Martin Thomas

Martin Thomas There is a spreadsheet at

Maria Chandler

Maria Chandler Thanks, Martin. FYI you have set up two games for me and Mark as well. I'll only play one ofc.

Mike Lee

Mike Lee Maria. You have to play both as the Team Leader.

Maria Chandler

Maria Chandler Oh I see. Already failing as not reading instructions. Tut tut. In my defence, I saw the games before I checked my aptomail. Please don’t fire me already.

Andy SC

Andy SC Just make a dictionary from grass or something and you should be fine.

Richard Decker

Richard Decker Out of interest, do we all get the same letters attack, or are there different selections for each person?

Fiona T

Fiona T There's currently no way of giving everyone the same selections - everyone gets a different game

Ravi Choudhary

Ravi Choudhary Out of curiosity, if a player doesn't play, will their score be counted as 0?

Matthew Brockwell

Matthew Brockwell Yes, as per the rules on the sign-up page.

Ravi Choudhary

Ravi Choudhary So it does, Matthew!

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Ravi Choudhary

Ravi Choudhary For 15V to win this task, Tom B needed to score at least 83 pts. He secured victory for the team with Design in round 19.

Andy SC

Andy SC When does an unplayed game count as scoring 0? Is it for any games not played before the deadline?

Martin Thomas

Martin Thomas Andy, I have just sent an aptomail to the team which I hope will answer your question.

Martin Thomas

Martin Thomas As the result of this task depended on a game that was played late I have decided that no-one will be fired this time.

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall Surely that in itself is a sackable offence Lord Sugar?

Tourney round: The Apprentice: Task 1 (Letters Attack)

<< The Boardroom | Task 2 (Junior 15) >>

Notes from the organizer: Your first task will be a standard Letters Attack against Prune.

The team-leader and two lowest scorers from the losing team will be invited to the Boardroom. Anyone tied for a lowest score will also be invited.

Good Luck!

Ran from: 23 February – 2 March 2025. Format: Letters Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Martin Thomas.

Fixtures: 33. Completed: 33.

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