Johnny Canuck AEIOULNSTRDG are the 1- and 2-point letters for reference | |
Maria Chandler That'll teach me to play on two hours' sleep :D didn't read the instructions beforehand hee hee! | |
Chris Hare Despite that, you did manage to get the bonus point! |
Notes from the organizer: For the first game of Chris-mas, your true love (acting by proxy through me) has given you the thoughtful gift of a Touchdown Letters Attack. In this variant, you can change one of the letters in the selection into any letter you like, which is going to be enormously helpful.
Your aim for this game is to score with words that all begin with the same letter. The letter you choose is up to you. If you declare words that begin with different letters, I'll use the initial letter that scores the most points across the game as a whole. For example, if you declare XYLOPHONE in Round 1, then decide that, actually, you've been a bit ambitious there, you can change your letter for Round 2. The tie-break criterion will be most maxes. If two players are still tied, I'll pick the player who declared the word I find most pleasing.
Because it's Chris-mas, there will be BONUS TOURNAMENT POINTS on offer. (Crowd: Ooh!) BONUS TOURNAMENT POINTS will be added to your Tournament Points, not to your game score.
For this round, you'll get a BONUS TOURNAMENT POINT if the letter you use is worth three points or more in English Scrabble.
Here's an example: Janet declares a valid word beginning with S in every round and has the highest overall score. She scores 7 Tournament Points for being the winner of the round. Wilberforce has the next highest score so he scores 5 Tournament Points for second place, but all his words began with W, so he gets a Bonus Tournament Point for using W as his letter, taking him to a total of 6 Tournament Points for the round.
Here is a spreadsheet:
Ran from: 17 – 31 December 2022. Format: Touchdown Letters Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 44. Completed: 43.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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