
Item : dog bone

The dog bone is awarded for having the best Top Dog score for a certain day. Total in circulation: 4,720.

This table shows the players who have collected the most dog bones.

#Playerdog bones
1stSean D214
2ndMatt OC209
3rdFiona T178
4thJack Slane174
5thJudith Young154
6thChas Maxwell122
7thLiam O107
8thTricia Lockhart101
9thKeith Williams97
10thJon Elmer85
11thAnan Nathan83
12thHeather Styles77
13thJason Turner71
14thEdward Ashcroft70
14thRahul Suresh70
16thAndrew Millman69
17thAlan O'Sullivan66
18thAlex H56
18thTony Atkins56
20thDave Noble51
20thDave Robjohns51
22ndIan Wray50
23rdJayne Wisniewski48
23rdPhyl Styles48
25thChris Hare42
25thJ Bartram42

Statistics last updated about 6 days ago at 2025-03-24 07:21:01.

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