Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Cool. Up to 42. I'll pester Charlie to do the leaderboard and then crack on with fixtures.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Fuck it, let's just get on with it. Here we go...

Bradley Horrocks

Bradley Horrocks No mercy with the draw!

Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey bradley horrocks

Bradley Horrocks

Bradley Horrocks Are you feeling alright Tom, you spelt my name right

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I don't know what a J E is.

Philip Aston

Philip Aston Watch out, here comes the 16-year-old whizz kid!

Elliott Mellor

Elliott Mellor Bra's had such a bad draw you may as well go the full slog and make it berserk 15s for him.

Philip Aston

Philip Aston This is gonna be fun.

Ian Birdman

Ian Birdman Is it wrong that I really want Mellbot to be drawn next?!

Elliott Mellor

Elliott Mellor Bring it

Bradley Horrocks

Bradley Horrocks That one hurt. Release the Mellbot!

Ian Birdman

Ian Birdman Great run Bra. To be fair a Matt Croy vs J E game doesn't sound too shabby to me either!

Bradley Horrocks

Bradley Horrocks No, definitely not, should be a cracker!

Tracey Mills

Tracey Mills Good draw, J E v Matt Croy who would I put my money on ?

Ian Birdman

Ian Birdman I think everyome knows who you'd like to put your money on tracey! Not sure who u think will win the game though.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison This is the most chat ever. I love it. I still don't know what a J E is but i'm glad you guys like them.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre This is a really top-heavy start to the draw. Might make for some fascinating people getting some easier runs. Or it might just end up with basically no en4cers.

Spike  Nard

Spike Nard This really is the case now!

Philip Aston

Philip Aston Gosh, this could be the toughest SOS yet...

Matt Morrison


Gevin Chapwell

Gevin Chapwell I can still sign up?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison

Gevin Chapwell

Gevin Chapwell Not on. Not on at all.

Gevin Chapwell

Gevin Chapwell If I withdraw my sign-up, will it break the tournament?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I don't think so. Not sure!

Sean Fletcher

Sean Fletcher Is still this going?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Yeah, sorry. I'm trying to hurry it along!

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Someone kick Giles. Either in the shins, or out.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Oh yeah, he hasn't been seen for 2 weeks. Didn't realise. I'll give him until tomorrow.

Giles H

Giles H Yo it’s me

Philip Aston

Philip Aston Um... been two days since last game and still no draw.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Thanks for the polite reminder. Didn't get a game played notification email for some reason :(

Philip Aston

Philip Aston Fair. I wonder why.

Martin Hurst

Martin Hurst Site was doing crazy shit that night iirc

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison hey guys. not here for a week. x

Martin Hurst

Martin Hurst Cheers for the leaving present ;)

Philip Aston

Philip Aston This next fixture should be a cracker.

Philip Aston

Philip Aston 111 or more for 125+ average. No pressure.

Elliott Mellor

Elliott Mellor Just missed:/

Philip Aston

Philip Aston Oops. Maybe I shouldn’t jinx it next time. Well done though.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre I know she's your other half Matt, but surely that means you can stick your rocket up her arse...

Gevin Chapwell

Gevin Chapwell Matt and Adam Dexter? I had not heard about that!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Yeah we've been away quite a bit. But to be fair, there have been 3 messages in the organisation thread (all from me, I'm Heather's PA when it comes to apterous) and Dexter still hasn't replied, so I've given him a poke via Facebook. On it.,..

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Matt...

Show all comments
Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey he's on holiday you bean

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Is he? Again?!

Philip Aston

Philip Aston Hopefully he hasn’t headed off into the Bermuda Triangle.

Bradley Horrocks

Bradley Horrocks We're a bit stuck here.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison There's your 8. Some names. Finals up soon.

League Table

Highlighted players are the current finalists.

Elliott Mellor4497
James Haughton4460
Zarte Siempre4460
Marcus Hares4446
Matt OC4436
John Beresford3436
Tim Down3430
Johnny Canuck3422
Thomas Carey3413
Bradley Horrocks2325
Giles H2314
Martin Hurst2313
Ian Birdman2310
Andrew Hypes2277
J E1251
Matty Artell1186
Jonny D1182
Patrick Thompson1178
Neil Collins1172
Adam Dexter1150
Ray Wilding0116
Tom Chafer-Cook0111
Stephen R0107
Matthew Tassier0105
Tracey Mills0101
Ian Volante094
James Robinson094
Graeme Cole094
Matt Morrison091
Sean Fletcher091
Jayne Wisniewski090
Jason Turner090
Ben Andrews089
Heather Badcock087
Tom Cappleman085
Robin M085
Ed Byrne084
Philip Aston082
Gevin Chapwell081
Brett Davids076
Zack K073
Alex H072
Mich R065
Anthony Endsor061
Ross Jeffries059
Andrew Smith057
Spike Nard054
Andy SC054
Rhys Benjamin047
Jason Larsen033
Emily Cox023

Tourney round: aptoSOS: 07

<< 06.Finals | 07.Finals >>

Notes from the organizer: Back on it with immediate effect. Let's make this powerful and smooth.

Series 7 of aptoSOS, the kind-of simulation of a series of real-life Countdown.

Time limit: a 5 DAY turnaround. A one-time 2-3 DAY extension is available for any player with a decent reason.

All players eligible to enter this one. No one excluded. Random and secretive draw as usual.

Tetrachamps or quadrachamps or whatever you want to call them, I don't care. 4 winsers.

I'll wait until we have a minimum of 32 players before kicking off (hopefully more, will see how it goes), and leave signups open for a bit after the start.

Tim Down is the reigning champion from the end of season 6, on 2 wins and 209 points.

Ran from: 8 March – 13 December 2018. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matt Morrison.

Signed up: Charlie Reams, Jason Larsen, Gevin Chapwell, Ian Volante, Tom Cappleman, Alex H, Tom Chafer-Cook, Adam Dexter, Matthew Tassier, Matt Morrison, Jason Turner, Andrew Smith, James Robinson, Stephen R, Heather Badcock, Jayne Wisniewski, Johnny Canuck, Emily Cox, Graeme Cole, James Bradley, Giles H, Rhys Benjamin, Robin M, Tracey Mills, Jon Wilford, Thomas Carey, Matt OC, Neil Collins, Zarte Siempre, John Beresford, Anthony Endsor, Ray Wilding, Philip Aston, Ed Byrne, Brett Davids, Liam O, Sean Fletcher, Patrick Thompson, Matty Artell, Andy SC, James Haughton, Tim Down, Andrew Hypes, Paul Culloty, Martin Hurst, Christy Cooper, Ben Andrews, Bradley Horrocks, Zack K, Steve Anderson, Ian Birdman, Elliott Mellor, Jonny D, Ross Jeffries, Mich R, Ben Leyburn, Spike Nard, J E, Bob Arftud, Jordan Friedman, M T, Josh Jefferis.

Fixtures: 46. Completed: 46.

Results and fixtures

NotesPlayer 1Player 2Status
Tim begins on 2 wins / 209 pointsJason TurnerTim Down90 – 115
Tim (3)Tim DownBradley Horrocks106 – 129
Bradley (1)Graeme ColeBradley Horrocks94 – 116
Bradley (2)Bradley HorrocksJ E80 – 132
J E (1)Matt OCJ E121 – 119
Matt (1)Matt OCEd Byrne111 – 84
Matt (2)Matt OCBen Andrews111 – 89
Matt (3)Tom CapplemanMatt OC85 – 93
Matt (4)Gevin ChapwellMatty Artell81 – 86
Matty (1)Matty ArtellIan Birdman100 – 111
Ian (1)Jason LarsenIan Birdman33 – 101
Ian (2)Thomas CareyIan Birdman101 – 98
Thomas (1)Ian VolanteThomas Carey94 – 116
Thomas (2)Tom Chafer-CookThomas Carey111 – 121
Thomas (3)Thomas CareyJonny D75 – 82
Jonny (1)Neil CollinsJonny D114 – 100
Neil (1)Marcus HaresNeil Collins103 – 58
Marcus (1)Marcus HaresRay Wilding126 – 116
Marcus (2)Matthew TassierMarcus Hares105 – 130
Marcus (3)Marcus HaresAndrew Smith87 – 57
Marcus (4)Matt MorrisonJohn Beresford91 – 123
John (1)John BeresfordSean Fletcher110 – 91
John (2)John BeresfordAndy SC107 – 54
John (3)Giles HJohn Beresford106 – 96*
Giles (1)James RobinsonGiles H94 – 111
Giles (2)Johnny CanuckGiles H116 – 107
Johnny (1)Johnny CanuckMich R108 – 65
Johnny (2)Johnny CanuckTracey Mills106 – 101
Johnny (3)Johnny CanuckMartin Hurst92 – 97
Martin (1)Emily CoxMartin Hurst23 – 116
Martin (2)Martin HurstElliott Mellor100 – 120
Elliott (1)Stephen RElliott Mellor107 – 129
Elliott (2)Alex HElliott Mellor72 – 140
Elliott (3)Robin MElliott Mellor85 – 108
Elliott (4)Adam DexterHeather Badcock93 – 87
Adam (1)Adam DexterZarte Siempre57 – 100
Zarte (1)Jayne WisniewskiZarte Siempre90 – 127
Zarte (2)Zarte SiemprePhilip Aston115 – 82
Zarte (3)Zarte SiempreBrett Davids118 – 76
Zarte (4)Patrick ThompsonRoss Jeffries108 – 59
Patrick (1)Patrick ThompsonAndrew Hypes70 – 88
Andrew (1)Andrew HypesSpike Nard90 – 54
Andrew (2)James HaughtonAndrew Hypes106 – 99
James (1)James HaughtonZack K132 – 73
James (2)Rhys BenjaminJames Haughton47 – 107
James (3)Anthony EndsorJames Haughton61 – 115

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

Page generated in 0.0683 seconds. It's 18:56:08 on Friday 14 March 2025 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2025. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.