Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness My first non-read of the rules ooops.


Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall Two days to play the final game and we now have a three-horse race between Mike (41) and Matthew and Dave (35, but yet to play).

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall In a tight tournament with individual round wins for Matthew T x 2, Dave R, Adam L & Florence C-L - it is Matthew who takes the crown of ‘Pasta of the Universe’ and the prize of a four-pack of Alphabetti Spaghetti (send me your address Matthew and it will be delivered in due course).

Special mentions for Mike L, Dave R, Adam L and Fiona T who finished 2nd-5th respectively. Mike proved himself to be a cunning lingu-ine-ist by leading the bonus point scoring with an impressive 16 in total.

Thanks for taking part everyone. I’ll refine and return with a 2024 edition next year.

Steven Oldham

Steven Oldham Top half finish :) Thanks Dave

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Cheers Dave, really enjoyed the challenges here and even got a new LA PB out of it!

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Fi Thorne

Fi Thorne Really fun tournament, thanks Dave!

Mark O'Regan

Mark O'Regan Excellent tournament Dave - very enjoyable challenges and did better than I do in most tourneys!

Brendan Whitehurst

Brendan Whitehurst Thanks Dave. Nice fun tournament. :)

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns D'oh missed the deadline :(( Thanks though, really enjoyed the tough challenges & the originality of the rounds!!

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall Yes, it was a shame. I did leave it open for about 18 hours after deadline as it was a close battle. Glad you enjoyed it.

Tourney round: Alphabetti Spaghetti (Lite): Round 5: Same Is The Game

<< Round 1: A, B, C, D....

Notes from the organizer: It’s The Final Countdown! Well, the final Countdown of this tournament anyway.

Thanks for playing. It’s tight up top with a few people in the mix for the title of ‘Pasta of the Universe’.

The top 5 are as follows - Dave and Matthew lead on 35 points, but both Adam and Mike are well in the mix and Stu could make a late palindrome fuelled push with a kind letter drop…

=1. Matthew Tassier 35
=1. Dave Robjohns 35
3. Adam Latchford 32
4. Mike Lee 29
5. Stu Harkness 23

Full tournament standings -

So it’s all to play for - this final round may see some lower game scores as the aim is to declare words that begin and end with the same letter. NUN is good, as is DEBATED. RAINING is bad, as is BAD (GOOD is also bad).

Your game score will continue on until you declare a word failing to meet this criteria, declare an invalid word or fail to declare a word at all. A minimum word length of 3 is in place, so declarations of A or AA or any 1, 2 letter word will also end your scoring (but you can still pick up bonus points, see below).

Bonus points on offer again:

- Declare valid words meeting the criteria above that use at least 12 different letters of the alphabet - only valid whilst your game scoring is still active (2 tournament points).
- Declare a valid palindrome of 5 or more letters - valid even after your game scoring has ended (1 tournament point per palindrome so a full house of 5+ letter palindromes in every round would accrue 20 bonus tournament points).

Example game:

POOP (palindrome, but only 4 letters = 0 bonus point)
CIVIC (1 x palindrome tournament point)
ROTOR (1 x palindrome tournament point)
PUP (no palindrome bonus as the word is only 3 letters long, not 5+)
IN (game scoring ends as you dipped below 3 letter words)
RADAR (1 x palindrome bonus point)

Game score = 57
Palindrome Bonuses = x 3
12 different letter used = FAILED

As always, the top 10 game scores will score tournament points on a step-down basis.

Good luck!

Ran from: 19 – 22 December 2023. Format: Touchdown Letters Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Kempshall.

Fixtures: 30. Completed: 30.

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