Adam Dexter

Adam Dexter Just seeking some clarification on the scoring bit. So - my cons are not in strict order (I tried, honest). Does that mean that you go from my R1 word (GOOFILY) and count all the ones in correct order from there and after?

Chris Hare

Chris Hare I'll compare every conundrum to the first one, throw out any that aren't in order relative to it, then move on to the second one that I haven't thrown out, compare what's left to that, and so on. (In your game, for example, I'll throw away DAYTIME on the first pass.)

Eoin Jackson

Eoin Jackson In the case of tied con times, are we in luck?

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Chris Hare

Chris Hare Alas, no. (The rules do say 'strictly increasing'.)

Eoin Jackson

Eoin Jackson Well that's ok, I can guarantee you that the ones tied that are later in the alphabet were solved marginally later if we go to the 2nd unpublished figure after the decimal point.

I assume that will be taken on trust?! 😇

Chris Hare

Chris Hare I assume that was rhetorical, but just in case:

"Times will be taken as whatever the game summary says happened."

Maria Chandler

Maria Chandler This has to be one of my favourite rounds. Thanks for organising Chris. Such fun.

Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness Cruelly given BLAZING in the penultimate round, a couple of rounds after BLARING.


Tourney round: The Twelve Games of Chris-mas: Vol. II: The Re-Chris-ening: Game Two

<< Game One | Game Three >>

Notes from the organizer: I'm making a list, and checking it twice. And then three more times, cross-referencing it with other lists and putting all the results in a spreadsheet. Yes, I made the same joke last iteration, but if you're not keen on reheating leftovers, endless repeats and hoary old chestnuts then you're in the wrong time of the year.

Game Two is a Junior Conundrum Attack. Your task is to solve the most conundrums in such a way that, sorting the solutions alphabetically, the times taken to solve them are strictly increasing. Times will be taken as whatever the game summary says happened. The winner is the player who solves the most conundrums in this way. If you don't solve a conundrum (either by not buzzing or buzzing incorrectly), that conundrum will be ignored for these purposes. In the event of a tie, the player with the smaller (or smallest) time range will win. Any further ties will be resolved at my sole discretion.


If, when your conundrums are sorted alphabetically, some are out of time order, I'll give preference to whichever conundrum you solved first. So, for example, if you solve ABYSMAL in Round 1 in 25s, every subsequent conundrum that follows ABYSMAL alphabetically must be solved in more than 25s in order for it to count towards your score for the round. This is a change from last year's Game Four, and has been made purely to make my life easier.

The BONUS TOURNAMENT POINT for this round will be awarded to any player who does not incorrectly solve any conundrum (i.e. for each conundrum, either solves correctly or does not buzz in at all).

If you have any questions about the rules, scoring, or anything else pertaining to this tourney, please feel free to ask.

Here is a spreadsheet:

Ran from: 16 December 2023 – 1 January 2024. Format: Junior Conundrum Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Chris Hare.

Fixtures: 37. Completed: 37.

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