Dave Kempshall Tournament tracker - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rrnBp8HEPf_j9e5d0gNVPsHP4iI324_b/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109908957985244915222&rtpof=true&sd=true | |
Dave Kempshall Just to be clear. Once you fail to meet the criteria, your game scoring ends, same with other rounds. | |
Andy SC I assume in this round invalids are fine as long as they follow CVCV or VCVC format | |
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Dave Kempshall Andy - all words need to be valid. Invalids would just make it incredibly easy as you could just make anything up. | |
Dave Kempshall The do stipulate that you need to keep the to follow the format of declaring words VCVCV or CVCVC. Invalids, by their very nature fail to meet the criteria of being words. | |
Andy SC No problem, Dave. I did read the rules vaguely before playing the game but then read them again after declaring an invalid but didn't directly see a reference to invalid words in the notes so thought I better still play on just in case you were being generous. | |
Dave Kempshall Everyone has played all their R1-4 now aside from Mich, so I've tentatively totted up the scores (may change if Mich plays his games today). It's at the top with Matthew and Dave level pegging on 35 pts and Adam just behind on 32. R5 will go live tonight. Full scores here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rrnBp8HEPf_j9e5d0gNVPsHP4iI324_b/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109908957985244915222&rtpof=true&sd=true | |
Dave Kempshall Everyone has played all their R1-4 now aside from Mich, so I've tentatively totted up the scores (may change if Mich plays his games today). It's tight at the top with Matthew and Dave level pegging on 35 pts and Adam just behind on 32. R5 will go live tonight. Full scores here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rrnBp8HEPf_j9e5d0gNVPsHP4iI324_b/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109908957985244915222&rtpof=true&sd=true |
Notes from the organizer: This round is all about alternating vowels and consonants in your words.
Every word you declare should follow a sequence of VCVCV… or CVCVC. Declaring a word that doesn’t follow this format will end your scoring. Words of 1, 2 or 3 letters will also end your scoring, so it’s a 4 letter word minimum people.
Tournament bonus points are on offer again:
1. Anyone who successfully declares 10 words beginning with a vowel and ten with a consonant. This can be achieved even after game scoring has finished, so if you fail to follow the rules, keep going as there is still a chance to score points. (2 tournament points)
2. Anyone that uses ten different consonants in words that begin with a consonant. This only applies to words declared whilst your game scoring is still active. (2 tournament points)
Example game:
10. EVER
11. IRIS
12. ORAL
13. AGA
14. HOBO
17. OPEN
18. ORE
19. IRE
20. ANAL
Game score: 92
10 x words beginning with vowels and consonants = 2 tournament points
10 x different consonant leading words = 2 tournament points
Ran from: 10 – 18 December 2023. Format: Goat Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 34. Completed: 34.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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