The 10 of Diamonds is awarded for completing a certain task in the Card Hunt. Total in circulation: 100.
This table shows the players who have collected the most 10s of Diamonds.
# | Player | |
1st | Damian Eadie | 15 |
2nd | Ben Wilson | 9 |
2nd | Innis Carson | 9 |
4th | Aaron Higgs | 5 |
4th | Jim B | 5 |
4th | Norm Ahmad | 5 |
7th | Chris Davies | 4 |
7th | Jack Hurst | 4 |
9th | David O'Donnell | 3 |
9th | Philip Jarvis | 3 |
11th | Matthew Tassier | 2 |
11th | Robert Shadwick | 2 |
11th | Peter Wolf | 2 |
11th | Kirk Bevins | 2 |
11th | Karen Pearson | 2 |
11th | Kai Laddiman | 2 |
11th | Henry Meier | 2 |
18th | Susan Morton | 1 |
18th | Simon Myers | 1 |
18th | Phil Makepeace | 1 |
18th | Paul Howe | 1 |
18th | Neil Zussman | 1 |
18th | Neil Taylor | 1 |
18th | Martin May | 1 |
18th | Marcus Hares | 1 |
18th | Lisa Thomson | 1 |
18th | Keith Williams | 1 |
18th | Julie Morgan | 1 |
18th | Julie McCarthy | 1 |
18th | John Gordon | 1 |
18th | Joe Denniss | 1 |
18th | James Hurrell | 1 |
18th | James Hall | 1 |
18th | Donald Gordon | 1 |
18th | Dale Levell | 1 |
18th | Chris Philpot | 1 |
18th | Charlie Reams | 1 |
18th | Andrew Hulme | 1 |
18th | Andrew Herbertson | 1 |
Statistics last updated about 58 days ago at 2024-12-01 16:40:04.
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