Anthony Endsor

Anthony Endsor All games should be played in a single sitting. I would suggest anyone who is unable to play one conundrum in a single sitting is probably not in the right environment. :))))

George Armstrong

George Armstrong Indeed, just want to make sure no one sees a difficult con, quickly ducks out, and starts again with an easier one :D

Tourney round: Conundrathon: Sign-Ups

Day 1 >>

Notes from the organizer: Quick on the buzzer? Know your nine letters words? Test your mettle in a new conundrum standoff.

Each day throughout July, all players will be given a single conundrum to play vs Prune. If you get it right, you'll survive to the next day. If you fail to answer correctly, you'll be eliminated. All games should be played in a single sitting and anyone who fails to play their game will be counted as eliminated on the previous day.

The winner will be the last person left standing. In a scenario where all players are eliminated in the same round or multiple players solve their July 31st conundrum correctly, the winner will then be decided by overall solve time, so speed could be key!

Sign ups will stay open for all of June. Let's be havin' you!

Ran from: 1 – 30 June 2023. Format: Single Conundrum. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: George Armstrong.

Fixtures: 0. Completed: 0.

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