Eoin Jackson Amazing tourney.
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Elwin Carlos That sinking feeling you get when your conundrum has no -ing -ed -iest -ier -less -ness stem. XD | |
Maria Chandler Bye bye from me too! Not the best idea to do it after today's hyper duel, I kept thinking I was missing some letters :D | |
Dave Kempshall Ghostlily was never on the cards for me. It was a fun 30 seconds while it lasted. gl to everyone else. | |
Dave Robjohns Does prune win the tournament if someone forces him to answer each round including last player(s) standing? 😉 | |
Fi Thorne Got all my practise ones right, then had a complete mental block for the real one, even thought it was an easy word! GL to everyone for the rest of the tourney and to those in Newcastle today! | |
Adam Latchford Newcastle next week :D | |
Andy SC A nice 10/10 conundrum. Thanks for that Apterous... Not. Thanks for organising, George. | |
J Bartram was fun while it lasted, Not! | |
Show all comments | |
Ian Volante I was done by a mistype. Ah well! | |
Matthew Brockwell Looking forward to seeing who from the conundrum CULTURATI wins! | |
Matthew Tassier Sorry to leave so soon ...
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George Armstrong Quick sticks folks, if y'all "nice" Tass's comment by the end of the day I'll think about it :) | |
George Armstrong Point of note, if Tass (and others) get their second chance, it will only be those who played and didn't win today, not the no shows. |
Notes from the organizer: Here we go, good luck everyone. I hope the conundrum gods are siding with you
Ran from: 1 – 1 July 2023. Format: Single Conundrum. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 48. Completed: 48.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.
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