Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Two very impressive 180s are well clear of everyone else, strong play from Tom and Strongest Link Toby.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier It looked like Fiona's tournament was coming to an end, but she is saved by an unplayed game. So, Robin you are the Weakest Link. Goodbye!

Fiona T

Fiona T Death row reprieve! Hope you're OK Robin.

Tourney round: Weakest Link Mayhem 2021: Round 24 - Bullet Hyper Numbers Attack

<< Round 23 - Speed Conundrum Attack | Round 25 - Touch Jnr 15 >>

Notes from the organizer: If you didn't enjoy ridiculously fast conundrums, then maybe you'll prefer ridiculously fast numbers rounds. Round 24 pits you against Nude in a Bullet Hyper NA. So, 3 seconds to come up with a hyper numbers solution, and although Nude probably won't trouble the scorers she will unhelpfully pick just 1 large number.

One lowest scoring Weakest Link will leave the tournament this round. If there is a tie for lowest score then total score in the tournament so far will be the deciding factor (See notes by players' names).

Tournament standings:

Good luck!

Ran from: 25 – 31 July 2021. Format: Bullet Hyper Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Tassier.

Fixtures: 25. Completed: 24.

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