Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison QF1: Innis vs Charlie
QF2: Gillard vs Long
QF3: Deeks vs Gillies
QF4: Hare vs Cole

SF1: QF1 v QF4
SF2: QF2 v QF3

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison FFS. Long has changed his name. Change it back Long or you're out.

Martin Long

Martin Long Fair enough, didn't think this would be a problem. A name change request will be sent shortly.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I'm not really big into pseudonyms, sorry. No hard feelings.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Can't you just add Gordon Bennett to the list of games?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I'm just gonna be obstinate and annoying on this one, Adam. I might well be in the wrong and exercising a power I shouldn't, but I just really hate pseudonyms of people who used to use real names. I understand people opting to always be known under a pseudonym when no one ever knows better, but don't play under your real name for x-thousand games and then change it, it helps nobody, including the community. IMHO.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre He could, but he's being a GOM :P

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Charles Reams and Christopher Hare managed to get away with it ;)

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre My name change hadn't officially gone through when he accepted me :P

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Maybe Martin doesn't want people (employers etc.) snooping his account. Could do a Michelle and change his surname to an initial, if that would be acceptable?

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Or do an S J

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Or call himself Nitram Gnol

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Nice idea, Parameterizes - a

Martin Long

Martin Long Think I'll just change my name back. I actually sent the request a couple of months back and it just got changed recently. I had even forgotten I had sent the request!!! :-) At the time, I wanted the change for privacy reasons but now don't feel too bothered by it.

So changing it back is not a massive issue for me.

Consider it done. And Matt, no hard feelings mate. :-)

Innis Carson

Innis Carson Come on Matt, you know this is silly. It's not a problem in this case if Martin's willing to change back, but at least let people know at the start of the tournament if you're going to impose weird and arbitrary rules like that.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I don't think I need to specify if you play through a whole tournament under David Smith and then change your name to Jingles McFucknuts before the finals begin it's not going to be cool. The fact I didn't feel the need to specify that doesn't make it weird or arbitrary. Clearly this is the middle/end/important part of the tournament, not the start, too.

There's also a big difference between using a real-sounding name like Scott Phillips or Ann Rutter (yes, or even Zarte Siempre) than there is Horace Horlicks or Gordon Bennett or something. Not only that but there is a huge difference playing your whole apterous career and being known to everyone as, say, Ann Rutter (totally fine) than compared to absolutely everyone knowing you as one thing and then changing your name to something else. At best that's grounds for annoyance and guaranteed confusion, at worst it's community-damaging.

It might be futile and silly for me to be militant about enforcing these beliefs, but that isn't e

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison [didn't know there was a comment length limit] enough to stop me trying.

Martin Long

Martin Long Jingles McFucknuts? Now that gives me an idea...

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I wondered how long it would take someone to set that up whilst I was typing that :)

Innis Carson

Innis Carson Sorry, but none of that made any sense to me. Why does it make such a difference if the name sounds real or not? And is the 'community damage' really so severe as to override any personal reason a user might have for not wanting to use their real name? To say the very least, I don't think this logic is self-explanatory enough that you can expect people to assume a rule like this exists without being told. It's a moot point in this particular case I know, but this situation could arise again in future tournaments if people don't happen to know everything you dislike.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison as far as "real-sounding" I know that seems a bit silly but I doubt we would know Zarte as Zarte, Toby as Gevin, etc. if their names didn't sound like they had a possibility of being their real names. To read "Gordon Bennett" is (and sorry to anyone who is really called Gordon Bennett, who must suffer this in their everyday life) to know you are dealing with someone who is lying about/hiding/concealing their identity. Their reasons for doing so might well be valid, but for god's sake choose a reasonable name that people can learn to believe you are and you can fill that role. Toby IS Gevin, but Martin would never BE Gordon Bennett no matter how long he kept that up.

Mark D

Mark D I still don't see why that should necessitate expulsion from the tournament.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I just got pissed off because I tried to add Martin Long and he didn't exist. That's enough to set me off. I will obviously let anyone with a pseudonym into aptoSOS.03, and not let my own personal judgement of their choice of name affect the random (cough cough, vs. Innis, cough cough) draw.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I didn't expel anyone. That was just hyperbole.

Mark D

Mark D Rightyoh.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Martin/Gordon deserves his/her/its place in the finals, and the fixture has been scheduled all afternoon.

Adam Dexter

Adam Dexter WAIT! Horace Horlicks isn't a real name? Mind=Blown

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Is it QF1-QF4 and QF2-QF3 for the semis?

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Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams yep

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard All of the quarter-finals went with the seedings.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams And all on crucial conundrums!

Gevin Chapwell

Gevin Chapwell This is quite confusing. Aren't separate rounds normally on separate pages?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison That would be pretty annoying. See this instead:

Tourney round: aptoSOS: 02.Finals

<< 02 | 03 >>

Ran from: 1 January – 31 March 2013. Format: Old 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matt Morrison.

Fixtures: 7. Completed: 7.

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

Page generated in 0.0182 seconds. It's 15:20:56 on Friday 14 March 2025 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2025. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.