Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell Hi Matthew - can I withdraw from this tourney due to work commitments and not enough time to play the games? If so, please can my fixtures be removed?

Good luck to everyone else!

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Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier OK Bailey, no problem.

Derek Matthews

Derek Matthews I would also like to withdraw due to lake of time to play the very long games

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier OK. Qualification starting to look a bit easier for the rest of you!

Dan Spinks

Dan Spinks Maurice, I've challenged you to this game at least once a day for the last week and a half. Just thought, have you muted me and can't see the challenge?

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier A bit of a struggle to get things done in group M, but Jason comes out on top with a strong record. Dave, Arthur and Dan will join him in the next round.
So Maurice and Adam must join withdrawees Derek and Bailey in leaving the competition. Thanks for entering!

Tourney round: Double Elimination Numbers Tourney: Round 2 Repêchage - Group M

<< Round 2 Repêchage - Group L | Round 3 - Group N >>

Notes from the organizer: Round 2 Repêchage - Normal Numbers Attack - Group M - 8 players

Points will be scored as follows:
3 points for a win
2 points for a draw
1 point for a loss
0 points for an unplayed game.
Players will be ranked on the total number of these points accrued from their 7 games, with ties split by total points difference, then total points scored, then wins, then draws, then head-to-head game. In the very unlikely event of identical records here, there will be another game scheduled. The top 4 players will progress to Round 3 (repêchage) and the remaining 4 players will be knocked out of the tournament.

Tournament progress will be updated here:

You have 4 weeks to play your Round 2 games.
Good Luck!

Ran from: 17 September – 15 October 2023. Format: Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Tassier.

Fixtures: 5. Completed: 5.

Results and fixtures

Player 1Player 2Status
Jason TurnerDave Kempshall170 – 140
Jason TurnerMaurice Conway155 – 114
Arthur PMaurice Conway164 – 118
Jason TurnerDan Spinks161 – 124
Dave KempshallDan Spinks167 – 131

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

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