Notes from the organizer: After tough Round 1 conditions, Martin heads the field with 119. Liam, Dave, Florence, Adam and Tom are all hot on his heels though with many others still in the mix. Will we have a new winner in our third event? * Four people were still to play their opening round at the time of writing.
Full standing -
We are Touchdowning again with another 15-Rounder versus Prune. The rules twist this time is that only valid words featuring a double consecutive letter will count towards your total (i.e. MATTER)
Players can also double or triple up by declaring a word that contains multiple double consecutive letters.
Two double words (i.e. BUCCANEER) will receive double score for that round. If you can squeeze in three (i.e. KEENNESS) you’ll receive triple score for that round.
As far as I’m there isn’t a 9 letter word that squeezes in four double letters (FYI - POWWOW or any other double double U will not count as four double letters :))
Reminder that the highest total game score from Round 1 & 2 wins. Any ties will be decided by the highest score in 2, then most maxes in round 2, then maxes in round 1.
Good luck!
Ran from: 22 – 25 February 2024. Format: Touchdown 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 42. Completed: 39.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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