George Armstrong

George Armstrong Absolute car crash beginning including me misclicking twice and never fully recovered. Cheers Tass!

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Great play from Elliott in this difficult challenge as he is this round's Strongest Link top scoring by more than 20 points and overtaking Jack as the top cumulative points scorer.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Ahead of George's car crash, three unlucky players beat the previous record for highest scoring Hyperlock Weakest Link, with Bradley narrowly avoiding joining them when this year's top debutant Matthew saved him on the final evening. The other high scoring leavers are Sam S. falling short of his usual top 10 finish and Ronan after his best WL Numbers tourney so far. Ronan, Sam, Matthew and George you are the Weakest Links. Goodbye!

Sam Shepherd

Sam Shepherd A little disappointed to be going out at this stage, but the competition this year is fierce! Good luck to all those remaining! And thanks Matthew for hosting once again!

Tourney round: Weakest Link Numbers Tournament 2023: Round 19 - Hyperlock

<< Round 18 - Nasty | Round 20 - Octorock >>

Notes from the organizer: Round nineteen and it's a late appearance this year for the Hyperlock round. Your opponent here is Plum, who won't score strongly but will cause a lot of trouble with his 8 small selections. On top of this we need to lose 4 players this round. As it's a Lock format, don't forget to use the red number in your calculations.

Some stats for this round:
Expected competitors: 17
Weakest Links required: 4
Most Hyperlock max games: 2 - Dave Robjohns
Highest average Hyperlock WL score (3+ games): 186.75 - Bradley Horrocks (4 games)
Highest scoring Weakest Link: 104 - Dave O'Donnell (2021) & Piaras Last-Name (2019)
For more stats see spreadsheet linked below.

The FOUR lowest scoring players will leave the tournament this round. If there is a tie for lowest scores then margin of victory/defeat will be taken into account amongst tied players followed, if necessary, by total score in the tournament so far (see notes by matches below).

Tournament progress can be followed here:

Good lock!

Ran from: 24 November – 7 December 2023. Format: Hyperlock Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Tassier.

Fixtures: 17. Completed: 17.

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