Dan Byrom

Dan Byrom George, Bradley, Piaras, Brendan - we've got three days. I can be quite flexible over the course of today (Friday), tomorrow and Sunday, but evenings between about 20:00-21:30 tonight would be perfect.

Brendan Whitehurst

Brendan Whitehurst Saturday night will be best for me Dan. I've just set an alarm on my phone so I'll come on around 8pm.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Tal tops the group being the only unbeaten player in Main Round 3, and indeed in the tournament as a whole. Bradley, George and Mike follow him into Round 4 for a chance to qualify for the Final group. Brendan misses out by just one point and will be joined by Dan, Sean and Piaras in the repĂȘchage for more Speed action.

Tourney round: Double Elimination Numbers Tourney: Round 3 - Group N

<< Round 2 RepĂȘchage - Group M | Round 3 - Group O >>

Notes from the organizer: Round 3 - Speed Numbers Attack - Group N - 8 players

The top 16 players move on to the Speed round. Group N is full of in-form players including 3 unbeaten players and the only person (George) who has won both his first and second round groups.

Points will be scored as follows:
3 points for a win
2 point for a draw
1 point for a loss
0 points for an unplayed game.
Players will be ranked on the total number of these points accrued from their 7 games, with ties split by total points difference, then total points scored, then wins, then draws, then head-to-head game. In the very unlikely event of identical records here, there will be another game scheduled. The top 4 players will progress to round 4 (main) and the remaining 4 players will get another Speed chance in round 4 (repĂȘchage)

Tournament progress will be updated here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EZFHUDY-PVc2Kj2IJCXZkFXSIeAeLd1X5IsynWqXZtg/edit?usp=sharing

You have 4 weeks to play your Round 3 games.
Good Luck!

Ran from: 16 October – 12 November 2023. Format: Speed Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Tassier.

Fixtures: 20. Completed: 20.

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