Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Thomas and I will be playing at 8 tonight should anyone want to spectate.

Callum Todd

Callum Todd Sorry if I've missed or forgotten this information if it's already been provided, but is there a set deadline for the QFs and if so when is it?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Not so much. At this point I'm looking at the names and the stage of the tournament and hoping everyone is mature enough to organise themselves into some vague level of immediacy! I'll step in at some point but Christmas is also a slowing factor, so no megarush. yet.

Callum Todd

Callum Todd Okay, thanks, I'll try organise a time with Adam.

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Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard When will the final be played?

Jack Worsley

Jack Worsley For any interested spectators, we have agreed to play the final at 8pm tonight (Saturday).

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Well done Jack!

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Jack found 44/45 maxes in the finals. A worthy winner indeed!

Jack Worsley

Jack Worsley Thanks for hosting, Matt, it's been great fun! Thanks Charlie too, wasn't even aware I was on anything like that.

Tourney round: aptoSOS: 04.Finals

<< 04 | COC.I >>

Notes from the organizer: Thanks to everyone who took part in series 4. Little tweaks like message organisation, improved game time limits, Charlie's help with organising fixtures, and last but not least all the effort the participants made, resulted in the smoothest season so far.

Good luck to all the finalists as they potentially stake their claim for a place in the first aptoCOC!

Ran from: 18 December 2014 – 17 January 2015. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matt Morrison.

Fixtures: 7. Completed: 7.

Results and fixtures

NotesPlayer 1Player 2Status
1 v 8Marcus HaresJack Worsley87 – 117
2 v 7James RobinsonDavid Barnard94 – 111
3 v 6Charlie ReamsThomas Carey85 – 77
4 v 5Adam GillardCallum Todd102 – 106
SF1Jack WorsleyCallum Todd118 – 73
SF2Charlie ReamsDavid Barnard83 – 105
FinalDavid BarnardJack Worsley102 – 119

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

Page generated in 0.0183 seconds. It's 15:25:57 on Friday 14 March 2025 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2025. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.