Gevin Chapwell

Gevin Chapwell I know the sample size isn't as large but it still seems weird that six small have been quite a lot more solvable in omelette than in normal.

Gevin Chapwell

Gevin Chapwell Just speculation really :

Charlie has stated that in normal games, Apterous will find solutions by looking for the simplest ones first (using the fewest numbers).

But sometimes lag means that Apterous will fail to spot a solution so, for example, where it says that only 83% of 6-smalls are solvable ( it might be an underestimate.

It might also be that looking for solutions that use all the numbers first is more fruitful and that even though in omelette you are limited by having to use all six, the trade off is worth it.

As I say, this is speculation, but perhaps this partly explains why a whopping 91% of 6-small have been possible in omelette numbers compared to 83% in normal. The difference does seem remarkably large, however.

Major places

See also: list of all Statland pages.

Statland: Omelette numbers difficulty

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