Dave Kempshall Tournament tracker - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rrnBp8HEPf_j9e5d0gNVPsHP4iI324_b/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109908957985244915222&rtpof=true&sd=true | |
Archie T R Oh my god I completely forgot it was in alphabetical order | |
Archie T R Can I leave the tournament please? | |
Dave Kempshall I can remove you if you want Archie, but there's time to bounce back :) | |
Dave Kempshall To be clear, the criteria needs to be met from round 1 onwards. Failure to score in round 1 means your game score is 0. | |
Fi Thorne Hi, this didn't happen as I played it safe, but for the benefit of other players and rounds... if you declare an incorrect word for say letter C, would you need to stick with C in the next round to get a correct word, or would you move on to D? | |
Dave Kempshall If you declare an incorrect word, the rest of the game doesn't matter as your scoring has ended as soon as you break the sequence. Good scoring Fiona :) | |
Archie T R lol I blatantly did it up to round 4, there's no coming back in my opinion! | |
Maria Chandler I had a complete brain fart in round 7 - doh! | |
Tom Cappleman Not as bad as my round 4, where I forgot what I'd just done and went for the same letter again | |
Maria Chandler Oh no Tom! | |
Show all comments | |
Andy SC I was getting it right until I used a phantom letter | |
Ian Volante Like Þ or something? | |
Matty Artell Q and X are both valid in English and therefore available in every touch round for cheesy tournament points. Is this allowed? | |
Dave Kempshall It is yes, that was an oversight by me :) | |
Dan Spinks sssshhhh Matty, don't let everyone know my tactics |
Notes from the organizer: * Ignore the other round 1. This is the new round one as Bradley pointed out a weakness in using Goatdown, so now switched to Touchdown.
In this round the challenge is to continue to declare words round-by-round that begin with letters that sequence through the alphabet. You can start at any point in the alphabet but must then follow the letter sequence.
For example, if you start with RELATION, then round two will need a word beginning with S, round 3 T, round 4 U and so on. If a player reaches Z, then they need to return to A to keep their sequence going.
If you fail to keep the sequence going, your game scoring ends.
Because there is an element of luck involved with the letters Q and X, players are allowed to skip these letter and go straight onto R and Y respectively, however tournament bonus points will be on offer as well and relate to these two letters.
1. Anyone that does use the Q (2 tournament bonus points)
2. Anyone that does use the X (2 tournament bonus points)
The top 10 highest scoring players will each be awarded tournament points, with 1st getting 10 points, 2nd getting 9 and so on.
Example game
RANGERS (Skips Q, but loses bonus point)
WORDSMITH (Game scoring ends with score up to and including rangers counting)
* All remaining rounds don’t count towards score
Game score: 74
Bonus points: 0 as the player skipped the Q word.
Tournament Points: ? (Depends on where they rank against other players and whether they finish in top 10 game scores)
Ran from: 10 – 18 December 2023. Format: Touchdown Letters Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 34. Completed: 34.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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