Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness qUite a nUmber of folk not reading the rUles...

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall Yeah, think we have 5 so far. Not sure how much clearer I could have made it though.

Colin Thompson

Colin Thompson Now that I see this, can confirm I did read them and absolutely forgot about them :D

Sean D

Sean D I threw my clubs in the lake after a couple of triple bogeys

Tourney round: APGA Tour 2024: 3. Mexico Open: Round 1

<< 2. WM Phoenix Open: Round 2 | APGA Tour 2024: 3. Mexico Open: Round 2 >>


That’s two events under our belt meaning the rankings are beginning to take shape. Here’s a summary of the top 5 so far…

1. Dave Robjohns
2. Tom Cappleman
3. Adam Latchford
4. Tom Carey
5. Dan Byrom

Full rankings and tour info can be found here -

Next up, we’re off to Vidanta Vallarta in Mexico and another Tier 1 event before the tour ramps up.

Played across two rounds, it features the first rules twist of the season.

Round 1 is a Touchdown 15 versus Prune, but in the letters rounds, only words containing the letter U will count towards your total.

Round 2 will have a similar twist in scoring, so be sure to read those rules properly when they’re posted.

Round 1 and 2 total scores (adhering to the rules) will be added together to determine your overall score.

As always, no need to sign-up if you're already playing on the tour. Any new sign-ups will join the full season-long tour.

Good luck!

Ran from: 19 – 21 February 2024. Format: Touchdown 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Kempshall.

Fixtures: 39. Completed: 39.

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