Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier With the 69 entrants this year including all 5 previous champions and featuring the return of 3 or 4 top class players who missed last year's edition, it's looking like possibly the strongest line-up in WL Numbers history. Round 1 sets a new record for most max games in a round with a pretty astonishing 42, including the final entrant Elwin who nips in to become the first Strongest Link of the tournament.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier It's always a shame to have to lose someone first round, and here matching the highest score for a first round Weakest Link with a 170 the unfortunate player is Adam P. Adam, you are the Weakest Link. Goodbye!

Chris Hare

Chris Hare Elwin winning Strongest Link here is particularly noteworthy after he was unlucky enough to be Weakest Link in the Touchdown Jnr round in both the 2022 and 2021 editions.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Great spot!

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Adam Dexter

Adam Dexter What's the ruling for Strongest Link when there is a tie? How is it decided?

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier In common with the television version, the Strongest Link is awarded to the "statistically" strongest player, decided by unpublished criteria that may or may not be relevant to the task in hand.

Eoin Jackson

Eoin Jackson I hope that prettiness is sometimes a criterion. It's my best chance...

Elwin Carlos

Elwin Carlos Wow, those are some great stats, I had no idea, Chris! Is Matt just being kind after I completely ballsed up round 2? 😂

Chris Butler

Chris Butler As in 'pretty good bullsh*tter' Eoin? :P

Tourney round: Weakest Link Numbers Tournament 2023: Round 1 - Touchdown Junior

<< Sign-up page | Round 2 - Nice >>

Notes from the organizer: The bots have been randomly allocated to the variants and the round order optimised. As usual we will be starting off relatively easy, with round one being played in Touchdown Junior format against Apterous Waldorf. Waldorf will pick 1 large and should find the max about half of the time.

Some stats for this round:
Competitors: 64+
Weakest Links required: 1
Historic average score: 188.23
Previous Touchdown Junior max games: 115
Most Touchdown Junior WL max games: 5 - Sean D & Tom Cappleman
Lowest scoring Touchdown Junior survivor: 160 - Mike Lee & Bernard Lee (2021)
For more stats see spreadsheet linked below.

Just ONE lowest scoring Weakest Link will be removed from the tournament this round and if there is a tie for lowest score then I shall allow the tied players through as it's the first round. However, any players failing to play their game within the time limit will definitely be eliminated, taking the Weakest Link spot.
The numbers by each fixture below are the total points each player has scored in the history of Weakest Link Numbers tournaments. Just for fun, they have no bearing on the outcome of the round.

Tournament progress can be followed here:
Thanks all for entering!

Ran from: 22 September – 2 October 2023. Format: Touchdown Jnr Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Tassier.

Fixtures: 69. Completed: 69.

Results and fixtures

NotesPlayer 1Player 2Status
25906Apterous WaldorfTom Cappleman90 – 200
25439Apterous WaldorfChris Butler130 – 190
24428Apterous WaldorfElliott Mellor80 – 200
22785Apterous WaldorfGevin Chapwell130 – 197
21728Apterous WaldorfJamie French160 – 200
19515Apterous WaldorfThomas Carey127 – 197
15823Apterous WaldorfBradley Horrocks117 – 197
15621Apterous WaldorfTim Down120 – 200
15596Apterous WaldorfEdward Ashcroft110 – 200
14985Apterous WaldorfJason Turner90 – 197
14784Apterous WaldorfMarcus Hares100 – 200
14537Apterous WaldorfSean D110 – 200
14034Apterous WaldorfTony Atkins100 – 190
13312Apterous WaldorfMartin Hurst90 – 200
12821Apterous WaldorfDan Byrom120 – 190
12736Apterous WaldorfAnthony Endsor110 – 200
11996Apterous WaldorfSam Shepherd90 – 200
11408Apterous WaldorfDave Robjohns110 – 200
11002Apterous WaldorfRobin M97 – 197
10837Apterous WaldorfGeorge Armstrong90 – 200
10399Apterous WaldorfJon Elmer140 – 190
9420Apterous WaldorfTracey Mills100 – 200
8490Apterous WaldorfElizabeth Beer130 – 200
8405Apterous WaldorfBrendan Whitehurst117 – 194
8257Apterous WaldorfBen H80 – 190
8203Apterous WaldorfMatty Artell127 – 194
7978Apterous WaldorfSam Cappleman-Lynes120 – 197
7752Apterous WaldorfFlorence C-L130 – 200
7640Apterous WaldorfEoin Jackson87 – 197
7453Apterous WaldorfTal Lessner80 – 187
7330Apterous WaldorfAdam Dexter140 – 200
6879Apterous WaldorfChris Hare80 – 200
6610Apterous WaldorfHazel Drury110 – 200
6514Apterous WaldorfAndy SC140 – 197
6045Apterous WaldorfJack Worsley90 – 200
5480Apterous WaldorfDarren Godfrey107 – 177
5113Apterous WaldorfMike Lee70 – 184
4648Apterous WaldorfAdam Latchford94 – 187
4557Apterous WaldorfAlan O'Sullivan100 – 200
3978Apterous WaldorfM S R120 – 194
3875Apterous WaldorfFiona T100 – 200
3520Apterous WaldorfDamian McEvoy87 – 190
3513Apterous WaldorfRonan M Higginson110 – 200
3432Apterous WaldorfMark O'Regan100 – 190
3288Apterous WaldorfWesley Barton97 – 190
3261Apterous WaldorfMich R120 – 190
3240Apterous WaldorfPiaras Last-Name114 – 174
3222Apterous WaldorfJason C.120 – 194
2902Apterous WaldorfDan Spinks177 – 197
2642Apterous WaldorfAlex Williamson80 – 197
2632Apterous WaldorfMartyn Pegram140 – 197
2207Apterous WaldorfArthur P97 – 194
2119Apterous WaldorfMaria Chandler120 – 190
2050Apterous WaldorfSteven Grady80 – 187
2029Apterous WaldorfAdam Peel104 – 170
1703Apterous WaldorfBailey Cowell80 – 190
1000Apterous WaldorfFi Thorne140 – 194
992Apterous WaldorfAdrian Fletcher57 – 191
DebutApterous WaldorfColin Thompson70 – 197
DebutApterous WaldorfConor Travers80 – 200
DebutApterous WaldorfIan Wray120 – 200
DebutApterous WaldorfMatthew Brockwell100 – 200
DebutApterous WaldorfToby Byfield120 – 180
5913Apterous WaldorfMartin Thomas140 – 200
12200Apterous WaldorfJonny D117 – 187
11027Apterous WaldorfNeil Collins70 – 197
3675Apterous WaldorfDave Kempshall100 – 200
DebutApterous WaldorfArchie T R80 – 187
2082Apterous WaldorfElwin Carlos70 – 200

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

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