Chris Butler

Chris Butler In

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard In please - can you add a sign-up facility to this or did you have to do that when creating the tournament?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I thought I did tick the "Allow signups" but looks like I didn't. I'll ask Charlie if he can change it, if not I'll do a forum thread. Better than signing up in comments I think.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre I'll say in, but I'ma break balls if I get Innis again.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison You can sign up now guys.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Tom Carey hasn't signed up yet. Presumably he'll need to for his forthcoming AptoSOS game(s) to be logged automatically.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Hi guys. Great turnout so far. Sorry for not accepting applications - being lazy and waiting for Charile to do the "accept all" button :)

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison You will go to the ball!

Jonathan Wynn

Jonathan Wynn Saw it earlier. You've got Innis first game, then Bob de Caux, then Dan followed by Jack. Good luck!"

Jonathan Wynn

Jonathan Wynn That's right. If you beat all them, its you vs his solver in the quarters!"

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Nah, number 5, his solver wasn't that good.

Jonathan Wynn

Jonathan Wynn True. Actually considering his combination of natural ability AND a solver, he was actually ridiculously bad!!!

Jonathan Wynn

Jonathan Wynn Just coz Joe cheated why should his solver be banned too?

Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey Where's the draw at?

Jonathan Wynn

Jonathan Wynn Prediction: Which will.come first? The start of this tournament or Jason Larsen's first max?

Jonathan Wynn

Jonathan Wynn "Awaits Innis first round after that comment"

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison haha
random is as random does, jon!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison

that includes a couple of rule tweaks (nothing too major) and a final chance to sign up. First fixture will be up here by 4:30pm.

Jonathan Wynn

Jonathan Wynn Ooh, how exciting :)

Jonathan Wynn

Jonathan Wynn Thanks for organising this Matt-looking forward to it.

Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey What about me? I'm the carryover guy!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Sorry Thomas, that was a terrible start. Rectified now - thanks!

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Well we know the winner plays Adam...

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison omgspoilerz

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard I didn't know...

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Officially under way, yay!

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin Could you (Matt) notify the next player, as (obviously) we don't know who it is and I don't want to be checking this every day.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Don't you get an e-mail when you are given a tournament fixture?

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre News to me.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Well you should. Seems a glaring omission. I'll ticket it.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Charlie will be pleased - just managed to find it before starting a new ticket, knew it had been accepted already!

here it is - come on guys, vote. can you believe some dickhead down voted this? love to hear the sense behind that one.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Adam and Thomas have failed to play so their one-off two-day extension has kicked in, and they will need to get their match played by tomorrow night at the latest to avoid repercussions. Shame for this to happen so early in the tournament but hopefully we can pick up steam afterwards.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard I only found out I was due to play when I just happened to look at this page. I think it would be best for you to initiate the aptomail threads in the future.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Whilst I agree with you in principle Adam (Charlie adding the notification email is the clear solution, but I can't hurry that) in your individual case I believe your complaint is somewhat invalidated by the fact you've visited apterous every single day since the fixture was posted on the 2nd, but no mail was sent until the 8th. There would have been a message at the top of the page which I think you can't miss really concerning the arranged tournament game. I don't have any means to prove it but this page suggests you didn't miss the GOTW banner in the same position...

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Well, I did miss this tournament game initially as I have several lines of unplayed tournament fixtures in the top banner and it got lost in all of that. Also, I had no way of knowing that the fixture was posted on the 2nd until just now. I did have the advantage of knowing I was drawn to play next as Zarte posted it here.

In future you should at least make sure people know that their fixture has been posted, so that they know when their deadline is! Others might not visit every day or might not remember they even entered the tournament (or might have the same problem as me in having loads of Aptotude and Open fixtures up too). I don't think I could have done much more to get this fixture played; it looks like we'll be playing it at 7.30 tonight.

I don't think the onus should be on the contestants to start the aptomail thread; at least whilst the notification email doesn't exist. You doing it and informing of the deadline would be much more useful.

Graeme Cole

Graeme Cole I think Adam has a point here. Some people might not visit apterous every day, and if they suddenly see they've got an aptoSoS game they won't know if it's been there for one day or six.

If Matt were to send a short aptomail to the two players every time he updated the tourney, just to say "aptoSoS, you're up next, off you go", then there's no excuse for not knowing who you have to play and when. Also it means the players will be more likely to arrange the match quickly since the aptomail thread is already set up with Matt included on it.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams My match with Eoin will be at 10pm on 8 August, if anyone is keen to tune in.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Am I right in thinking that tiebreak points shouldn't count?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Whatever would be the normal rules in a regular series - you'd know that better than me but I'm guessing that's "yes" you're correct that "no" they shouldn't.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Yep, that's how it works on TV. I don't think I can be bothered with most conundrums as a second-level tiebreaker, but maybe it'll happen one day.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre ^ I can't wait for this match. I wonder who will win.

Eoin M

Eoin M I'm feeling good about it, just hitting top form

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison NOTE that two of Charlie's wins (he has four under his belt) are yet to be restored since The Crash. We move on with James-Ned and Charlie's other two wins (vs. Eoin and Dave) will be reinstated at some point soon hopefully.

Kieran Bray

Kieran Bray Just a warning guys, I don't know when I may be around again as my laptop is being an asshole. Just in case my game pops up!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison You're actually some way off yet Kieran - you'll be fine.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Ooh, next fixture's a good'un.

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen Chris Hare not defending?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Did he win it last time? Must have passed me by.

67 entrants for this one by the way guys, and all seems to working pretty well so far.

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen Looks like he won it which surprised me, nice wins over Innis and Deeks to clinch it.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Looks like tetrachampdom might not be enough for a finals spot in this series...

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Talking of which, the points from your "other" two wins have disappeared from the league table since the big ol' crash of 2013.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre James Hall hasn't been seen for 2 months. This is going to be a very dull wait for the next 6 days.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Thanks for the heads up, I'll remove him.

Matt Conway

Matt Conway I did my best to lose that last one; fooled myself into thinking I didn't have the letters for 'financier, rubbish round 8, played the CSW word in round 9, then bottled 'floaty' and 'peptide'

Jen Steadman

Jen Steadman Well this has been more than a week's wait.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams I think the 3-day extension expired last night so I'll remove the fixture. Will leave Matt to schedule the next feature depending on who (if either) made any effort to play.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Just beat me to it. I actually gave Adam and Matt until 8am this morning but accidentally forgot to take my order of play to work (again) so they got all day today as well. Let's move on, people.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Zarte Siempre is no longer on apterous. The Siempre can consider himself very lucky I was willing to transfer Zarte's entry. Phwoar, Zarte's entry.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre *carry on voice* Ohhhhhh MATTron

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Zarte - Innis - Platt. Random selection hits beast mode.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Do him, Andy.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre One of these days, I'll get a run through a series that isn't blocked by the best player possible...

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison You definitely have some fine company to sympathise with this time round Zarte! (Sorry Andy, Marcus, and possibly one more...)

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison and there's the one more. Sorry Callum.

Callum Todd

Callum Todd *gulp*

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Random is as random does, and this time round random is packing heat and getting some gang ink.

Callum Todd

Callum Todd so close :( well done Innis.

Chris Marshall

Chris Marshall Heather hasn't played for a while. I think you might know that already Matt :)

Edwin Mead

Edwin Mead I was surprised to be included, as I withdrew my sign-up a couple of months ago. Having said that, I was happy to take part after all. Well played, Jack.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Oh, sorry Edwin! It must have been days after I did the draw. Unless I'm mistaken I don't get any notification about withdrawals. Glad you enjoyed it anyway!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Shit totally didn't realise the last game was played. My bad.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin I'm not on here a lot of the time these days, so would really like a little memo when it's my turn!

Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck They PM you one.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams One more year should do it.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre ^ like.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison haha sweet

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Matt, how many people are still in the queue?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison 8 after Steadman and Patel

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison so still enough for all 8 QFs to be full champs!

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Sweet, I look forward to losing my QF in the traditional manner.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre I see I'm well on course to match my IRL performance and finish 9th.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin It looks likely that there will be more than 8 octochamps. Then what?

Andy Platt

Andy Platt Points scored, but I think they are using the term tetrachamps

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I never dealt very well with tetrachamp as it (wrongly, I know) stinks of "three" to me. I always used quadrachamp but would be happy to bow to the masses' preference.

As you can clearly see from the league table, Andy is right that points scored separate placings.

If Zubair wins the current scheduled match and one more, there are 5 left. Yes, enough to create another finalist, but don't forget it would have to be player 1 or player 2 (otherwise they'll be hungover onto the next series).

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin I wasn't very clear. What I mean is that it seemed to me as if there would be more than 8 tetrachamps. Are you saying that the ninth tetrachamp will not go through? That's harsh.

Innis Carson

Innis Carson Harsh, but not unfair. It's the logical extension of wins-then-points. Pretty sure Damian's said before that it's what they would do on Countdown if there were 9 octochamps in one series.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams I certainly didn't assume that just because I had 4 wins I was assured of a place in the finals. It's been much more exciting watching the games unfolding to see if I'd make the cut.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin Ah, all right. Just would feel a bit cheesed off if I were Josh and I got shunted out...

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin Facepalm.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre You lost by 29 points. I don't think that was the deciding factor...

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin It wasn't. But I seem like an idiot for missing it, and it meant I took risks that I otherwise wouldn't.

Jon Stitcher

Jon Stitcher You mean when you risked a word where all the letters weren't there?

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin Yep. Panicked and had forgotten that the second M didn't exist when it said he'd got a 7.

Show all comments
Jon Stitcher

Jon Stitcher Ah I see, so had you not been behind you would have declared your other valid 7 there?

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin Yes. I was incredibly frustrated and wasn't on mental form for con.

George Ford

George Ford so I take it people cannot enter this anymore? or can they

Andy Platt

Andy Platt SoS 4 is happening soon

George Ford

George Ford oooooooooo

League Table

Highlighted players are the current finalists.

Adam Gillard4450
Innis Carson4427
Giles H4423
Ahmed M4417
Charlie Reams4416
Josh Hurst4394
Thomas Carey3349
James Robinson3314
Matt Conway3278
Zarte Siempre2309
Jack Hurst2301
Johnny Canuck2284
Heather Styles2272
Graeme Cole2264
Tom Cappleman2255
Zubair Patel2246
Martin Long1207
Matthew Brockwell1202
Matthew Tassier1171
Sean D1170
Chris Marshall1155
Jonathan Wynn1144
Nathan Cullen1108
Eoin M0114
Joe Denniss0105
Ben Wilson0100
Matt OC094
Marcus Hares093
Jen Steadman092
Callum Todd092
James Rowan090
Hywel Morgan090
Dicky Boy088
Mark D086
Ned Pendleton085
Niall Seymour085
Ian Volante081
Heather Badcock080
Michelle N080
Peter Fenton079
Edwin Mead078
Karen Pearson078
Liam Tiernan078
Matt Morrison076
Andy Platt076
Ciaran M075
Alan Young073
James Hurrell071
Jayne Wisniewski071
James Bradley067
Gevin Chapwell066
Dave Smith064
Rhys Benjamin064
Rainbow Serina063
Jon Stitcher060
Remi Benoit058
Mark James055
Ray Wilding053
Jordan F051
Kieran Bray050
Sam Hodkin025

Tourney round: aptoSOS: 03

<< 02.Finals | 03.Finals >>

Notes from the organizer: Welcome all. Series 3 of aptoSOS, the disappointingly slow simulation of a series of real-life Countdown. Sign up now.

To attempt to speed things up a little this time there will be a strict ONE WEEK to play each game, with an assessed-per-occasion THREE DAY extension available ONCE per player. If time expires I make a value judgement about which of the two players to eject from the tournament, or both.

All players eligible to enter this one. No one excluded. Random draw again I think.

Would like to start about 2 weeks after the series 2 finals are completed, depending on speed of signups. What else? Not much. Thomas Carey is current episodic champion, and starts on 2 wins with 186 points (thanks Charlie in advance for sorting this in the leaderboard, much love).

Ran from: 1 May 2013 – 23 March 2014. Format: Old 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Charlie Reams, Matt Morrison.

Signed up: Charlie Reams, Ben Wilson, Jon Stitcher, Karen Pearson, Gevin Chapwell, Ian Volante, James Hurrell, Tom Cappleman, Innis Carson, Adam Dexter, Eoin M, Jack Hurst, Joe Denniss, Josh Hurst, Matthew Tassier, Matt Morrison, James Hall, Liam Tiernan, Niall Seymour, Marcus Hares, James Robinson, Rainbow Serina, Sam Hodkin, Jordan Leckonby, Jonathan Wynn, Chris Marshall, Jordan F, Jayne Wisniewski, Adam Gillard, Mark James, Oli Moore, Johnny Canuck, Ned Pendleton, Ciaran M, Graeme Cole, James Bradley, Hywel Morgan, Giles H, Ahmed M, Rhys Benjamin, Eskay Raman, Martin Long, Mark D, Michelle N, Thomas Carey, Andy Platt, Matt OC, Jen Steadman, Kieran Bray, Nathan Cullen, Michael Cullen, Chris Butler, James Rowan, Matt Conway, Jonathan Rawlinson, Heather Styles, Zarte Siempre, Dave Smith, Dicky Boy, Matthew Brockwell, Peter Fenton, Zubair Patel, Joe Harrison, Sean D, Ray Wilding, Abdirizak Hirsi, Remi Benoit, Callum Todd, Alan Young.

Fixtures: 52. Completed: 52.

Results and fixtures

Player 1Player 2Status
Thomas CareyDicky Boy109 – 88
Adam GillardThomas Carey117 – 54
Ian VolanteAdam Gillard81 – 115
Adam GillardPeter Fenton110 – 79
Adam GillardHywel Morgan108 – 90
Jordan FMartin Long51 – 116
Charlie ReamsMartin Long109 – 91
Charlie ReamsDave Smith102 – 64
Charlie ReamsEoin M124 – 114*
Charlie ReamsSam Hodkin91 – 25
Ned PendletonAhmed M85 – 107
Ahmed MRay Wilding82 – 53
James HurrellAhmed M71 – 111
Ahmed MMatt OC117 – 94
James RowanMatt Conway90 – 107
Matt MorrisonMatt Conway76 – 83
Ciaran MMatt Conway75 – 88
James BradleyZarte Siempre67 – 111
Zarte SiempreAlan Young115 – 73
Innis CarsonZarte Siempre101 – 83
Innis CarsonAndy Platt117 – 76
Innis CarsonMarcus Hares111 – 93
Innis CarsonCallum Todd98 – 92
Chris MarshallHeather Badcock83 – 80
Chris MarshallSean D72 – 95
Matthew TassierSean D93 – 75
Matthew TassierMatthew Brockwell78 – 117
Jack HurstMatthew Brockwell102 – 85
Jack HurstEdwin Mead109 – 78
Jack HurstGiles H90 – 92
Giles HMichelle N112 – 80
Rainbow SerinaGiles H63 – 101
Jayne WisniewskiGiles H71 – 118
Jon StitcherGraeme Cole60 – 92
Ben WilsonGraeme Cole100 – 106
Graeme ColeNathan Cullen66 – 108
Mark JamesJohnny Canuck55 – 107
Gevin ChapwellJohnny Canuck66 – 95
Josh HurstJohnny Canuck84 – 82
Josh HurstRemi Benoit90 – 58
Josh HurstKieran Bray125 – 50
Josh HurstLiam Tiernan95 – 78
Niall SeymourHeather Styles85 – 114
Karen PearsonHeather Styles78 – 92
Heather StylesZubair Patel66 – 90
Jen SteadmanZubair Patel92 – 94
Tom CapplemanZubair Patel85 – 62
Tom CapplemanRhys Benjamin93 – 64
Tom CapplemanJonathan Wynn77 – 87
James RobinsonJonathan Wynn104 – 57
James RobinsonMark D95 – 86
Joe DennissJames Robinson105 – 115

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

Page generated in 0.1107 seconds. It's 15:19:23 on Friday 14 March 2025 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2025. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.