Dave Kempshall Tournament tracker - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rrnBp8HEPf_j9e5d0gNVPsHP4iI324_b/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109908957985244915222&rtpof=true&sd=true | |
Matt OC lol, made the mistake of thinking it was Touchdown again! | |
Adam Latchford Sorry can you just run that bonus point there by me again please? | |
Dave Kempshall Every time you declare one of those three words you get a bonus tournament point, so technically a maximum of 20 points if you declare one of them every round. Then if you declare 8 or 9 letter words in 4 consecutive rounds, you get 2 tournament bonus points (only applicable once, so only 2 points available) | |
Dave Kempshall Relations is especially for you mate. Testing your resolve. | |
Wesley Barton I didn't understand the twist, I didn't realise you could skip a round by not declaring | |
Wesley Barton I don't like that your score stops as soon as you don't follow the rules, what's the point of even finishing the game if you get knocked out in the first round... | |
Fiona T I think it's a lesson in reading carefully ... | |
Dave Kempshall In this round, that is why the rule was in place to play cautious and if you couldn't find a certain 7, you had the option not to risk it. It's just an alternate scoring tournament Wesley. | |
Wesley Barton I just want there to be a reason not to scratch all the rounds, and I don't have one | |
Dave Kempshall There are some at various points, such as bonus points still being earnable after your game scoring has finished. | |
Wesley Barton I understand that Dave, but after the first round I realised that I had misunderstood the rules and now I'm guaranteed zero, and in this case the only reason why someone would declare a word of 6 or less is if they hadn't understood | |
Dave Kempshall And there is a reason not to scratch all of the rounds, because the whole point of the scoring is try not to scratch any rounds. | |
Wesley Barton Also, it isn't clear that the bonuses still matter after you've lost the game as in previous rounds this was not the case | |
Wesley Barton I don't see that way of thinking at all, if I can't get any more points what's the point in playing | |
Dave Kempshall If I've worded it badly, then apologies. It does seem like an isolated case though with others who've played seeming to get the rules and trying to follow them. All others who didn't make it through the game lost becuase they decided to risk a dodgy 7+ word and it proved invalid. | |
Fiona T It is frustrating when you've misunderstood the rules - see my whinge on round 1 where I hadn't twigged it was touchdown, but I realised it was my error - I think lots of us have made mistakes in the different rounds - I do accept Dave can't just say "never mind, have another crack" (and I also realised I should never have asked!). Not sure what the answer is - mebbe just to discount rounds that break the rules in the future, but that is massive work for the tournament organiser! | |
Wesley Barton Yeah I know that, and I never play in these tournaments expecting to do well, but it's just frustrating especially in these tournaments with extraneous rules, and doubly so in this instance. It isn't 'playing cautious' by not declaring unless you have a risky 7+ that you don't want to punt on. If you declare a 6 or less, all that's doing is ending your game and shows that you didn't understand the rules. All it comes down to is understanding the rules and it nixes your score. | |
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Wesley Barton And now after I've got myself worked up, I don't even know if I can bring myself to attempt the 4th game. | |
Fiona T Aw I sympathise, but I think the rules are clear - you mustn't declare anything shorter than 7. Sleep on it :) | |
Dave Kempshall Wesley - I'll try and make the rules clearer in future. This is my first stab at a tournament with alternate scoring and there have been some loopholes on some of the rules. I plan to do it again, so hopefully it'll be finessed in future. The intention was also to be a just a bit of fun, a different angle on a tournament and one that potentially levelled the playing field a bit to give people who rarely do well at tournaments the chance to challenge. | |
Wesley Barton I was having a bad day and probably took it out here, if I could delete them now I would. | |
Dave Kempshall No worries Wesley. I understand the frustration. Hope today's been better :) |
Notes from the organizer: A simpler round here and one that has an element of luck of the draw involved.
The goal here is not to dip below declaring valid words of 7 letters of more. Any declaration of 6 and below or an invalid declaration ends your game. The slight twist is that if you decide you can’t find a 7 letter word, you can continue your scoring by not declaring a word at all (essentially playing cautious and skipping a round).
So if in doubt, keep your fingers away from the keyboard.
Two bonuses are on offer here:
1. Declaring RELATION(S), AGOUTIS or GOURAMI(S) (1 tournament point for each)
2. Declaring 8+ words in 4 consecutive rounds (2 tournament points)
Again, highest 10 game scores all score tournament points - 1st = 10, 2nd = 9 etc.
Ran from: 10 – 18 December 2023. Format: Letters Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 34. Completed: 34.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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