Fiona T Up till today, my fastest normal conundrum solve was 0.84! Sorry Edward! | |
Elliott Mellor Rex certainly sharpened your reflexes. | |
Chris Hare "This is a good point to recall the rule that if more than half the field are tied for lowest score (on 0 perhaps?) then there will be no Weakest Link." | |
Dave Kempshall I assume I beat mine too Fiona. Where do you look at these records? Also, can you view the words you have pencils for? I'm not great at finding my around these areas of Apterous. | |
Chris Hare Both those things are viewable in Superstats, available now for the low, low price of not many pounds.
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Dave Kempshall Ah cheers Chris - thought I'd subscribed to that, but evidently not. My sub is due for renewal soon, so will upgrade when I resubscribe. | |
Matthew Tassier That's 13 scores of zero with 25 players taking part this round so, as suggested by Chris above, we will have no Weakest Link this round. | |
Fiona T Given I made such a balls up of the next round, I'm very glad Edward's getting a crack at it! | |
Sam Prouse Rex cheated. | |
Show all comments | |
Matthew Tassier Having mastered the 0.6 second spot, Strongest Link Tom scores twice as many points this round as anyone else. | |
Matthew Tassier 14 players finished scoreless (no shame in that here!) and among them Edward and Sam are probably most relieved that there is no Weakest Link. | |
Fiona T As it's almost definitely my swansong, I'd like to point out that my solve was twice as fast as Maus's leisurely 0.6 seconds! :D | |
Matthew Tassier Good point, but wrong Tom :) | |
Fiona T Oh yeah, Maus was 0.3 :( |
Notes from the organizer: As if taking on Prime at conundrums a few rounds back wasn't challenging enough, round 23 pits you against Rex in a Speed Conundrum Attack. As Rex will solve most conundrums in 0.7 seconds you're going to need lightning reflexes or speculative tactics to attempt to get yourself off the mark.
One lowest scoring Weakest Link will leave the tournament this round. If there is a tie for lowest score then total score in the tournament so far will be the deciding factor (See notes by players' names).
Tournament standings:
Good luck!
Ran from: 24 – 30 July 2021. Format: Speed Conundrum Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 25. Completed: 25.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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