5th April. As of yesterday, the best Top Dog performance in a given day will be given a dog bone and recorded in the new Boneyard archive. Happy dogging! (Thanks Matthew Tassier.)
7th April. All-time leaderboard for most 9s offered (thanks Matt Bayfield).
17th April. Everyone has now been opted-in to the new front page. You can opt out (again) if you don't like it. Either way, please vote or comment on the change to help us improve it.
18th April. Watchwords have been updated for the last few series. Some of these are getting a bit tenuous now.
19th April. You can now sign up for new tournaments in advance and without messing about with forums and such like. In fact there's one at the top of this page right now. Go on, I dare you.
19th April. There's now a tutorial for new users (or old ones, if you fancy a refresher). (Thanks Mark Deeks and everyone who encouraged me to get on with this.)
19th April. The Most Time Played leader board now shows your position even if you're not in the top 25. I'll do more things like this if the feedback is good.
Only the month's 10 most popular formats are shown.
Facts and Figures
This month, apterous gained 145 new users, taking us to 3,964 in total. A total of 351,837 rounds were played over 23,600 games.
The Duel was won by Innis Carson with 2562 points from 30 games. Second was Matt Hamer with 2362 points from 30 games, and third Chris Hare with 2348 points from 30 games.
This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.