Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Sticking with tetrachamps?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Yeah I think it's worked pretty well. But you're a God and I am guessing you think it could be tweaked?

I looked over the last 10 or series of Countdown and other than that freak 2-champ Garner finals there is always 4-7 octochamps. aptoSOS has had 5, 7, and 6 quadrotetroidchamps so the numbers are about right.

But the number of champy finalists may well work out slightly higher than Countdown, especially if we assume the tournament is still growing in participants.

So perhaps pentachamps would be better? Someone do some stats.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams I was just asking since it wasn't specified over there <--. I haven't seen any big problems with 4.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Great, so now I have to file another ticket requesting an edit button on tournament descriptions?

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Please do! There are many ways in which the tournament system could be better than it is.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre I love how this hasn't even started and we're 3 weeks late :D

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison We're not late at all you cock. The 10th is just the date I put it in the system.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Thanks for adding JR's wins and points Charlie!

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetcheeks x

Martin Long

Martin Long When will this be starting?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Will have to do another push for entrants I guess Martin. Think there ought to be 50.

Gevin Chapwell

Gevin Chapwell Where did this come from? I don't remember there ever being any discussion about this anywhere ever.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison If Gevin hasn't ticketed it, it hasn't happened. Do the honours please!

Gevin Chapwell

Gevin Chapwell Normally you discuss your stuff on the forum and I don't remember seeing this. There's loads of tournaments all the time, so it's hard to notice the ones I want to do when I'm not actually looking.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison

Gevin Chapwell

Gevin Chapwell Yep. It does ring a bell now you mention it.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Good little surge. Tell your friends. Will start as soon as we hit 50 (signups will stay open for a few weeks longer).

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison 5 to go

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison 3

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison 1 more - but will start this ASAP after the AWC is completed.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Thanks Mr. Croy. 50 up. As mentioned above will start middle of July.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin Middle of July; is this thing happening?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison "will start this ASAP after the AWC is completed."

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Here we go.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Absolute beast first out the bag.

Jack Worsley

Jack Worsley And second.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison True!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison James's points total would be enough to get him into the finals in every one of the previous 3 seasons, so I expect him to be there this time. But my gosh what a waiting game he has to play.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre next please.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison will remember to email the running order home from work tomorrow, sorry! will get it up at about 9am. phwoar.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Well done Adam by the way/

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin A max followed by a double max. No way I'm keeping up.

Tracey Mills

Tracey Mills Nice Win there Gilly

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Thanks, folks.

Martin Long

Martin Long Some awesome games so far in this tournament, and looks like another one coming up next...

Jack Worsley

Jack Worsley Next please.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Thanks Jack (and separately, Zarte) - apterous emails don't work for me, I'd love it if anyone who has played a fixture could comment here or even better just add a message to the aptomail thread. I know it's annoying. :(

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin Can't it be changed to in-apterous notifications?

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Yeah, as the tournament organiser you can get a notification every time someone plays a game. Assumed you were!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I am. Except I'm not.

Jack Worsley

Jack Worsley Next

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Isn't really until I type the fixtures in that I appreciate the start to this season is full of big guns.

Jack Worsley

Jack Worsley Moving on

Martin Long

Martin Long Next.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin How is Adam highlighted in the table yet Robbo isn't?

Jack Worsley

Jack Worsley Next

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I get game played notifications.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison The flow is fucking great this time. Keep it up everyone!!

Matt Morrison


Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison signups closing tomorrow AM

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison So proud of everyone, we're going through these nicely.

George Ford

George Ford <3 not as proud as we are of you matt <3 good job <3 great work <3 motivation <3 hearts <3

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Ha, fuck. I got excited about actually getting a notification I forgot to set a new fixture. Here she comes...

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Shame James Robinson has already played and James Reeve has left, I was hoping for a perfect set of James R opponents.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Well I hope James beats you now and ends up playing three more CRs :)

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams I have to lose my fourth game and scrape into the finals as 8th seed. It's traditional.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Sorry Charlie. Sorry Zarte.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Bit of a cracker coming up next.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin Are we going to have a COC after this one? Back in the heyday of Countdown in the 90s and early 00s, there was one after every four series.

Currently, I'd invite back Innis Carson, James Robinson, Dinos Sfyris, Jonathan Wynn, Chris Hares, Mark Deeks, Adam Gillard, Graeme Cole, Scott Gillies, Martin Long, Greg Holloway, James Nguyen, Charlie Reams, Josh Hurst, Jack Worsley, David Barnard, and Callum Todd.

Basically, if anyone's a winner, runner-up, or tetra/quadra/4-time champ. This obviously doesn't take into account the 04.finals, but does take into account the current leaderboard.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin In any case, that's 17 names, so someone will have to be cut. Also forgot to mention I excluded a couple of people due to inactivity.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Interesting idea, and definitely possible. If you care enough then make a ticket, I guess that's the only way to get opinions and stuff.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Just 6 or 7 fixtures to go now...

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Seems to have been the same one for a while...

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Not exactly. Nguyen kept us waiting and ended up dropping out and now Johnny is having those connection problems. Technically deadline for the current one is 12th but we'll see.

Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck We played our match. 'Twas a close one.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison That's it.

Show all comments
Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Nice! Played the whole series in barely 4 months. Great work by Matt, and thanks to everyone who played their games.

Tracey Mills

Tracey Mills Well done to Matt Morrison for organising.

Matt OC

Matt OC Just missing out on the final 8; story of my life

Tracey Mills

Tracey Mills Well done to you Matt Croy, But I got a really nasty draw !

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Smallest ever number of enfourcers in this series.

League Table

Highlighted players are the current finalists.

Jack Worsley4488
David Barnard4446
Charlie Reams4424
Callum Todd4423
Adam Gillard3445
Thomas Carey3410
James Robinson3403
Marcus Hares3401
Matt OC3390
George Ford3375
Chris Marshall3368
Jamie M3326
Graeme Cole2327
Andy Platt2297
Martin Long2295
Johnny Canuck2280
Innis Carson1238
Tom Cappleman1205
Josh Hurst1204
Jonathan Wynn1198
Gevin Chapwell1198
Ian Volante1192
Shaun Hogg1183
James Rowan1177
Giles H0120
Matthew Brockwell0103
Ray Wilding0101
Michelle N095
Mark James095
Matthew Tassier095
Zarte Siempre094
Tom Barnes093
Ben Hocking093
Ben Wilson092
Heather Badcock091
Amie Bateen090
Jordan F089
Les Tufnell088
Tracey Mills082
Usman Mirza082
Alex Fish082
James Hurrell081
James Bradley078
Jon Stitcher077
Sean D076
Phil Makepeace075
Brett Davids074
Sam Hodkin070
Matt Morrison066
Peter Fenton066
Anthony Endsor066
James Laverty054
Jason Turner053
Andrew Millman050
Kieran Bray048
Dave Nicholson046
Rhys Benjamin043
Jonas Bush033

Tourney round: aptoSOS: 04

<< 03.Finals | 04.Finals >>

Notes from the organizer: Welcome all. Series 4 of aptoSOS, the simulation of a series of real-life Countdown that year-on-year tries to be less disappointing than the last. Sign up now.

The series 3 limit of one week per game worked well enough but we've decided to speed things up a little to a 5 DAY turnaround this time. Very few games were played between the 5 and 7 day timeframe last time so 5 days should be fine and encourage a little more speed. As before a 2-3 DAY extension is available for any player with a decent reason one time.

All players eligible to enter this one. No one excluded. Random draw again. Hopefully one that doesn't put Zarte anywhere near Innis! And of course we have upgraded to "new" 15 rather than old.

The series 3 finals are on the go now and then depending on how quickly people sign up, the new series will ideally start a couple of weeks after the final, or so.

James Robinson is the current hangover champion, and starts on 3 wins with 314 points.

Ran from: 10 March – 19 December 2014. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Charlie Reams, Matt Morrison.

Signed up: Charlie Reams, Ben Wilson, Jon Stitcher, Gevin Chapwell, Ian Volante, James Hurrell, Tom Cappleman, Innis Carson, Josh Hurst, Matthew Tassier, Transude Transude, Matt Morrison, Jason Turner, Phil Makepeace, Marcus Hares, Sam Hodkin, Jonathan Wynn, Chris Marshall, Heather Badcock, Amie Bateen, Jordan F, Jayne Wisniewski, Adam Gillard, Mark James, Tom Barnes, Johnny Canuck, Graeme Cole, James Bradley, Giles H, Ahmed M, Rhys Benjamin, James Rutter, Martin Long, Tracey Mills, Michelle N, Thomas Carey, Andy Platt, Matt OC, David Barnard, Jack Worsley, Kieran Bray, James Rowan, Andrew Millman, Zarte Siempre, Matthew Brockwell, James Laverty, Peter Fenton, Anthony Endsor, Sean D, Ray Wilding, Dave Nicholson, Alex Fish, Callum Todd, Brett Davids, Jamie M, Shaun Hogg, George Ford, Ben Hocking, Les Tufnell, Usman Mirza, Jonas Bush, Eliza Langham, Doug Devaney.

Fixtures: 53. Completed: 53.

Results and fixtures

NotesPlayer 1Player 2Status
James begins on 3 wins / 314 pointsInnis CarsonJames Robinson128 – 89
Innis Innis CarsonAdam Gillard110 – 120
Adam (1)Adam GillardJames Laverty112 – 54
Adam (2)Adam GillardMatthew Brockwell108 – 103
Adam (3)Josh HurstAdam Gillard108 – 105
Josh (1)Tom CapplemanJosh Hurst112 – 96
Thomas (1)Tom CapplemanMatt OC93 – 105
Matt (1)James BradleyMatt OC78 – 116
Matt (2)Matt OCLes Tufnell91 – 88
Matt (3)Matt OCDavid Barnard78 – 110
David (1)Mark JamesDavid Barnard95 – 124
David (2)Amie BateenDavid Barnard90 – 100
David (3)David BarnardSean D112 – 76
David (4)Jonathan WynnDave Nicholson96 – 46
Jonathan (1)Jonathan WynnShaun Hogg102 – 103
Shaun (1)Thomas CareyShaun Hogg123 – 80
Thomas (1)Thomas CareyPeter Fenton115 – 66
Thomas (2)Phil MakepeaceThomas Carey75 – 108
Thomas (3)Thomas CareyGeorge Ford64 – 82
George (1)George FordJonas Bush109 – 33
George (2)Tom BarnesGeorge Ford93 – 99
George (3)Marcus HaresGeorge Ford109 – 85
Marcus (1)Marcus HaresBrett Davids83 – 74
Marcus (2)Matthew TassierMarcus Hares95 – 107
Marcus (3)Marcus HaresJames Rowan102 – 104
James (1)Charlie ReamsJames Rowan94 – 73
Charlie (1)Charlie ReamsGiles H121 – 120
Charlie (2)Charlie ReamsAnthony Endsor87 – 66
Charlie (3)Charlie ReamsZarte Siempre122 – 94
Charlie (4)Ben WilsonAndy Platt92 – 103
Andy (1)Sam HodkinAndy Platt70 – 108
Andy (2)Andy PlattJack Worsley86 – 119
Jack (1)Jack WorsleyRay Wilding118 – 101
Jack (2)Tracey MillsJack Worsley82 – 119
Jack (3)Jack WorsleyAndrew Millman132 – 50
Jack (4)Gevin ChapwellHeather Badcock106 – 91
Gevin (1)Gevin ChapwellChris Marshall92 – 95
Chris (1)Matt MorrisonChris Marshall66 – 94
Chris (2)Chris MarshallBen Hocking109 – 93
Chris (3)Chris MarshallGraeme Cole70 – 114
Graeme (1)Jason TurnerGraeme Cole53 – 113
Graeme (2)Graeme ColeCallum Todd100 – 111
Callum (1)Rhys BenjaminCallum Todd43 – 115
Callum (2)Alex FishCallum Todd82 – 97
Callum (3)Callum ToddUsman Mirza100 – 82
Callum (4)Jon StitcherIan Volante77 – 119
Ian (1)Ian VolanteJohnny Canuck73 – 111
Johnny (1)Jordan FJohnny Canuck89 – 93
Johnny (2)Johnny CanuckMartin Long76 – 87
Martin (1)Martin LongKieran Bray111 – 48
Martin (2)Martin LongJamie M97 – 105
Jamie (1)James HurrellJamie M81 – 121
Jamie (2)Michelle NJamie M95 – 100

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

Page generated in 0.0801 seconds. It's 15:25:57 on Friday 14 March 2025 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2025. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.