Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Excited? You should be!

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen Where do I sign up? :P

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Cheers Charlie xx

Michael - I've popped you randomly into the list. See the forum:

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison FOR THE RECORD: Scott Gillies starts with 3 wins and 301 points. The first game he plays, the first game this series, will be his last until the finals, win or lose. (Sorry Scott.)

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Is it too late to organise this? I can't post on the c4c forum so it makes things difficuly when it comes to tournies...

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Sorry, I mean 'enter' obviously not 'organsie'!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Ok Chris, done. Thanks for getting in quick.

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Cheers Matt :)

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares I'd like to join as well please MM if it's not too much trouble - cheers

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison You're in baby!

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares Thank you!

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen Oh this is an actual tournament? I thought it was Charlie testing the chat on tournament system, I'll stay signed up mind, tournaments ftw.

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen Could you add my brother Nathan too please? Cheers.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre I wouldn't mind if there's room :)

Barry French

Barry French Nor would I :)

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison 4 names added...

Matt Conway

Matt Conway You can add me if there's room Matt. Cheers.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Done, Matt.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams This seems relevant to most of you, perhaps you should vote on it:

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Come on, son.

Scott Gillies

Scott Gillies just seen ur email and one from Kieran gonna try play it tonight

Julie McCarthy

Julie McCarthy Drawn against Innis, lol! Just as well I'll be knocked out as I'm off on me hols on Saturday.

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Who's next up then? Also, where can I view the running order?

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Innis is on 464, what about Scott? How many make the finals? Sorry for all the questions, cheers

Martin Long

Martin Long Next game is Matthew Tassier vs. Ryan Taylor with the winner of that one beating me in the next game. There is a topic on the forum with the full order of play.

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Ok cheers Martin

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares Also, if you scroll down this page it shows the current top 8 (presumably the top 8 make the finals)

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Ahh yes cheers Marcus, forever highlighting my terrible arithmetic. "It was a typo guv' I swear, I have 463 written on my scribblings!"

Chris Butler

Chris Butler But Scott presumably has points from 3 previous matches to take into account?

Innis Carson

Innis Carson Yep, I believe Scott has 399 in total. Last series :

Martin Long

Martin Long I have just gone through the draw on the forum, and (even with my 4 wins) I don't think I'll go through to the quarter finals.

Its going to be a fantastic tournament, some great players still to come!

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen Me vs. Heather Badcock, that's me out.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin Is this ever going to happen?

Graeme Cole

Graeme Cole I'm sure it will, but Matt needs to put the game in the tourney system and Heather is next up. They've got more important things going on at the moment.

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen I'm in no hurry, like Graeme said, there's far more important things in life, i'm not fussed when it happens, i'm sure Matt or Heather will let me know when she's ready to play.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Hey guys. I'll speak to Heather tomorrow about whether she'll bother. Sorry for the delay! x

Mark D

Mark D If not, sub in on her behalf? Seems fair, all things considered.

Mark D

Mark D .....especially since she's no longer a paid member and has no trial games remaining.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Yeah that last 15 quid didn't work out too well for her. Over a quid a game.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Due to Heather having no trial games and being otherwise occupied I've promoted Cullen (there's three, presume I chose the right one) vs French.

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen Thanks.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Let's do this?

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen I never see Barry on

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen Last seen 6/6/12

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison And no response to your emails?

Mark D

Mark D He might be dead

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen I agree with Mark. And i'll try an email now.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison You haven't even emailed yet? I might ban you both at this rate.

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen Sent the email. I was unaware there was a rush for the game to be played, sorry.

Mark D

Mark D The league table below is going to need revision to give Scott his dues.

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares I'm in no rush, I just renewed my subscription - hoping I might get to my game(s) before this one runs out though ;)

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Have asked Charlie to do the table Mark - not sure if he can though, being that it is all automatically worked out by the games registered to the tourney in question. I did consider adding Scott's games to this series rather than the last when Charlie added the new "add to tourney" functionality but it turns out one game can't be added to a different tourney when it is already in one. The other issue of course would be that Scott's opponents in those games would then have starting scores for this series, which would be another fuck up. So yeah, hopefully Charlie can do it manually.

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen Still no response from Barry

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Will give it a few more days as you forgot to e-mail - 20th seems fair as a week after?

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen That's fine, but what if he doesn't respond? I'm quite active on Apterous.

Barry French

Barry French hi sorry Ive been away for a few days

Barry French

Barry French Check emails every day but it went to my junk mail, only caught it by accident. Ill get the game played asap, do apologise for the delay

Barry French

Barry French So what happens do we just arrange when to play then inform the organiser of the result, then schedule next game?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Hey Barry - good to have you back. It's automatically attached to both your accounts - you only have to both be online for it to appear in your game windows. So you just need to find a time to meet online to play it, the result goes into the system automagically too.

Barry French

Barry French awesome :) I'll be back on more regularly now I have an audition for Countdown so fingers x'd I can come across Michael for our game

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Since Martin we've had three one-time winners in a row. Can Charlie continue the trend?...

Andy Platt

Andy Platt Nope. (Well, probably).

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Nice, ballsy. Also noticed it's only 2 one-time winners anyway unless Charlie does beat you. Rubbish attempt at conversational statistics by me.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre wack-wack-wahoowah (Zarte - Providing sound effects since... just now)

Ian Volante

Ian Volante Is that masturbation or vomiting?

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre It can be whatever you want it to be ;)

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Let's do this. We were temporarily on a good run of form.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Talks are ongoing.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Come on son. Rhys - Charlie owns apterous, so he is clearly not going to get disqualified. And he's current champ. So you know, I'm not giving this many more days.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams He's apparently only available 4.30 - 5.30 which is a bit ridiculous. He's also stopped replying to emails. ffs.

Graeme Cole

Graeme Cole To be fair to Rhys, the other day he came into aptochat and tried to get your attention for about half an hour while you were presumably away from keyboard, so it's not like he's not trying to play.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre I'll back Graeme up on that.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin I've had a problem with my aptomail recently (only receiving about half of it) and I'm in the middle of a drama production. I'm trying to eek out my hours by just having it on whenever I can, so it's not like I'm not trying.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Cool, ok, well, you know, we all want this game played. Good luck.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin This is annoying - Charlie's "last seen" thing says he's online NOW, but he's elected not to go into the game, when I'm there.

Graeme Cole

Graeme Cole That just means he's got a window open on the apterous web site, not that he's deliberately ignoring you. The notification box refreshes every few seconds and that's what you're seeing.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin I'd quite like to get this thing done.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I'm officially voting thumbs down on everything Charlie and Rhys do. For now at least.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin I do apologise; I've got diarrhoea.

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen 18 points!

Andy Platt

Andy Platt good 9 that

Matt Conway

Matt Conway Might as well end series 2 now ;)

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison FFS

Ian Volante

Ian Volante Either shit or get off the pot...

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre I'll gladly take another bash at it ;P

Graeme Cole

Graeme Cole It's a simulation of a series. That means there has to be an annoyingly long gap in the middle of summer.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison :)

Barry French

Barry French Cant Rhys just be put through if he has made more effort to get the game played?

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin We've made a plan for 6pm every night aside from Wednesday.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Thanks Rhys. Kids week for Charlie.

Andy Platt

Andy Platt :(

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Good idea Barry, you utter genius.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin I'M NOT LAST!!!!!!! (No offence, Kieran)

Barry French

Barry French Charlie why are you so rude towards me?

Eskay Raman

Eskay Raman how do you join this tourney?

Eskay Raman

Eskay Raman Matt, could you please add my name in?

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams As with the previous game, I have taken the initiative of contacting my opponent and haven't heard anything back. I do hope this is enough effort to satisfy Barry French.

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen You're entered when it's your turn, but if you signed up, Eskay. Signups are closed now I think.

Barry French

Barry French Is it your normal business to take peoples hard earned then be rude as you like?

Eskay Raman

Eskay Raman Thanks Michael

Mark D

Mark D Barry, I believe Charlie resents your presumption that he wasn't doing enough, as it is not something which you had the authority to say, given that you are not aware of any private correspondence that had taken place between the two with regards to organising the game.

Ian Volante

Ian Volante And, yes, I think it is!

Barry French

Barry French It just seemed like Rhys was doing all the chasing, if that is not the case then i am sorry. But in either case I don't feel that being rude is appropriate. Giving me room to accept I was wrong and to apologize should be more than enough, not basically upset and make me not feel welcome on Apterous any more

Mark D

Mark D You're not unwelcome Barry. Just don't be all up in other people's business like that, it's uncomfortable for them.

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen

Michael Cullen You're welcome Eksay

Chris Butler

Chris Butler It seems like the momemtum's lost again...

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams I said if it didn't get played by the 13th then there would be a long delay, since Ive been out of the country for two weeks and now I'm moving house. So it proved. Not sure when I'll get Internet back.

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Ah okay, just wondered, nae bother

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Let's go now boys?

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Havent heard anything from Joseph.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams JK and I will be playing at 7pm tomorrow (Sunday 2nd).

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Woo! Good news guys. May this be the last hiccup/hiccough of the tournament.

Mark James

Mark James hiccough is wrong according to QI

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Graeme and I got ahead of the game:

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison You excellent bastards. We're back on track after that hiccuff.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Jon Corby: The new Charlie Reams?

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams I don't know, is Chris Hare repeatedly ignoring his emails, specifying impossibly small windows of availability and then turning up late despite having nothing more to do than homework and waiting for his voice to break? If so then yes.

Dan McColm

Dan McColm ^ Best comment ever.

Graeme Cole

Graeme Cole Oh come on, I'm sure my voice will break any day now.

Graeme Cole

Graeme Cole But I think I should say in Joseph's defence that it's easy to assume a child should find it easier than an adult to keep an appointment because the child has more free time, but in practice it doesn't necessarily work like that. I'm sure if your 13-year-old self could post a reply he'd remind you that your parents can suddenly decide on a whim that you have to come shopping, or come downstairs and have dinner, or tidy your room, or whatever else, and it has to be *now*. Children have more free time, but adults have more control over when it is.

Graeme Cole

Graeme Cole I was referring to the "turning up late" bit, which as far as I can tell applied to Joseph and not Rhys. (Ignoring emails and specifying impossibly small windows of availability is still silly, child or adult.)

Mark D

Mark D Cant Jon just be put through if he has made more effort to get the game played?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison For the record, I have absolutely zero evidence that either of them have made any effort at all. Charlie definitely made an effort.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre The thread of conversation on this tournament is inevitably funnier than most things I see in a day...

Barry French

Barry French I used to like you Mark...

Chris Hare

Chris Hare Jon and I should be playing tonight (just after 8). I'll try to have my homework done in time.

Mark D

Mark D Jokes, Barry!

Barry French

Barry French I was joking too lol :) I hope one day they make the internet such that you can detect tone as well ;-)

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I set a precedent when I allowed Charlie/Joseph from 10 July til 2 September to get their game done. Therefore I have no choice but to allow Jon and Chris until 20 November to get theirs played. This tournament has become a fucking joke.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Do you mean Jon and Steve? Jon and Chris have already played....

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares 19 of Steve's last 20 games were played between the hours of 5am-9am UK time, he has only played 5 times in the last 26 days, and not at all in the past 10 days. Presumably Jon and Steve have arranged a time to play, if they haven't then 20th Nov looks quite ambitious!

Steve Balog

Steve Balog Jon and I arranged a time last week, but then the game decided to not work. We should be able to get this played fairly soon.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams So for once a delayed game actually is my fault!

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre Hahahaha - I thought it had been concluded that it was Iran's fault?

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Well sure, but then it's my fault for provoking them with my outlandish views on human rights etc.

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre What, that there should be some? :P

Josh Hurst

Josh Hurst Surely Scott's position in the league table is wrong...?

Josh Hurst

Josh Hurst Just looked at all the messages to see if this had already been discussed... it had. My bad!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison 18 more days til the fuckers are thrown out and it's what, me vs Chris Hare, Josh Hurst vs James Bradley? Not sure really.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams I did some magic for Scott.

Steve Balog

Steve Balog Jon's not been on since the 27th it appears; I've been hopping on every so often to see if he's been on at the rough time we had decided on earlier before the game went down that one time.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Charlie - thanks for that, looks good!

Steve - you know I love both Jon and yourself. It's nothing personal but if this game doesn't get played in the next 9 days I just have to get you both outta here.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams I was expecting a blowjob joke.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison IT'S TIME. Charlie, can you strike off the last two played games from the list?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison (sorry, i hope it's not much of an issue)

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams I'd just schedule the next games, I'll mess with the database when I get a chance.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison thanks bud, will do so tomorrow morning

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Done.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Not just done, spectacularly done.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Not much of a simulation of a series if they can do 25 shows a week and it takes us online folk a year to get that many games sorted!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Well said. We're picking up a pace again now though, thankfully.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Come on Adam, I'm still waiting for you to play your game.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Ooooooh! Exciting!

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Is this the slowest moving tourney ever?

Jordan F

Jordan F You can blame me for this, some how I didn't even catch wind that we moved on to my game. I'll try to take care of this A.S.A.P.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Jordan, the previous game was only completed yesterday, don't worry! I'm sure we'll be online together soon.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Should mine and Ryan's points totals be 10 less (due to tiebreak conundrums)?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I guess, yeah.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams I'll change it if it turns out to matter.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard The tournament has expired. You'll need to adjust the closing date because my fixture against Peter has disappeared.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Shit on a brick. Charlie, help?

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Hope that's enough time now...

Zarte Siempre

Zarte Siempre *snorts*

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Very good Charlie! Now you just need to fix the fact that every time I try and list Lee-Gillard it notes that the original fixture was 'unplayed' and sticks with this. Sorry to be such a pain, but to be fair I should probably get a couple of gold bugs for running a tournament so shit as to actually discover these quirks.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams File a bug if you think you found a bug. That doesn't seem wrong though. You don't need to add another copy of the same fixture.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison It's clearly a bug. I understand the nature of an "unplayed" game, but unless I am not thinking straight I can't see a situation where a tournament organiser would ever want to re-add that fixture again but leave it as "unplayed". I appreciate that this has only come up because of extending the dates of the tournament though, which is not a usual permission.

Perhaps there's a very slim chance that an organiser would remove an unplayed game and then decide "oh actually there should be a record that that game existed, but was unplayed" and re-add it. But if the ability to report unplayed games was supposed to be a function, then surely there should be a big "unplayed" button next to any open fixture so we can mark games proper as unplayed rather than just remove them.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Oh. Does unplayed just mean it hasn't been played yet? Ignore all that then.

Ian Volante

Ian Volante duh

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I thought it meant "was not completed in time" - i.e. *permanently* unplayed. For some reason it looked different to me than other fixtures I'd scheduled. Obviously I don't spend enough time on apterous staring at this fixture list.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I blame Adam. I associated the word "unplayed" with his message about not being able to play the game.

Ian Volante

Ian Volante This is a disgrace.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams And this is why you shouldn't report bugs in the comments!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Not my finest hour. Still blaming everyone else though.

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares MM, I've already played the next one against Ben -

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Thanks for help Charlie.

Jordan Leckonby

Jordan Leckonby is it too late to enter this?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Next one will be the biggest and best, and will start straight after the finals of this one. Maybe.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin And after 4 series will there be a Championship of Champions?

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison i'd leave that til 8

Thomas Carey

Thomas Carey Niall, when can you be on to play our game? I'm quite flexible with times, pretty much anytime other than 7am-4pm on weekdays.

Andy Platt

Andy Platt O rly? ^

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Thomas, you should aptomail Niall. The comments section isn't a good way to schedule a game.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Second consecutive series in which I've dribbled lamely into the finals!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Welcome yourself to Innis as a reward!

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Thomas Carey first up in series 3 with 2 wins and 186 points

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Is Innis vs Charlie up next?

Show all comments
Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison All four can be played whenever you like.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Ah, thanks.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison How do I mark this tournament as finished Charlie?

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard I think you just (ask Charlie to) adjust the end date to today, so that tomorrow it will be finished.

League Table

Highlighted players are the current finalists.

Innis Carson4463
Adam Gillard4432
Mark D4430
Chris Hare4421
Graeme Cole4404
Scott Gillies4399
Martin Long4379
Charlie Reams3365
Marcus Hares2301
Thomas Carey2186
Andy Platt1206
Adam Dexter1181
Ryan Taylor1164
Matt Conway1156
Michael Cullen1138
Josh Hurst0103
Bob De Caux095
Michelle N091
John Gillies090
Ben Wilson088
Jen Steadman088
Liam Tiernan086
Joseph Krol083
Oliver Garner081
Matthew Tassier080
Ian Volante079
Jayne Wisniewski077
Chris Butler075
Niall Seymour074
Nathan Cullen069
Tom Cappleman067
James Rowan065
Lauren Hamer064
Gevin Chapwell060
Mark James059
Zarte Siempre059
James Bradley058
Karen Pearson052
Andrew Feist049
Jordan F047
Julie McCarthy047
Matt Morrison047
Barry French046
Rhys Benjamin033
Kieran Bray028

Tourney round: aptoSOS: 02

<< 01.Finals | 02.Finals >>

Ran from: 1 January 2012 – 7 March 2013. Format: Old 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Charlie Reams, Matt Morrison.

Fixtures: 37. Completed: 37.

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

Page generated in 0.1245 seconds. It's 14:51:43 on Friday 14 March 2025 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2025. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.