![]() | Adam Latchford played that like the little biatch i am there - bring on everyone getting impossible targets |
![]() | David Holmes Well. It was certainly a moving day! |
![]() | Jon Stammers Mine didn't go too well but I didn't realise about this weird scoring system! I must say triple bogey for within 5 on 6s seems VERY harsh! |
![]() | Dave Kempshall Hey Jon - the scoring is designed to encourage different strategies and not have everyone simply going for 6S. Risk and reward. |
Notes from the organizer: We head into ‘moving day’ the day where some move into contention or others fall away. Matthew B holds the lead on -8 closely followed by serial winner Tom C on -7. Fiona T is also under par at -4 with Dave R and Martin T both level par. The Range Goats hold a healthy lead in the team standings, but that can change quickly.
Leaderboard here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Iudkg2m2syVhBSd6VNIp0NVSvt5eMoTP3D4DxVDgxQ8/edit?gid=861860937#gid=861860937&range=A1:BM1
After a letters-fest so far, we move to numbers with a Standard NA, again versus Prune.
To reflect the moving day pressure we have a slightly more complex scoring system, which should simulate the risk / reward strategy you often see in real golf.
Do you go all out hoping to solve 6S when the penalty for not solving exactly is heavy? Or do you plod along with 2L or 1L, safe in the knowledge that any 1 or 2 non-exact solves won’t destroy your round? Your choice may well be led by your currently position on the leaderboard…
6S - exact solve - Eagle
4L & 3L - exactly solve - Birdie
2L & 1L - exact solve - Par
2L & 1L - within five - Bogey
4L & 3L - within five - Double bogey
2L & 1L - within ten - Double bogey
6S - within five - Triple bogey
4L & 3L - within ten - Triple bogey
6S - within ten or no score in any selection - Quadruple bogey
Good luck.
Ran from: 25 – 29 March 2025. Format: Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.
Fixtures: 39. Completed: 39.
Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)
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