Sarah  M

Sarah M can i withdraw from this for next season please? thank you

Sarah  M

Sarah M I will stay in the tourney now for next season if that's OK?

Sarah  M

Sarah M sorry but I will need withdraw for next season now, i'm not good enough and i will waste peoples time if i go up to the next divison

Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness Tbf there's plenty games left for folk to overhaul your record!

Sarah  M

Sarah M Why does everyone hate me on this game? :(

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Just let me know definitively at the end of the season please :D

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns A few days left to play your games in S29!

There will then be a one week hiatus before S30 begins on 4th July as I'm very busy all week irl and with aptolympics on top

Elizabeth Beer

Elizabeth Beer It's a shame that people don't actually want to play their games against me, instead seeking whist I had accepted the game and playing somebody else. Similar happened yesterday. I don't think the points system works, becuae it can still be advantageous to swerve games, but appreciate I can't come up with a better idea

Sam Trapp

Sam Trapp i'm online tonight to play any remaining games, although for anyone above me there is no incentive to play! because i can only overtake you if i manage to win

Sam Trapp

Sam Trapp i get what you are saying elizabeth, anyone above me has no incentive to play. could we implement a system where people get docked points for not being available to play?

Sarah  M

Sarah M i completely agree with Elizabeth and Sam, i got promoted from division 5 but i think it was because people didn't play all their games and i don't feel i deserve the promotion, i'm actually hoping i don't get promoted again just because people are not playing their games.. i want to get promotion on merit because i've won most of of my games not on luck as people are not playing games,

Sam Trapp

Sam Trapp yeah i got promoted last season from division 5 having won 2 games out of 6 or something like that. totally undeserved. but playing in div 4 was a free hit for me and i dont mind finishing last. sarah you should play next season in div 3, you;ve won 4 games out of 9 and that's really good so clearly you aren't out of your depth in this division

Sarah  M

Sarah M yeah that is true, i was worried about being out my depth in division 3 if i get promoted but yeah i suppose its a free hit and no loss if I get come straight back down again.

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Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford I think this is a note on the whole tournaments for lower rated players thing. When they are produced and produced well (like in divisions) they aren't getting played out. I wanna try and think of a tournament that works well for lower rated players but also will have a high success rate of actually getting the games played

Sarah  M

Sarah M i had the idea of a tourney based on the EFL trophy but a couple of people didn't think it would work as you need 68 people to enter

Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford well i think we need to find something to motivate everyone to play, dave does a great job with divisions but its quite disheartening when loads don't get played and promotions are decided based on who could be bothered to play 70% of their games. I get people have lives but there's 6 weeks in this , so how to create a tournament to benefit everybody but actually get the games played is a tricky one

Jason C.

Jason C. Apologies to everyone for not being available this season. Been on the road for work for nearly three weeks, not really any down time.

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns I think as well it's generally true that a lot of the players in D4-6 are newer to the site, and while you may not feel ready to go up, getting promoted by playing a lot of your games shows you're pretty active here and likely improving and perhaps playing above your rating. Best way to improve as well is playing the tougher games. Now the league has been going for 30 seasons there are plenty of players now into PL/D2 who've had similar frustrations/doubts about their promotions from the lower divisions!

Tourney round: AptoLeague: S29 Division 4

<< S29 Division 3 | S29 Division 5 >>

Notes from the organizer:

Ran from: 19 May – 26 June 2024. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Robjohns.

Fixtures: 45. Completed: 32.

Results and fixtures

Player 1Player 2Status
James CElizabeth Beer70 – 67
Elizabeth BeerJason C.Unplayed
James CJason C.107 – 101
Jason TurnerElizabeth Beer64 – 70
Jason TurnerJames C75 – 70
Jason TurnerJason C.Unplayed
Elizabeth BeerMatt HynesUnplayed
James CMatt HynesUnplayed
Matt HynesJason C.Unplayed
Jason TurnerMatt HynesUnplayed
Elizabeth BeerMichael Nicholson95 – 87
James CMichael Nicholson99 – 56
Michael NicholsonJason C.79 – 93
Jason TurnerMichael Nicholson61 – 74
Michael NicholsonMatt Hynes81 – 76
Elizabeth BeerOwen CarrollUnplayed
James COwen CarrollUnplayed
Owen CarrollJason C.Unplayed
Jason TurnerOwen Carroll70 – 85
Owen CarrollMatt HynesUnplayed
Owen CarrollMichael NicholsonUnplayed
Sam ShepherdElizabeth Beer33 – 66
James CSam Shepherd67 – 91
Sam ShepherdJason C.Unplayed
Jason TurnerSam Shepherd49 – 88
Sam ShepherdMatt Hynes59 – 64
Sam ShepherdMichael Nicholson84 – 93
Sam ShepherdOwen Carroll85 – 100
Elizabeth BeerSam Trapp97 – 52
James CSam Trapp58 – 66
Jason C.Sam TrappUnplayed
Jason TurnerSam Trapp91 – 65
Matt HynesSam Trapp92 – 52
Michael NicholsonSam Trapp82 – 84
Owen CarrollSam Trapp107 – 87
Sam ShepherdSam Trapp79 – 77
Elizabeth BeerSarah M85 – 64
James CSarah M103 – 77
Jason C.Sarah M89 – 80
Jason TurnerSarah M78 – 86
Matt HynesSarah M67 – 111
Michael NicholsonSarah M76 – 75
Owen CarrollSarah M108 – 84
Sam ShepherdSarah M74 – 95
Sarah MSam Trapp107 – 57

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

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