInstant 15 Instant English
Apterous Prune0 - 135Anglo ItalianItalian Letters Attack Normal Italian
Trevor MacEoin93 - 70James Walters15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelJon ElmerCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Prune0 - 67Gabriel Thallon9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Plum70 - 111Matt OC15 Rounder Normal English
Dave Kempshall67 - 0Apterous PruneInstant 15 Instant English
Florence C-L10 - 11The GuardianCustom Normal English
Ben Bazzard88 - 0Apterous PruneSpeed 15 Normal English
Gabriel Thallon150 - 10Apterous PruneConundrum Attack Normal English
Mr DogTD 11Fiona TCustom Dogfight English
Dave Kempshall54 - 0Apterous PruneInstant 15 Instant English
The DuellistDuelAngus WCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelMark Jeary-FairbairnCustom Beanstalk English
Mr DogTD 7Fiona TCustom Dogfight English
Anglo Italian141 - 0Apterous PruneItalian Letters Attack Normal Italian
Mr DogTD 13Ben BazzardCustom Dogfight English
Apterous Nude13 - 34Philip AstonBerserk 9 Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 120Roger PeakUnlimited Jnr Letters Attack Unlimited Jnr. English
The DuellistDuelTrevor MacEoinCustom Beanstalk English
James Walters77 - 101Philip Aston15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelFiona HCustom Beanstalk English
Mr DogTD 5Fiona TCustom Dogfight English
Sarah Binns90 - 10The GuardianCustom Normal CSW
Nick W140 - 40Apterous PruneConundrum Attack Normal English
Apterous Prime127 - 82Nick W15 Rounder Normal English
Kane Oliver153 - 0Apterous PruneNumbers Attack Normal English
Steve Turvey [C]87 - 65Sam ManojlovicClassic 15 Normal English
Mr DogTD 6Sarah BinnsCustom Dogfight English
Florian Gray75 - 84Apterous Waldorf15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelRichard DeckerCustom Beanstalk English
The Guardian65 - 71Sarah BinnsCustom Normal CSW
The DuellistDuelTrevor PottsCustom Beanstalk English
Gareth Williams [C]50 - 34Sam ManojlovicCustom Normal English
Josh Hurst102 - 94Adam Dexter15 Rounder Normal English
Gym Lad20 - 11Brett DavidsCustom Normal English
Apterous Plum84 - 101Rhys Jones15 Rounder Normal English
Sherpa Shilty10 - 70James JudgeConundrum Attack Normal English
Apterous Nude60 - 81Florian Gray15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 82Dave KempshallInstant 15 Instant English
Apterous Prune0 - 120Brett Davids15 Rounder Normal English
Dave Kempshall97 - 0Apterous PruneInstant 15 Instant English
Dave Kempshall7 - 0Apterous PruneInstant 15 Instant English
The Guardian14 - 6Florence C-LCustom Normal English
The DuellistDuelJosh HurstCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Prune0 - 46Sid CC9 Rounder Normal English
Florian Gray82 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Florence C-L5 - 15The GuardianCustom Normal English
Apterous Nude24 - 30Sam Hughes9 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelJoseph HenryCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Prune0 - 115Ben BazzardSpeed 15 Normal English
The Guardian12 - 9Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Ben Bazzard103 - 0Apterous PruneSpeed 15 Normal English
Florence C-L8 - 12The GuardianCustom Normal English
Jon Marsh [C]35 - 57Ross JeffriesCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 126Luke S15 Rounder Normal English
Gav Grace63 - 100Kevin Nelson15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 107Ben BazzardSpeed 15 Normal English
Apterous Velvet120 - 80Nick WConundrum Attack Normal English
Gregg Magee [C]44 - 61Sam ManojlovicCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 86Florian Gray15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 159Kane OliverNumbers Attack Normal English
The DuellistDuelRoss JeffriesCustom Beanstalk English
The Guardian13 - 6Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune60 - 110Nick WConundrum Attack Normal English
Andrew Hulme [C]122 - 78Kevin NelsonClassic 15 Normal English
Martina McColgan [C]34 - 66Tim JamesCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 134Liam OLetters Attack Normal English
The DuellistDuelLiam OCustom Beanstalk English
Florence C-L11 - 12The GuardianCustom Normal English
Nick W150 - 10Apterous PruneConundrum Attack Normal English
Mr DogTD 7Ben BazzardCustom Dogfight English
Apterous Prune20 - 170Nick WConundrum Attack Normal English
The Guardian15 - 8Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Jayne Wisniewski [C]86 - 70Sam ManojlovicClassic 15 Normal English
Apterous Waldorf70 - 66Philip Chapman15 Rounder Normal English
Nick W180 - 0Apterous PruneConundrum Attack Normal English
Apterous Plum8 - 4Owen CarrollChampions League Normal English
Florence C-L6 - 14The GuardianCustom Normal English
Sam Hughes45 - 23Apterous Nude9 Rounder Normal English
Nick W77 - 133Apterous Rex15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelToni MCustom Beanstalk English
Owen Carroll45 - 49Adam Dexter9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 164Tal LessnerNumbers Attack Normal English
David O'Donnell [C]106 - 81Kevin NelsonClassic 15 Normal English
The Guardian13 - 9Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Kane Oliver106 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Andy Platt [C]97 - 53Sam ManojlovicCustom Normal English
Nick W97 - 123Apterous Prime15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Nude4 - 9Owen CarrollChampions League Normal English
Florence C-L7 - 14The GuardianCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 65Martin ThomasGreek 9 Normal Greek
Sid CC71 - 0Apterous Prune9 Rounder Normal English
Matthew Brockwell95 - 0Apterous PruneSpeed 15 Normal English
Michael Nicholson76 - 91Graham Wheldon15 Rounder Normal English
Martin Thomas53 - 0Apterous PruneGreek 9 Normal Greek
Mr DogTD 7Matt FifeCustom Dogfight English
Apterous Prune0 - 69Sid CC9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 98Matthew BrockwellSpeed 15 Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 113Kane Oliver15 Rounder Normal English
Steve Anderson [C]42 - 97Samuel LouisCustom Normal English
The DuellistDuelMatthew BrockwellCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Prune0 - 44Martin ThomasGreek 9 Normal Greek
Graham Wheldon107 - 83Michael Nicholson15 Rounder Normal English
Mr DogTD 4Sam ManojlovicCustom Dogfight English
Mr DogTD 3Sam ManojlovicCustom Dogfight English
Apterous Prune30 - 160Dan ByromConundrum Attack Normal English
Mr DogTD 3Sam ManojlovicCustom Dogfight English
Martin Thomas47 - 0Apterous PruneGreek 9 Normal Greek
Brett Davids84 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Dan Byrom73 - 35Matty Artell9 Rounder Normal English
Fiona T111 - 114Philip Aston15 Rounder Normal English
Graham Wheldon96 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelSam ManojlovicCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelMartin ThomasCustom Beanstalk English
Dave Kempshall46 - 82Dan Byrom9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 113Brett Davids15 Rounder Normal English
Gav Grace106 - 10The GuardianCustom Normal English
The Guardian111 - 94Fiona TCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 92Graham Wheldon15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prime54 - 17Philip AstonBerserk 9 Normal English
Sid CC60 - 0Apterous Prune9 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune100 - 100Dan ByromSpeed Conundrum Attack Normal English
Philip Aston32 - 25Apterous PlumBerserk 9 Normal English
Matt OC90 - 20Apterous PruneAegilops Conundrum Attack Aegilops English
The Guardian123 - 119Fiona TCustom Normal English
Apterous Velvet50 - 6Philip AstonBerserk 9 Normal English
The DuellistDuelSid CCCustom Beanstalk English
Adrian Day [C]85 - 114Kevin NelsonCustom Normal English
Apterous Caesar21 - 43Philip AstonBerserk 9 Normal English
Anan Nathan42 - 122Apterous Rex15 Rounder Normal English
The Guardian140 - 77Fiona TCustom Normal English
Apterous Plum35 - 49Philip AstonBerserk 9 Normal English
Matt OC109 - 87Apterous Plum15 Rounder Normal English
The Guardian13 - 10Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Philip Aston79 - 47Michael Nicholson15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Plum67 - 98Matt OC15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelRobin MCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Prime157 - 180Tal LessnerNumbers Attack Normal English
The DuellistDuelAmar ChotaiCustom Beanstalk English
June Bloxham [C]68 - 83Andy ChristleyClassic 15 Normal English
Florence C-L10 - 12The GuardianCustom Normal English
Matt OC111 - 54Apterous Plum15 Rounder Normal English
The Guardian11 - 9Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Philip Chapman68 - 58Apterous Waldorf15 Rounder Normal English
Samuel Louis103 - 96Philip Aston15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelIain SimeCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelAndy ChristleyCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Plum63 - 86Matt OC15 Rounder Normal English
Florence C-L9 - 14The GuardianCustom Normal English
The DuellistDuelRoss AllattCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelMatt OCCustom Beanstalk English
Michael Nicholson82 - 67Samuel Louis15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Waldorf63 - 49Philip Chapman15 Rounder Normal English
The Guardian14 - 8Florence C-LCustom Normal English
Kane Oliver116 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Ben Bazzard118 - 0Apterous PruneSpeed 15 Normal English
Florence C-L11 - 14The GuardianCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 87Ben BazzardSpeed 15 Normal English
Paul Harper [C]101 - 58Paul KeenanCustom Normal English
Mr DogTD 7Florence C-LCustom Dogfight English
Apterous Prune0 - 102Samuel Louis15 Rounder Normal English
Mr DogTD 3Florence C-LCustom Dogfight English
Mr DogTD 4Florence C-LCustom Dogfight English
The DuellistDuelBen BazzardCustom Beanstalk English
Paul Keenan91 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelFlorence C-LCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Prune0 - 110Nick Martin15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelDave RyanCustom Beanstalk English
Luke S112 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 109Kane Oliver15 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelFiona TCustom Beanstalk English
Sherpa Shilty10 - 120Ravi ChoudharyConundrum Attack Normal English
The DuellistDuelNigel MCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelLuke SCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelPhilip AstonCustom Beanstalk English
Kane Oliver113 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune10 - 92Luke S15 Rounder Normal English
John Scott [C]66 - 94Ravi ChoudharyClassic 15 Normal English
The DuellistDuelDave KempshallCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelTony AtkinsCustom Beanstalk English
Antoinette Ryan [C]105 - 117Samuel LouisCustom Normal English
The Guardian59 - 66Ravi ChoudharyCustom Hyper English
Priscilla Munday [C]45 - 95Samuel LouisCustom Normal English
Matthew Smith79 - 83Apterous Plum15 Rounder Normal English
Sherpa Shilty30 - 140Clem FandangoConundrum Attack Normal English
Ravi Choudhary52 - 98The GuardianCustom Hyper English
Sherpa Shilty50 - 110Clem FandangoConundrum Attack Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 120Kane OliverNumbers Attack Normal English
The Guardian113 - 77Ravi ChoudharyCustom Normal English
Matty Artell59 - 49Matthew TassierCustom Aegilops English
Apterous Prune0 - 116Sam Schmedlapp15 Rounder Normal English
Kane Oliver108 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Mr DogTD 3Ravi ChoudharyCustom Dogfight English
Tal Lessner180 - 0Apterous PruneNumbers Attack Normal English
Mr DogTD 7Ravi ChoudharyCustom Dogfight English
Mr DogTD 7Kane OliverCustom Dogfight English
Sherpa Shilty10 - 100Ravi ChoudharyConundrum Attack Normal English
Sherpa Shilty20 - 130Matty ArtellConundrum Attack Normal English
The DuellistDuelKane OliverCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelMark MurrayCustom Beanstalk English
Sarah Binns48 - 35The GuardianCustom Normal CSW
The DuellistDuelAnglo ItalianCustom Beanstalk English
The Guardian10 - 46Sarah BinnsCustom Normal CSW
The DuellistDuelRichard BarnettCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Prune0 - 187Tal LessnerNumbers Attack Normal English
The DuellistDuelTom CapplemanCustom Beanstalk English
Matty Artell76 - 0Apterous PruneAegilops Letters Attack Aegilops English
The DuellistDuelChris ParfittCustom Beanstalk English
Mr DogTD 4Anan NathanCustom Dogfight English
The DuellistDuelMike LeeCustom Beanstalk English
Mr DogTD 9Anan NathanCustom Dogfight English
The DuellistDuelSam HughesCustom Beanstalk English
Mr DogTD 4Sarah BinnsCustom Dogfight English
The DuellistDuelMaria ChandlerCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelSarah BinnsCustom Beanstalk English
Mr DogTD 5Anan NathanCustom Dogfight English
The DuellistDuelAnan NathanCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Prune0 - 80Matty ArtellAegilops 9 Aegilops English
Mich R61 - 53Matty Artell9 Rounder Normal English
The DuellistDuelMich RCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelElwin CarlosCustom Beanstalk English
Judith Young83 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 101Judith Young15 Rounder Normal English
Mr DogTD 5Judith YoungCustom Dogfight English
Mr DogTD 4Judith YoungCustom Dogfight English
Mr DogTD 4Judith YoungCustom Dogfight English
The DuellistDuelSteven OldhamCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelJudith YoungCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Plum82 - 58Matthew Smith15 Rounder Normal English
Ravi Choudhary5 - 5The GuardianCustom Lockdown English
The Guardian8 - 3Ravi ChoudharyCustom Normal English
The Guardian9 - 5Ravi ChoudharyCustom Normal English
Ravi Choudhary60 - 104The GuardianCustom Normal English
The Guardian37 - 37Ravi ChoudharyCustom Blind English
Ravi Choudhary72 - 104The GuardianCustom Hyper English
Jamie Smith [C]98 - 103Samuel LouisCustom Normal English
Perry Sarb133 - 0Apterous PruneAegilops Numbers Attack Aegilops English
The Guardian61 - 42Ravi ChoudharyCustom Hyper English
Alexander Assim [C]54 - 91Samuel LouisCustom Normal English
Michael Macdonald-Cooper [C]107 - 135Ravi ChoudharyClassic 15 Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 138Perry SarbOctorock Numbers Attack Octorock English
Sherpa Shilty40 - 30Nicole CarterConundrum Attack Normal English
Sherpa Shilty0 - 160Ravi ChoudharyConundrum Attack Normal English
The DuellistDuelMarco NapoliCustom Beanstalk English
The DuellistDuelRavi ChoudharyCustom Beanstalk English
Perry Sarb7 - 1The GuardianCustom Normal English
Daniel Face115 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Ravi Choudhary120 - 0Apterous PruneCustom Beanstalk English
The Guardian5 - 1Perry SarbCustom Normal English
Sam Schmedlapp98 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Perry Sarb40 - 40The GuardianConundrum x10 Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 99Daniel Face15 Rounder Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 115Ravi ChoudharyCustom Beanstalk English
The Guardian20 - 80Perry SarbCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 125Sam Schmedlapp15 Rounder Normal English
Perry Sarb50 - 0The GuardianCustom Normal English
The Guardian10 - 50Perry SarbCustom Normal English
The DuellistDuelRoss KCustom Beanstalk English
Perry Sarb10 - 30The GuardianCustom Normal English
The DuellistDuelWesley BartonCustom Beanstalk English
Sherpa Shilty0 - 80Nicole CarterConundrum Attack Normal English
Daniel Face130 - 0Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
The Guardian10 - 20Perry SarbCustom Normal English
Sam Schmedlapp68 - 10Apterous Prune15 Rounder Normal English
Mr DogTD 6Nicole CarterCustom Dogfight English
Perry Sarb20 - 0The GuardianCustom Normal English
The DuellistDuelNicole CarterCustom Beanstalk English
The Guardian70 - 80Ross KCustom Normal English
The Guardian10 - 20Perry SarbCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 77Sam Schmedlapp15 Rounder Normal English
Ross K30 - 120The GuardianCustom Normal English
Gym Lad20 - 7Perry SarbCustom Normal English
The Guardian130 - 20Ross KCustom Normal English
Ross K20 - 130The GuardianCustom Normal English
The Guardian90 - 60Ross KCustom Normal English
Ross K50 - 100The GuardianCustom Normal English
Gym Lad20 - 4Perry SarbCustom Normal English
The Guardian120 - 30Ross KCustom Normal English
The DuellistDuelPerry SarbCustom Beanstalk English
Ross K70 - 80The GuardianCustom Normal English
The Guardian120 - 30Ross KCustom Normal English
Ross K50 - 100The GuardianCustom Normal English
The Guardian120 - 30Ross KCustom Normal English
Ross K30 - 120The GuardianCustom Normal English
Ben H66 - 19Apterous PruneInstant Conundrum Attack Instant English
The Guardian140 - 10Ross KCustom Normal English
Ross K60 - 90The GuardianCustom Normal English
Apterous Prune0 - 51Ben HInstant Conundrum Attack Instant English
The Guardian100 - 50Ross KCustom Normal English
Apterous Soap106 - 50Matt HamerCustom Normal Dutch
Ross K10 - 140The GuardianCustom Normal English
Ben H100 - 60Apterous PruneConundrum Attack Normal English
The Guardian130 - 20Ross KCustom Normal English
Ross K20 - 130The GuardianCustom Normal English
The Guardian90 - 60Ross KCustom Normal English
Ben H49 - 67Thomas Carey9 Rounder Normal English
Ross K60 - 90The GuardianCustom Normal English
The DuellistDuelMarcus HaresCustom Beanstalk English
The Guardian110 - 40Ross KCustom Normal English
Matt Hamer31 - 134Apterous SoapCustom Normal Dutch
Ross K60 - 90The GuardianCustom Normal English
The DuellistDuelZohaib RehanCustom Beanstalk English
The Guardian80 - 70Ross KCustom Normal English
Ross K70 - 80The GuardianCustom Normal English
The DuellistDuelMatt HamerCustom Beanstalk English
The Guardian120 - 30Ross KCustom Normal English
Ross K50 - 100The GuardianCustom Normal English
The DuellistDuelKeith C WilliamsCustom Beanstalk English
Apterous Soap143 - 26Matt HamerCustom Normal Dutch
The Guardian80 - 70Ross KCustom Normal English
Ross K30 - 120The GuardianCustom Normal English
The DuellistDuelBen HCustom Beanstalk English
The Guardian90 - 60Ross KCustom Normal English
Ross K40 - 110The GuardianCustom Normal English
The Guardian110 - 40Ross KCustom Normal English

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

Page generated in 0.0533 seconds. It's 20:56:51 on Monday 3 February 2025 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2025. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.