Ivan Dunt

Ivan Dunt Happy to be here on this list at last

Ian Volante

Ian Volante Erm, fail on the >200 rounds though!

Ivan Dunt

Ivan Dunt Perhaps, it is unclear

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison i will never ever get anywhere fucking near this list

Matt Hamer

Matt Hamer I think a +most disallowed words+ list would be interesting. I would be near the top of that, with all the pencil-mining and foreign language play I partake in.

Ivan Dunt

Ivan Dunt This is so pleasing

Karen Pearson

Karen Pearson I agree Matt B - I'd be in the same boat. Might be interesting to split it by language (just in case Charlie is sitting around wondering how to fill his time!).

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Charlie's said before he'd never do stuff like "most disallowed words" - yes they'd be some pencil miners and some foreign language people up there but other than that this sort of page just highlights the so-called 'bad' players, and that's an awful thing when it comes to encouraging newbies to keep playing.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Yep, what my secretary said ^

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison <3

(by the way i haven't been paid yet. please get someone on to it.)

Jim B

Jim B I'm handling Charlie's payroll atm Matt, just PM me your bank account details and mother's maiden name and I'll get it sorted.

Karen Pearson

Karen Pearson I really meant splitting the fewest disallowed list by language as I suspect my Spanish disalloweds is around 25% whereas I'm hoping my English disalloweds is a lot lower!

Karen Pearson

Karen Pearson But I should say 1.4% from Rich Priest is stunning!

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Well, that depends. It's pretty easy to get 0% if you're not worried about winning.

(BTW splitting by language is a good idea KP, I will do that.)

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Impressive, Marcus.

Tracey Mills

Tracey Mills I don't know how I am in the top 7!

Tracey Mills

Tracey Mills I don't know how I am in the top 7!

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Still incredibly neat and tidy, Marcus.

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares Unfortunately my average maxes per game is on the decline so while this may look good, my game is getting worse if anything... still nice to be top of the list for something though :)

Andy Platt

Andy Platt this list should be renamed Least Ballsy

Joyce Phillips

Joyce Phillips That's me!

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Good effort, Sarah!

Scheherazade Westphalia

Scheherazade Westphalia haha thanks, won't stay there long i'm sure!

David Barnard

David Barnard wow, over 32000 rounds for horace

Jon O'Neill

Jon O'Neill 207th of 238.. anyone reading this who is worse? 13% :(

Michelle N

Michelle N 236th, 22.8%. I like to make words up.

Jon O'Neill

Jon O'Neill Hahaha, amazin.

Kirk Bevins

Kirk Bevins Does this include goatdown then since that's English. That will explain the high percentages for some of you as you guess long words for pencils

Michelle N

Michelle N I'm a total pencil whore so hopefully that does explain it.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison 227th, 15.8%

Miriam Nussbaum

Miriam Nussbaum Or Omelette, for that matter? And does this also include "not in the selection" errors, or just non-words?

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Current top 2 are doing well to avoid declaring US spellings!

Jack Hurst

Jack Hurst Haha. Though they have gone to 2 & 3rd because of Steve.

Julie McCarthy

Julie McCarthy I thought Steve was American, or does he just live in the US? He certainly had time zone issues when we played tourney games.

Jack Hurst

Jack Hurst D'oh

Steve Balog

Steve Balog Thanks for jinxing it, guys

George Ford

George Ford 16%!!!!!!! I wish there was a leaderboard for the most disallowed

Andy Platt

Andy Platt wow da top 3 is all MOL playaz xx

George Ford

George Ford brb telin lee x x x

Adam Finlay

Adam Finlay 195 Players meet the eligibility... 195th... oh.

David Barnard

David Barnard lol go molerz, dis is lyk mental xx

Anthony Endsor

Anthony Endsor The molers stopping real talent from getting to the top :)

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares For some reason I don't mind that Aaron is at the top of this list ;)

Andy Platt

Andy Platt Marcus in 1st and 4th

Andy Platt

Andy Platt Ey, snap.

Adam Finlay

Adam Finlay Took you 11 seconds to post "Ey, snap" Personally, i'd say that wasn't snappy. ;)

Anthony Endsor

Anthony Endsor So technically, I'm joint 3rd :)

Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck ODE or ODO?

Ian Volante

Ian Volante Yep.

Anthony Endsor

Anthony Endsor A bit of both I think

Andy Platt

Andy Platt Marmalade sandwiches all round I think.

Anthony Endsor

Anthony Endsor :-)

Mark Mills

Mark Mills wow, at least I top of something...lol

Anthony Endsor

Anthony Endsor Congratulations Mark. Looks like I've been dethroned :)

Tracey Mills

Tracey Mills 8th !

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares I'm more impressed that you've played over 10,000 rounds in 3 months - that's mental!

Mark Mills

Mark Mills Thanks Anthony but you played a lot more rounds than me, Marcus, Tracey non stop practice forhger appearences on the show, i hardly seen her...lol

David Barnard

David Barnard Whatever works I suppose and it looks like it definitely has

Tracey Mills

Tracey Mills I need a life over 10,000 games !

Barry Bridger

Barry Bridger These are rounds, not games.

George Ford

George Ford Though you have played over 10,000 games anyway, Tracey!

Phyl Styles

Phyl Styles This is only 3 months' worth

Tracey Mills

Tracey Mills Rounds sorry Barry........but I need a
life !

Barry Bridger

Barry Bridger Apterous is your life!

Tracey Mills

Tracey Mills heh

Bradley Horrocks

Bradley Horrocks Under 10%, achievement unlocked!

Andy Platt

Andy Platt Robin M, master of validity

Mark Mills

Mark Mills Close second for me very surprised as I risk many :)

Bradley Horrocks

Bradley Horrocks They are clearly calculated risks Mark :)

Liam O

Liam O Does this include words disallowed because the letters weren't there or simply because the "word" wasn't a word? Does anybody know?

Graeme Cole

Graeme Cole It just says "disallowed", so I would assume that means disallowed for any reason.

Andy Platt

Andy Platt If it was just because the letters weren't there, the statistics would be a lot lower. I'd go with Graeme on this one.

Liam O

Liam O It actually also mentions ODE in the Page Title so I'd beg to differ. I would hope that it only counts non-words rather than misspellings or phantom letters.

Liam O

Liam O although :)

Graeme Cole

Graeme Cole How would it tell the difference between a non-word and a misspelled word, if it's not a phantom letter?

Liam O

Liam O If the word is valid but the letters aren't there then it would be disallowed but not ODE-wise. That's one discernment at least. It's not as clear cut as it may seem.

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Mark Mills

Mark Mills I never risking anymore words so I can stay top :) :) :)

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin I am 7 off the bottom here. Ah.

Mark Mills

Mark Mills Rhys I was top until I played to many risky words :)

Samuel Allan

Samuel Allan 238th/238.... Maybe I should stop trying so many risky words for hopeful pencils lol

Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford dipping under 10% shouldn't be an achievement but here we are

Major places

See also: list of all Statland pages.

Statland: Fewest disallowed English words

This table shows players with the lowest rate of disallowed words in English over the last 90 days. Players must have played at least 200 rounds in that time; 260 players meet the eligibility criterion.

1stMartyn Simpson1.4%499
2ndRoger Peak1.5%29,673
3rdGabriel Thallon1.7%6,534
4thRob Foster1.8%3,407
5thMike Lee1.9%7,755
6thAlan Lloyd2.0%866
7thBrendan Whitehurst2.3%7,117
8thFlorence C-L2.6%6,259
9thRyan Lam2.7%663
10thKeith Williams2.8%250
11thTracey Mills3.0%2,257
12thGraeme Cole3.1%605
13thAnthony Endsor3.2%5,420
14thHazel Drury3.3%2,741
15thMike Springett3.4%385
16thPatrick Thompson3.5%809
17thPaul James3.5%1,781
18thFi Thorne3.7%829
19thIan Linton3.8%4,439
20thAhmed M3.8%2,228
21stMark Murray3.9%845
22ndRoss Allatt3.9%1,917
23rdKane Oliver4.0%12,267
24thPaul W4.1%6,443
25thJim Goloboy4.1%5,670
26thSam Shepherd4.1%2,992
27thGerry Tynan4.1%2,448
28thStephen R4.1%4,644
29thChris Hare4.2%37,479
30thAnglo Italian4.2%714

Last updated: 2024-05-02 15:54:16 (8 hours, 41 minutes, and 14 seconds ago.)
Update time: 14 seconds.
Next update: 2024-05-03 15:54:16 (in 15 hours, 18 minutes, and 46 seconds.)

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