Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford 9 lives maus is still gonna survive this isn't he

Chris Hare

Chris Hare Well, that was awful. Goodbye, everyone!

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Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier For the first time since round 9 there are no max games with Jack and Sam tying for a top score of 181. Jack was the Strongest Link and regains the position of top cumulative points scorer.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Chris misses out as Ronan overtakes him on r20 of his game, Thomas's random picking odyssey comes to an end for another year and Brendan rounds out the top 20. So, Chris, Thomas and Brendan you are the Weakest Links. Goodbye!

Chris Hare

Chris Hare Thanks for organising, Matthew.

I look forward to finishing 24th next year.

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Nice pattern

Brendan Whitehurst

Brendan Whitehurst Thanks for organising again Matthew. Great fun as always.

Tourney round: Weakest Link Numbers Tournament 2023: Round 18 - Nasty

<< Round 17 - Omelette | Round 19 - Hyperlock >>

Notes from the organizer: In round 18 the top 20 players this year get to take on Velvet in a Nasty numbers attack. Large numbers are changed to 12, 37, 62 and 87 and Velvet will pick 2 large numbers and likely solve the majority of rounds.

Some stats for this round:
Expected competitors: 20
Weakest Links required: 3
Most Nasty WL max games: 1 - Edward Ashcroft, Elliott Mellor, Sam Cappleman-Lynes, Tim Down
Most Nasty WL points scored: 1075 - Elliott Mellor
Highest average score: 193.5 - Sam Cappleman-Lynes (2 games)
Highest average score (3+ games): 185.25 - Edward Ashcroft (4 games)
For more stats see spreadsheet linked below.

The THREE lowest scoring players will leave the tournament this round. If there is a tie for lowest scores then margin of victory/defeat will be taken into account amongst tied players followed, if necessary, by total score in the tournament so far (see notes by matches below).

Tournament progress can be followed here:

Good luck!

Ran from: 20 November – 3 December 2023. Format: Nasty Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Tassier.

Fixtures: 20. Completed: 20.

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