Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness BFHJKQVWXYZ <3

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Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Bello! I'm pretty sure B is only worth 3 points.

Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness Was hoping to catch a few people out with that...

Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness Potential similar issue to the Alphabetti Spaghetti comp - I've played 19 valid F words and one with a phantom letter.

Bonus or no bonus!

(It's Chrismas)

Chris Hare

Chris Hare The BTP only cares about the letter that you scored the most points with. In theory, one could declare XYLOPHONE in R1, blank all the rest, and still get the point.

Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness Woo! But you'd also like to think they still retain a slight interest in the safety of those travelling at this time of year as well.

Thanks Chris.

Tourney round: The Twelve Games of Chris-mas: Vol. II: The Re-Chris-ening: Game One

<< Sign-Up Page | Game Two >>

Notes from the organizer: What's this familiarly-shaped object wrapped in festive paper and inserted into your sock with more enthusiasm than elegance? Why, it's Game One, of course!

Your aim for this game is to score the most points with words that begin with the same letter. The letter you choose is up to you. If you declare words that begin with at least two different letters, I'll use the initial letter that scores the most points across the game as a whole. For example, if you declare XYLOPHONE in Round 1, then decide that, actually, you've been a bit ambitious there, you can use a different letter for Round 2 and onwards. The first tie-break criterion, if required, will be most maxes; the second will be longest shortest word. Any further ties will be resolved at my sole discretion.

After the rampant success (Ed: fact-check this?) of BONUS TOURNAMENT POINTS (BTPs) last year, they're back again. BTPs are added to your overall Tournament Points, not to your game score.

The BONUS TOURNAMENT POINT for this round will be awarded to any player whose scoring initial letter is worth 4 (FOUR) points or more in standard English-language Scrabble.

Here's an example: Janet declares a valid word beginning with S in every round and has the highest overall score. She scores 7 Tournament Points for being the winner of the round. Wilberforce has the next highest score so he scores 5 Tournament Points for second place, but all his words began with W, so he gets a Bonus Tournament Point for using W as his letter, taking him to a total of 6 Tournament Points for the round.

If you have any questions about the rules, scoring, or anything else pertaining to this tourney, please feel free to ask.

Here is a spreadsheet:

Ran from: 16 December 2023 – 1 January 2024. Format: Hypertouch Letters Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Chris Hare.

Fixtures: 37. Completed: 37.

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