Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns A few days left to play your games in S29!

There will then be a one week hiatus before S30 begins on 4th July as I'm very busy all week irl and with aptolympics on top

Darren Godfrey

Darren Godfrey I've games outstanding against John, Toby, Wesley and Adrian. I should be on most evenings this week if you want to get these played. Cheers

Tourney round: AptoLeague: S29 Division 3

<< S29 Division 2 | S29 Division 4 >>

Notes from the organizer: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19XaQmSHMqc2RC3o32LKVUd6kT-E7B4HopMeAPwZHIdI/edit#gid=188711070

Ran from: 19 May – 26 June 2024. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Robjohns.

Fixtures: 78. Completed: 61.

Results and fixtures

Player 1Player 2Status
Brett DavidsAdrian FletcherUnplayed
Adrian FletcherColin Thompson117 – 96
Brett DavidsColin Thompson112 – 62
Darren GodfreyAdrian Fletcher94 – 87
Brett DavidsDarren Godfrey51 – 110
Darren GodfreyColin Thompson109 – 75
Dave KempshallAdrian Fletcher77 – 55
Brett DavidsDave Kempshall109 – 75
Dave KempshallColin Thompson114 – 124
Dave KempshallDarren Godfrey99 – 110
Eoin JacksonAdrian Fletcher73 – 79
Eoin JacksonBrett DavidsUnplayed
Eoin JacksonColin Thompson79 – 83
Eoin JacksonDarren Godfrey76 – 123
Eoin JacksonDave Kempshall96 – 105
Fiona TAdrian Fletcher94 – 60
Brett DavidsFiona T79 – 82
Fiona TColin Thompson106 – 63
Fiona TDarren Godfrey101 – 137
Fiona TDave Kempshall107 – 96
Eoin JacksonFiona T40 – 103
Ian WrayAdrian Fletcher90 – 100
Brett DavidsIan Wray98 – 102
Ian WrayColin Thompson95 – 96
Ian WrayDarren Godfrey59 – 125
Ian WrayDave Kempshall92 – 95
Eoin JacksonIan Wray84 – 118
Ian WrayFiona T78 – 67
John AzizAdrian Fletcher124 – 72
John AzizBrett Davids92 – 75
John AzizColin Thompson74 – 114
John AzizDarren Godfrey101 – 116
John AzizDave Kempshall98 – 82
Eoin JacksonJohn Aziz98 – 96
John AzizFiona T111 – 104
John AzizIan Wray100 – 86
John GeorgeAdrian FletcherUnplayed
Brett DavidsJohn George94 – 84
John GeorgeColin Thompson77 – 94
Darren GodfreyJohn George108 – 95
Dave KempshallJohn George85 – 81
Eoin JacksonJohn George92 – 96
Fiona TJohn George111 – 104
Ian WrayJohn George92 – 102
John AzizJohn George90 – 89
M S RAdrian Fletcher89 – 75
Brett DavidsM S R87 – 74
M S RColin Thompson92 – 76
M S RDarren Godfrey92 – 104
M S RDave Kempshall83 – 67
Eoin JacksonM S RUnplayed
Fiona TM S R112 – 95
Ian WrayM S R75 – 83
John AzizM S R115 – 81
M S RJohn George98 – 72
Adrian FletcherToby ByfieldUnplayed
Brett DavidsToby ByfieldUnplayed
Colin ThompsonToby ByfieldUnplayed
Darren GodfreyToby ByfieldUnplayed
Dave KempshallToby ByfieldUnplayed
Eoin JacksonToby ByfieldUnplayed
Fiona TToby Byfield82 – 122
Ian WrayToby ByfieldUnplayed
John AzizToby Byfield106 – 83
John GeorgeToby ByfieldUnplayed
M S RToby ByfieldUnplayed
Wesley BartonAdrian FletcherUnplayed
Brett DavidsWesley Barton90 – 101
Wesley BartonColin Thompson83 – 86
Darren GodfreyWesley BartonUnplayed
Dave KempshallWesley Barton88 – 104
Eoin JacksonWesley Barton83 – 92
Fiona TWesley Barton83 – 72
Ian WrayWesley Barton82 – 106
John AzizWesley Barton100 – 84
Wesley BartonJohn George90 – 122
M S RWesley BartonUnplayed
Wesley BartonToby ByfieldUnplayed

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

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