Matty Artell

Matty Artell I think this is my favourite apto tourney round ever

Tourney round: The Twelve Games of Chris-mas: Vol. II: The Re-Chris-ening: Game Four

<< Game Three | Game Five >>

Notes from the organizer: Let us all take a moment to reflect on the profound spiritual message of the season, communicated through the timeless art of poetry.

'High Seas Bureaucracy'

If there are any pirates
In a mood 'cos of quotas
Go look at a veranda
And have a tug.

Stu Harkness (2022)

Words to live by.

For Game Four, I'd like you to write me a poem using a Touchdown Jnr Letters Attack. Your poem must be composed of valid declarations, read in order from Round 1 to Round 20, and must use all the rounds in between. Poems will be judged entirely subjectively by me, so there won't be any ties. If you would like to give your poem a title, please do so in the comment section on your game's page.

The BONUS TOURNAMENT POINT will be awarded to any player who achieves at least four maxes during the game.

If you have any questions about the rules, scoring, or anything else pertaining to this tourney, please feel free to ask.

Here is a spreadsheet:

Ran from: 16 December 2023 – 1 January 2024. Format: Touchdown Jnr Letters Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Chris Hare.

Fixtures: 37. Completed: 37.

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