Chris Hare

Chris Hare Apparently I've enabled draws for this round. Whoops.

Because I'm a stickler for rules-as-written, I think I have to give the participation point for a draw. Any objections?

Elizabeth Beer

Elizabeth Beer Rules say beat Nude, and clearly that if you need a 16th round to do so, you didn’t achieve the goal

Chris Hare

Chris Hare The rules state "[i]f Nude beats you, you'll score nothing at all for this round"; if the game was a draw, that condition hasn't been met, so a participation point should be awarded. Equally, a draw isn't a win, so it'll rank below anyone who does beat Nude.

Elizabeth Beer

Elizabeth Beer Ok, so the wording never made sense, then, because it says that if you win a15+TB you failed. Now the TB con doesn’t turn up, I don’t see that that changes things, but whatevs.

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Elliott Mellor

Elliott Mellor I do think Elizabeth's interpretation is more faithful to the typed rules (someone drawing means a tb would have been played, which is a lose/lose situation by the rules). It's not as though there is a scenario where you could win within the rules if you're tied after 15 rounds.

Maria Chandler

Maria Chandler Reminder to read the rules...

Anthony Endsor

Anthony Endsor Presumably in the case of numbers rounds where you fail to max, you would be relying on Nude not to outscore you so you could declare your non-maxed version for the bonus? I'm guessing simply having a solution but being unable to prove it would rule out any possibility o the BTP.

Chris Hare

Chris Hare Raw scoring for numbers is a thing now, so you should be able to declare a within-10 solution and get credit for it even if Nude maxes the round.

Anthony Endsor

Anthony Endsor Oh yes of course. Sorry I forgot about that change.

Tourney round: The Twelve Games of Chris-mas: Vol. II: The Re-Chris-ening: Game Eight

<< Game Seven | Game Nine >>

Notes from the organizer: We should all remember to recycle as much as possible, so it's time for a round copied and pasted from last year.

For this game, I'd like you to beat Apterous Nude in an ordinary, standard, common-or-garden 15-Rounder by scoring in as few rounds as possible. Fewest scoring rounds wins. In the event that players are tied for number of scoring rounds, preference will be given to the player with the lowest margin of victory. If Nude beats you, you'll score nothing at all for this round, unless you qualify for the BTP. If you win your game after a tie-break conundrum, I'll consider that a failure to beat Nude (because you've won a 15-Rounder + TB, not a 15-Rounder).

The BONUS TOURNAMENT POINT for this game will be awarded to any player who fails to max any round (including the conundrum), but offers valid declarations/solutions in all of them (except the conundrum).

If you have any questions about the rules, scoring, or anything else pertaining to this tourney, please feel free to ask.

Here is a spreadsheet:

Ran from: 16 December 2023 – 1 January 2024. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Chris Hare.

Fixtures: 37. Completed: 37.

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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