Ravi Choudhary

Ravi Choudhary For Triple A+ to win this task, Matthew Tassier needed to score at least 68 points. He did so, getting Lined in Round 11.

Ravi Choudhary

Ravi Choudhary Even if Andrew Smith produced a max game, Matthew would still have won the task for Triple A+ - scoring at least 90 points by getting Amassed in the conundrum round.

Martin Thomas

Martin Thomas It was very close in the Boardroom but Maria didn't manage to get the conundrum that would have saved her.

Therefore, thank you for playing but

👉 Maria, you're fired!

Maria Chandler

Maria Chandler I thought it was the lowest scoring person in the boardroom? Did two get fired this round?

Dan Spinks

Dan Spinks You were the lowest scoring Maria. It was just you, me and Damian. The other games are from the previous task

Maria Chandler

Maria Chandler There was a boardroom round though?

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Maria Chandler

Maria Chandler Which only came up on my list of games today - very confused!!

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall In the Boardroom Maria, if you look at the notes for each game, only 3 people were contesting being fired for Task 2, the ones above are from Round 1. If you scroll through the round, it's the first one in this tournament.

Dan Spinks

Dan Spinks https://www.apterous.org/to_tourney.php?tourney=6235 the boardroom

Martin Thomas

Martin Thomas I am putting all the Boardroom games on the page that Dan gave the link for. There will be a note to show which task the game relates to and its deadline.

The best way to keep track of the Boardroom is to look at its tab on the spreadsheet as this will only show the current games.

Maria Chandler

Maria Chandler Thank you for the explanation! Clearly gutted to be out early in this fun tourney :) Thanks for organising Martin and gl to everyone in this tourney.

Tourney round: The Apprentice: Task 2 (Junior 15)

<< Task 1 (Letters Attack) | Task 3 (Lockdown NA) >>

Notes from the organizer: Your second task will be a Junior 15 Rounder against Prune.

The team-leader and two lowest scorers from the losing team will be invited to the Boardroom. Anyone tied for a lowest score will also be invited.

Good Luck!

The spreadsheet is at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IBD8UU-EavPloDosHEFoxkPQ1jRaV4c0sc0fGq-Gdw4/edit?usp=sharing

Ran from: 3 – 6 March 2025. Format: Junior 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Martin Thomas.

Fixtures: 35. Completed: 35.

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