Goatdown Jnr. differs from the standard rules in the following ways:
In letters rounds, the selection only contains 7 letters. The picking player chooses the first 6 letters as normal, but then can decide exactly which letter to have in the final slot. This can be chosen with the keyboard or by clicking the letter in the interface. The player is given 6 seconds to make this decision.
The numbers round has a 5-number selection, with the target between 11 and 100. The only large number is 10, while the small numbers are 1-9 twice each. (This is the same as the numbers round in the Junior variant.)
Conundrums have seven-letter answers, but initially only six letters are shown. Only one seven-letter word can be made by adding an extra letter to these six, and this is the required answer. After the standard time is up (e.g. 30 seconds), the missing letter is revealed and an extra 50% of the round time is added (e.g. 15 seconds). Solving the conundrum after the additional letter is revealed scores 7 points.
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