Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Could see a change at top spot soon!

Major places

See also: list of all Statland pages.

Statland: Most Duel points

This table shows the total Duel points earned by the top players since the dawn of Aptotime.

1stMatt Hamer423,950
2ndChris Hare408,333
3rdTom Cappleman360,639
4thMatt OC329,559
5thStephen R322,840
6thMatthew Tassier321,427
7thRay Wilding310,452
8thIan Volante273,088
9thMarcus Hares262,735
10thJames Hurrell253,372
11thGraeme Cole251,860
12thGerry Tynan243,583
13thJohn Beresford232,898
14thTracey Mills224,846
15thMark Tournoff223,552
16thRobin M221,332
17thMatthew Brockwell210,900
18thMark Murray210,075
19thAmie Bateen209,373
20thTony Atkins197,719
21stJason Turner188,406
22ndRoss Allatt184,878
23rdJohn Gillies180,724
24thMartin Hurst175,102
25thJamie French174,879
26thJim B174,407
27thJonny D173,273
28thAnthony Endsor172,902
29thPhil Collinge172,660
30thAnglo Italian172,628

Last updated: 2025-03-28 15:14:05 (2 days, 6 hours, 2 minutes, and 9 seconds ago.)
Update time: 3 seconds.
Next update: Imminent.

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